175 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter S
Ashin Damika
Community Researcher
Ashin Damika is a kind, caring and talented teacher from Myanmar. Ashin loves to share his knowledge with others. He also teaches at local monastery.
BA : Law and literature
Teacher at Monastery
Authorship – 28
Researcher – 2
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175 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter S
175 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter S
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175 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter S
Common English Vocabulary Words that Start with S
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175 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter S
Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter S
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47 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter Q R
- 1 . A European in India = * sahib, (a title of respect used in India)
- 2 . A seaman = * (a) sailor; (sail = a stretched cloth used to catch wind and so drive a ship forward / to sail = to travel on the water)
- 3 . Title of a holy man or woman = * saint, (holy)
- 4 . An old seaman = * (an old) salt; (salt = the white powder commonly eaten with food)
- 5 . The really good people = * (the)salt(of the earth);
(Take it with a grain of salt = not believe it all) - 6 . A soldier who has to do with digging, making road and bridge, building fort, etc . = * sapper
- 7 . A follower of a great man = * satellite, (a small world moving round a larger one, eg . moon)
- 8 . A wise man = * savant
- 9 . One who saves = * savior; (Our Saviour = Jesus Christ / save = to take out of danger; to keep for future use; To save time = to prevent waste of time; A saving grace = some good quality which saves a person from being completely bad; savings = money put by for future use / save = except)
- 10 . A lazy useless fellow = scallywag, (scallawag)
- 11 . A lazy worthless fellow = * (a) scamp; (scamp = to do carelessly and in a hurry)
- 12 . One who is made to bear the blame for the wrong-doing of others = * scape-goat, (scapegoat)
- 13 . A worthless person = * scape-grace
- 14 . A very badly-dressed person = * scarecrow, (a wooden figure dressed in old clothes use to frighten birds / scare = to frighten)
- 15 . One who gathers up waste matter =
* scavenger, (a street-cleaner) - 16 . One who doubts = septic; (skeptical = doubtful)
- 17 . One who goes to school = * scholar, (one who studies; a learned person / school = a place in which the young are taught; any place of teaching; A school of painting = a particular kind of painting, as done in a particular place or country or by the follower of one man; A school of fish = a large group of fish / to school = to teach, to bring under control / scholarship = money given to a promising learner to enable him to go on learning / adj . scholastic / n . scholasticism)
- 18 . One who studies science = * scientist; (science = 1 . careful study, eg . of the nature of matter, of natural forces; 2 . a set of facts about these / scientific = having to do with science)
- 19 . A noisy ill tempered woman = * (a) scold; (scold = to blame, to find fault with)
- 20 . A very bad man = * scoundrel
- 21 . A person sent in front an army to get news of the enemy = * scout; (a member of the Boy Scouts / Boy Scouting = a way of training boys in character, helpfulness to others, and self-help by means of camp-life / to scout = to act as a scout; To scout round = to search / To scout an idea = refuse to consider)
- 22 . A man employed in the scullery = * scullion;
(scullery = a room in which plates, etc . , are washed) - 23 . One who cuts figures of men, etc . , in stone, wood or other materials = * sculptor; (sculpture = beautiful figures cut in stone, etc . ; this art)
- 24 . Bad, worthless people = * (the) scum (of the earth); (scum = the mass of dirt which collects on the top of boiling liquid)
- 25 . A low bad fellow = * (a)scurvy knave; (scurvy = a disease cause by lack of fresh fruit; A scurvy trick = a low dishonest trick)
- 26 . A man who works on a ship = * seaman; (seamanship = cleverness in guiding and controlling a ship / sea-sickness = illness caused by the movement of a ship / We are all at the sea on this subject = we do not understand–––)
- 27 . A needle-woman = * seamstress; (seam = the joining of two pieces of cloth; a part of a rock containing coal or metal / seamy, The seamy side of life = the low unpleasant side––-)
- 28 . Person paid by a Government to find the plans of an enemy = * The Secret Service; (secret = not to be made known to others; n . secrecy)
- 29 . A helper who writes letters and does duties for the employer = * secretary
- 30 . A group of person following one leader or holding a particular sat of opinions in religion, etc . = * sect; (sectarian = belonging to a certain small party; narrow-minded)
- 31 . One who sees and tells the future = * seer
- 32 . A needle-woman, eg . one who makes clothes = * sempstress, (seamstress)
