Difference between DO and MAKE| Difference between DO and MAKE

Difference between DO and MAKE | Learning English Grammar

by Oct 18, 2019English Grammar Tips, English Time Ask Elo

Difference between DO and MAKE

English Grammar Rules, Explanation, and Examples

Difference between DO and MAKE

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Difference between DO and MAKE

English Time Ask Elo

When to use is are am with Present Continuous Tense

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When to use is are am with Present Continuous Tense

When to use is are am with Present Continuous Tense


Asked by @ Frank Olivier (Community Student)

English Grammar Rules

Answered by @ Elo Kasia

Elo Kasia is the English Mentor for  Difference between DO and MAKEEnglish Grammar and Speaking Academy” ,  Join now.

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Difference between DO and MAKEDO vs MAKE: The Difference between DO and MAKE in English (120+ Common Collocations with DO & MAKE)



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Difference between DO and MAKE





Difference between DO and MAKE  @ Frank Olivier , Thank you for your question.

Difference between DO and MAKE  As usual, I will try to explain the difference using simple language and plenty of examples.



Difference between DO and MAKE




“Do” and “make” have a similar meaning and are very often confused in English, but I will show you some most common expressions so that learning them will become easier.


Basic Difference Between DO and MAKE


  • Use DO for actions, obligations, and repetitive tasks.
  • Use MAKE for creating or producing something, and for actions you choose to do.
  • DO generally refers to the action itself (shopping, cleaning, homework), and MAKE usually refers to the result (breakfast, a sandwich, a mistake). There are some exceptions to this rule but this difference is worth remembering.


I have already talked about common expressions with do. Below you will find the most common expressions with “make”




  • make breakfast/lunch/dinner
    I’m making dinner – it’ll be ready in about ten minutes.


  • make a sandwich/ a salad/ a piece of toast
    Could you make me a turkey sandwich?


  • make a cup of tea/ coffee/ hot chocolate, etc.
    Would you like me to make you a cup of tea?


  • make a reservation
    I’ve made a reservation for 7:30 at our favourite restaurant.





  • make money
    I enjoy my job, but I don’t make very much money.


  • make a profit
    The new company made a profit within its first year.


  • make a fortune
    He made a fortune after his book hit #1 on the bestseller list.


  • make $_______
    I made $250 selling my old CDs on the internet.





  • make friends
    It’s hard to make friends when you move to a big city.


  • make love (= have sex)
    The newlyweds made love on the beach during their honeymoon.


  • make a pass at (= flirt with someone)
    My best friend’s brother made a pass at me – he asked if I was single and tried to get my phone number.


  • make fun of someone (= tease / mock someone)
    The other kids made fun of Jimmy when he got glasses, calling him “four eyes.”


  • make up (= resolve a problem in a relationship)
    Karen and Jennifer made up after the big fight they had last week.





  • make a phone call
    Please excuse me – I need to make a phone call.


  • make a joke
    He made a joke, but it wasn’t very funny and no one laughed.


  • make a complaint
    We made a complaint with our internet provider about their terrible service, but we still haven’t heard back from them.


  • make a confession
    I need to make a confession: I was the one who ate the last piece of cake.


  • make a speech
    The company president made a speech about ethics in the workplace.


  • make a suggestion, recommendation, comment
    Can I make a suggestion? I think you should cut your hair shorter – it’d look great on you!


  • make an excuse
    When I asked him if he’d finished the work, he started making excuses about how he was too busy.






  • make plans
    We’re making plans to travel to Australia next year.


  • make a mistake
    You made a few mistakes in your calculations – the correct total is $5430, not $4530.


  • make progress
    My students are making good progress. Their spoken English is improving a lot.


  • make up your mind (= decide)
    Should I buy a desktop or a laptop computer? I can’t make up my mind.


  • make a list
    I’m making a list of everything we need for the wedding: invitations, decorations, a cake, a band, the dress…


  • make sure (= confirm)
    Can you make sure we have enough copies of the report for everybody at the meeting?


  • make a difference
    Getting eight hours of sleep makes a big difference in my day. I have more energy!



Study these examples and follow our *TT exercises to practise the difference between do and make which will help you achieve fluency in using these common English verbs and collocations.





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Difference between DO and MAKE Elo Kasia Community Mentor for Difference between DO and MAKEEnglish Grammar and Speaking Academy“.

Director at Eloquent Learning Online, educational institution based in the UK. www.eloquentlearning.com.

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Difference between DO and MAKE

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