- 33 . A member of a senate = * senator; (senate = the meeting of law-givers in ancient Rome; a meeting of persons for the government of a country; the meeting which controls a University)
- 34 . Mr. Sir (in Spain) = * senor; (senora = Mrs . , Madam / senorita = Miss)
- 35 . A soldier on guard = * sentinel, (sentry)
- 36 . An Indian soldier = * Sepoy
- 37 . One who is 70 years old = * septuagenarian
- 38 . A slave = * serf, (in ancient time a farmer who was not allowed to leave his land)
- 39 . A rank in the army, third from the bottom = * sergeant
- 40 . One who works for another for pay, especially one who works at house-work = * servant; (serve = 1 . to work for another; to help another; 2 . to bring or supply food to; 3 . to strike the ball to another person in a game, eg . tennis; 4 . To serve a notice = to give a person a printed paper according to law) / (A form of prayer and praise to God = [a church] service)
- 41 . The officer of government other than those in the fighting forces = * (the civil) service
- 42 . The Army and the Navy = * (the) Services; (Navy = king’s war-ship)
- 43 . A person who is behaving like a slave = * (a) servile(person)
- 44 . Those people who waste a lot of money and behave badly = * (the fast) set; (set = to put in a place; to put in the proper place on condition / Set phrases = words which everybody uses at certain times / a set = a group of collection / A set-to = a fight)
- 45 . One who makes a home in a distant country = * settler; (settle = 1 . to fix in one place; 2 . to decide, To settle a quarrel = to end––– / To settle a debt = to pay off; 3 . to come to rest, eg . A bird settled on the branch; They have settle in England = made a home in; 4 . to sink down, eg . The tea-leaves settled at the bottom of the pot; The earth has settled and become firm)
- 46 . One who has charge of a church-building and graveyard = * sexton
- 47 . The king of Persia = * Shah
- 48 . A dishonest man = * (a) sharper; (sharp = having a keen edge; a sharp = a small needle / A sharp pain = a quick, strong pain; Two O’clock sharp = exactly at 2 O’clock)
- 49 . The head of an Arab family or group = * sheik
- 50 . One who takes care of sheep = * shepherd
- 51 . The chief officer of the law in a particular part of the country = * sheriff
- 52 . The group of workmen who work at night =
* (the night) shift; (shift = to move; to cause to move / a shift = a trick; a shirt / shiftless = careless and foolish in business matters; shifty = tricky and deceiving) - 53 . One who steals things from a shop while pretending to buy = * shoplifter
- 54 . The man who walks about in a shop to see that all people are being served properly = * shop-walker; (shop = a room or building in which one buys things; a room in which there are machines; to shop = to go to the shop and buy; To talk shop = to talk about one’s own business)
- 55 . A bad-tempered, scolding woman = * shrew; (shrewd = of keen mind, sharp in business matters)
- 56 . (Sl . ) A deceiving person = * shyster
- 57 . One who write his name under an agreement = * signatory; (signature = a name written on a letter or paper)
- 58 . (in Italy) Mr . , Sir = * signor; (signora = Mrs . , Madam; signorina = Miss)
- 59 . A fool = * simpleton; (simple = plain, unmixed; not clever; a medicine made from one plant / simplicity = the condition of being simple / simply = in a plain way; simply terrible = very bad, as bad as possible)
- 60 . A title used in addressing a knight, or an older man than oneself = * Sir
- 61 . Chief of the army in Egypt = * sirdar, (an officer in the Indian army)
- 62 . Father = * sire, (old form of Sir / [of a horse or other animal] father)
- 63 . A girl born from the same father and mother as oneself = * sister, (the nurse in charge of a room in a hospital)
- 64 . A number of women joined together in a group for good works = * sisterhood
- 65 . One who is very careful of money = * skinflint; (flint = a very hard stone which can be struck to make fire)
- 66 . Very thin person = * skinny(person)
- 67 . The master or captain of a ship = * skipper;
(a student who fails to attend classes; skip = to jump a short distance; to swing a rope under the feet and jump over it; to pass quickly from one thing to another; to miss out parts in reading) - 68 . A nasty person = * skunk, (a small American animal with a very nasty smell)
- 69 . A lazy person who does not do his duty = * (a) slacker; (slack = not tight; lazy and careless / slack water = the time when the sea is not coming in or not going out / slacks = loose trousers)
- 70 . A woman who is careless and dirty in her dress, or in the house = * (a) slattern
- 71 . A too neat person = * (a) sleek(person); ([of hair] smooth, oily)
- 72 . A part owner of a business who does not do any work in the business = * sleeping partner; (sleep = to be in a state of complete rest–––as in bed at night / sleeper = a railway carriage with beds in it / sleepers = the wooden cross-pieces under railway lines)
- 73 . One who tries to discover who has done a bad deed and to catch wrong-doer = * sleuth-hound; (a detective / a dog which follows track of a man or beast by the smell)
- 74 . A lazy, dirty, careless person = * sloven; (slovenly = careless and lazy)
- 75 . A person who is slow in thought and action = * slowcoach; (slow = not fast, not clever, uninteresting; The clock is slow = behind the right time)
- 76 . A lazy person = * sluggard; (sluggish = slow moving, lazy)
- 77 . A dirty careless woman = * slut
- 78 . A worker in metal = * smith
- 79 . A worker in iron = * blacksmith, (a maker of horse-shoes)
- 80 . A single soldier who shoots from a hiding-place = * sniper
- 81 . One who has too respect for person of wealth and rank = * snob
- 82 . Some person whose name is not given = * so-and-so, (a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible)
- 83 . A special name given to a person = * sobriquet, (eg . Nosey = as a name for a person who has a long nose)
- 84 . Any group of men so living together = * society, (1 . a particular group joined together for some special purpose, eg . A scientific society; 2 . persons of wealth and high rank; 3 . the company of others, eg . To enjoy the society of one’s friend / society = the way in which men live together ordering their lives [pl . of life]according to law and custom, helping each other, and working together for common aims / sociology = the study of the nature and growth of human society)
- 85 . One who calls himself, eg . a soldier(but really is not one) = * (a) soi-disant (soldier); (soi-disant = self-styled, eg . The self-styled doctor has no degree of any kind)
- 86 . An evening gathering of people = * soiree, (a party of people assembled in the evening[usually at a private house] )
- 87 . A fighting man in the army = * soldier
- 88 . One who advises on law but does not appear in court = * solicitor; (solicit = invite, to ask for)
- 89 . One who walks in his sleep = * somnambulist; (somnambulism = sleep-walking / somnolent = sleepy)
- 90 . One who talks in his sleep = * somniloquist
- 91 . A male child = * son
- 92 . A singer = * songster
- 93 . One who tells the future = * soothsayer
- 94 . One whose reasoning is clever but not true [ = yet false ] = * sophist
- 95 . (Am . )A youth in his second year at a University = * sophomore
- 96 . One who can do things by magic = * sorcerer; (sorcery = the art of magic)
- 97 . One who always drinks too much strong drink = * sot, (a chronic drinker)
- 98 . The chief ruler = * sovereign; (adj . a sovereign state = a country which has full power to rule itself / sovereign = a piece of gold once used in English money / A sovereign remedy = a medicine which is sure to drive away all illness)
- 99 . A group of persons governing a town or piece of country in Russia who choose one of themselves to be member of the group which govern the whole country = * soviet
- 100 . A merry gentleman = * (a gay) spark; (spark = a very small piece of burning matter; a flesh made by electricity jumping from one wire to another / to spark = to give of spark / sparkle = to spark; to flesh like a jewel)
- 111 . One who has made particular study of one subject = * (a) specialist; (special = not general; not for general use; not the usual / a specialty, specialty = a thing which one does particularly well; one kind of goods for which a shop is well–known)
- 102 . One who looks on at a public show = * spectator
- 103 . One who wastes money = * spendthrift
- 104 . A strange person about whom little is known = * sphinx, (a creature with the head of a woman, body of a lion, and wings; a great stone image of this in Egypt)
- 105 . A person with long thin legs = * spindle–shanks; (spindle = the bar onto which the thread is rolled or twist in a machine used for spinning; a thin bar or pin upon which anything turns)
- 106 . A weak willed useless person = (a)spineless [person]; (spine = the back bone; any needle-like thing, eg . part of a plant or animal which pricks)
- 107 . An unmarried woman = * spinster
- 108 . One who believes that the souls of the dead can be made to appear to and send messages to the living = * spritualist; (spirit = the soul; a shadow–like form of a person supposed to be seen sometimes after death / spiritual = having to do with the soul / / spirit = strong drink / adj . spiritous)
- 109 . A hot–tempered person = * spitfire; (spit = to throw out [liquid] from the mouth; to make a noise as of spitting / / spit = a large pin or bar on which meat is cooked before a fire; a narrow piece of land standing out into the sea)
- 110 . A child treated too kindly and not taught to obey = * (a)spoil child; (spoil = to steal all that is valuable from a place; to damage and make useless / the spoils = things stolen, eg . by soldiers from a town)
- 111 . One who speaks for others = * spokesman; (spoke[s] = bars joining the outer part of a wheel to the center / To put a spoke in his wheel = to prevent him from carrying out his plan)
- 112 . One who promises to see that another fulfills his promises = * sponsor, (to be in favor of an idea and try to get the agreement of others)
- 113 . One who loves sport = * (a)sportsman
- 114 . One who plays honestly = * (a) sport; (sport = amusement; outdoor exercise; hunting, shooting, and fishing; He said it in sport = ––– to amuse, not meaning it; To make sport of = to cause people to laugh at; It is a sporting chance = not probable but just possible / sporting = having to do with sport, not angry at losing a game / sportive = playful)
- 115 . One who goes secretly to find out about enemy = * spy, (to watch secretly; to see at a distance / spy–glass = a glass used for seeing distant objects)
- 116 . A small party, [ eg . of soldiers] = * squad
- 117 . A group of 120–200 horse–soldiers = * squadron; (a number of war–ships acting together; a group of 12 army aeroplanes)
- 118 . A short thick–bodied person = * (a)squat [person]; (squat = to sit down on the heels / heel = back part of foot)
- 119 . (in Australia) A wealthy farmer = * squatter, (a person who settles on public land without having the right to do so)
- 120 . An American–Indian woman = * squaw
- 121 . A country gentleman = * squire; (the servant of a knight in old days; a man attending lovingly on a lady)
- 122 . Tittle of a very holy person = * St . , (eg . St . John / saint [snt] / / St . = street)
- 123 . A group of persons who help a leader = * staff, (eg . The staff of a school = all the teachers; The staff of the leader of an army = officers who help to draw up plans / to staff = to supply with helpers or workers)
- 124 . One who has long experience = * (an old) stager; (stage = 1 . the raised part of a hall or theater on which the performers stand; To go on the stage = to become an actor; 2 . a resting place on a journey; the distance between two resting–places; a certain point in growth or change, eg . At this stage of life; At an early stage in the history of India / to stage = to put a play on the stage / stage whisper = a very loud–––)
- 125 . Steady and serious person = * staid (person)
- 126 . A man of good rank, a man of good name = * (a man of good) standing; (stand = to be upright on; to sey upright on; I can’t stand it! = bear, suffer; It stands to reason = it is not necessary to explain that––– / To stand drinks = give drinks to; To stand by a person = to help and support / a stand = an ornamental base[ = bottom] on which things are set; rows of seats rising behind each other on which people sit to watch a game / stand–offish = proud and unwilling to be friendly)
- 127 . A writer accepted by all as good = * (a) standard author; (standard = a flag; a fixed weight, length, strength, etc . , to which things must be made equal; Not up to standard = not as good as is demanded by law or by agreement; a class of level of study in a school / standardize = to fix according to a standard so as to prevent change and variety [ = various–ness] )
- 128 . One skilled and learned in the art of government = * statesman
- 129 . One who sells stationery = * stationer; (stationery = writing materials, eg . paper, pen, etc . / / stationary = not meant to be move about, eg . a stationary engine; To remain stationary = to stay still)
- 130 . One who deals with statistics = * statistician; (statistics = facts shown by numbers)
- 131 . One who writes down speeches in a special quick kind of writing = * stenographer (One who does = – ster, [eg . gamester = one who plays games for money; gangster = a member of a group of law–breakers–––especially in America)
- 132 . The man in charge of loading and unloading a ship = * stevedore
- 133 . A man–servant on a ship = * steward, (the man in charge of the food and living arrangement in a large house; a person giving help at a public gathering)
- 134 . A woman–servant on a ship = * stewardess
- 135 . A person without imagination or interest in new ideas = * (a)stick–in–the–mud; (stick = a long thin piece of wood broken from a plant or tree; a long thin piece of anything / / stick = 1 . to push a pointed thing into; to put, eg . To stick out one’s tongue; 2 . to fix onto; 3 . to become fixed)
- 136 . One who is stiff in his opinions about unimportant matters = * stickler; (stiff = unbending; not easily moved; difficult; The wind stiffened = became stronger)
- 137 . A person who is too careful of money = * stingy [person], (ungenerous person)
- 138 . A person [or thing]at which all laugh = * (a laughing) stock
- 139 . One who sells shares in business company = * stock–broker; (Stock Exchange[stock–market] = a place where shares in business company are bought and sold / stock–in–trade = goods used in carrying on a business / to stock = to supply with goods, to keep a store of goods in a shop / stock = money lent to the Government, or in a business company)
- 140 . One who keeps cattle or sheep = * stock–farmer; (live stock = cattle / stock–whip = a whip[ = string fixed to a stick used for beating] for cattle / stock–yard = a place where animals are killed for meat)
- 141 . Short and strong man = * stocky(man)
- 142 . A person who accepts pleasure and pain equally calmly = * stoic
- 143 . A person employed to go with wrong–doer in order to find out their plans = * stool–pigeon; (stool = a small seat with no back; To pass a stool = to drive waste matter downwards out of the body / pigeon = a bird which has a wonderful power of finding its way home; also used for food)
- 144 . One who hides away on a ship to obtain a free passage = * stowaway, (one who hides on a ship so as to travel without paying)
- 145 . A foreigner = * stranger, (a person whom one does not know / strange = not one’s own; not well known; foreign; peculiar)
- 146 . Big and strong boy = * strapping [boy]; (strap = a leather band; any narrow band / to strap = to beat with a strap; to strap up = to put leather bands round a box or bag in order to close it)
- 147 . Woman who spins = * spinstress; (spin = make thread out of wool / wool = 1 . soft hair, eg . of sheep; 2 . any material which looks like wool, eg . cotton wool / –stress = a woman who does / / stress = to lay special weight on, to say with special force; difficulty, trouble; eg . Under stress of bad weather the ship had to return; Time of stress = of difficulty and danger)
- 148 . A boy, about 16 years old = * stripling
- 149 . Easily excited person = * [highly] strung [person]; (strung = p . t of string)
- 150 . One who studies = * student; (study = to work a subject in order to learn it / a subject to be learnt; a rough drawing or painting, or unfinished piece of music; the reading and writing room of one person; In a brown study = deep in thought and not noticing those around)
- 151 . An army officer of low rank = * subaltern, (a British commissioned army officer below the rank of captain)
- 152 . A person who works in place of some one else = * substitute; (a thing used in place of something else; to put a person or thing in place of another)
- 153 . One who takes over after another in office or employment = * successor; (succeed = to come after
/ to do what one has planned and wished to do, to win / n . success = things happening as planed or hoped / a succession [of person or thing] = one coming after another) - 154 . A person who is very easily deceived = * (a) sucker; (suck = to draw liquid in with the mouth / suckle = to give milk to the young from the breast / suction = the act of sucking)
- 155 . Woman who demanded the vote = * suffragettes; (suffragette = a woman advocate of women’s right to vote[especially a militant advocate in the United Kingdom at the beginning of the 20th century] / vote = right of electing persons to the Government / suffrage = the right to take part in electing a person to the Government)
- 156 . A group of servants = * suite; (a set of rooms; a set of tables, chairs, etc . , all of the same kind)
- 157 . One who is making love to a lady so as to get her in marriage = * suitor
- 158 . King = * Sultan, (eg . The Sultan of Turkey in 1914)
- 159 . Wife of a sultan = * Sultana; (a small yellow dried fruit used in cakes)
- 160 . A bright and happy person = * (a) sunny [person]; (sun = the large ball in the sky which gives the earth heat and light; any large central star)
- 161 . One who supervises or has charge and direction of = * supervisor; (a program that controls the execution of other programs)
- 162 . One who prays for a favor = * suppliant; (supplicate = to pray)
- 163 . One who promises to make sure that another pays his debt or does as ordered = * surety
- 164 . One who cuts away diseased parts of the body, sets right broken bones, etc . = * surgeon; (the Surgery = the room in which a doctor gives advice)
- 165 . A person suspected = * (a)suspect; (suspect = to have a general idea that––; to doubt; I suspect him = I believe that he is not honest, but have no proof; adj . suspect)
- 166 . King = * suzerain, (ruler)
- 167 . Thin and graceful woman = * svelte [woman]
- 168 . A lover = * swain
- 169 . A noisy rough fellow = * swashbuckler
- 170 . A man who cleans chimney = * (a)sweep; (a chimney–sweep; a sweep = the curved part of a road up to a house / sweep[p . t swept]1 . to brush; 2 . to move quickly; driving all before one[it], eg . The river sweeps by; The storm swept all before it; 3 . to search quickly and thoroughly, eg . Sweep the seas; He said sweeping statement = he said something which was too general and not wholly true, eg . All unemployed men are lazy)
- 171 . Dearly loved person = * sweetheart; (sweet = tasting of sugar; nice; gentle / the sweet = sweet tasting dish in a meal / sweets, a sweet = small piece of boiled sugar, chocolate, etc . , enjoyed by children)
- 172 . A person who loves eating sugar = * sweet–tooth
- 173 . (Sl . )A rich well–dressed person = * (a) swell; (swell = to become larger; to be blown out with air, gas or liquid; The river is swelling = has more water in it; [in music] to become louder; a swell [of the sea] large unbroken wavers)
- 174 . One given up to luxurious living = * sybarite, (a person who loves comfort and rich–living)
- 175 . One who tries to win favor by behaving in a slave–like way = * sycophant (A meeting of officers of the church = * synod)
175 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter S
- Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (A ) | Vocabulary Builder
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175 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter S