I can understand and write English but can’t Speak, How can I speak English?

May 16, 2019English Listening and speaking tips, Smart Brains Spotlight


I can understand and write English, but can’t Speak English!


How can I speak English?


Ruth Martinez


Smart Brains Spotlight 


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The topic for today is “I can understand and write English, but can’t Speak English! How can I speak English?“.

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Today we learned about I can understand and write English, but can’t Speak English! How can I speak English? Let Ruth Martinez shares with you her 6 top learning tips that can help you to overcome your problem of you can understand and write English, but can’t speak English.


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I can understand and write English but can't Speak English

I can understand and write English, but can’t Speak English | How can I speak English | Ruth Martinez


I can understand and write English, but can’t Speak English!


How can I speak English?


Ruth Martinez


How can I become fluent in English?




I can understand but I can’t speak English! | Learn to speak English


Thank you, “Youtube – 5-Minute Language“.


Answer by Ruth Martinez. All credit goes to Ruth Martinez, Thank you!


I can understand and write English, but can’t Speak English! How can I speak English?



I can understand and write English but can't Speak 6.5/10




#1. Accept That English Is a Weird Language


Sometimes you can find patterns in English grammar, but other times English doesn’t make sense at all. For example, why are read (reed) and read (red) the same word, but pronounced differently depending on whether you’re speaking in the past or present tense? Or why is “mice” the plural of “mouse”, but “houses” is the plural of “house”?

Unfortunately, there are just as many exceptions as there are rules in English. It’s easy to get stuck on learning how to speak English properly if you try to find a reason for everything. Sometimes English is weird and unexplainable, so instead the best thing to do is just memorize the strange exceptions and move on.

Related post top 7 free and paid English speaking courses: Top 7 English speaking courses


#2. Dive into the Deep End


Studying English for an hour once a week isn’t usually enough to make any real progress. The best way to quickly improve your English is to spend at least a few minutes practicing every day. Immerse yourself as much as possible every time you study, and challenge yourself to listen to, read, and even say things in English that you think might be too difficult for you. If you want to speak English fluently, you need to make it an essential part of your everyday life.


#3. Stop Being a Student


The right attitude can make the difference between failure and success. Stop thinking of yourself as someone who is learning English, and start thinking of yourself as someone who speaks English. It’s a small change, but it will make you feel more confident and help you to use the English you already know more effectively.

This also means you need to start thinking in English. If you want to say the word “apple” in English, for example, right now you probably think of the word in your native language first, and then try to think of the correct word in English. Instead, try imagining a picture of an apple, and then just think the English word “apple”. Real fluency happens when you stop mentally translating conversations.


#4. Get More out of Listening


When most students listen to a native English-speaker, they focus on understanding what all the words mean. This is definitely important, but there is a lot more you can learn from listening. Try listening not just to what the words mean, but to how the person says them. Notice which words the person links together in a sentence, or when they say “ya” instead of “you.” Try to remember these details the next time you speak and your English will begin to sound more natural.


Easier said than done, right? When you listen to native English speakers, it can be hard to understand every single word that is spoken. They might use many words you don’t know, talk too fast or have a strong accent.


#5. Learn and Study Phrases


Speaking English fluently means being able to express your thoughts, feelings and ideas. Your goal is to speak English in full sentences, so why not learn it in full sentences? You’ll find that English is more useful in your everyday life if you study whole phrases, rather than just vocabulary and verbs. Start by thinking about phrases that you use frequently in your native language, and then learn how to say them in English.


#6. Don’t Study Grammar Too Much


The key to learning a language is finding a balance between studying and practicing. Speaking English fluently isn’t the same as knowing perfect English grammar – even native English-speakers make grammar mistakes! Fluency is about being able to communicate. That’s why sometimes it’s important to put the grammar textbook away, so you can go out and practice those writing, reading, listening and speaking skills in the real world.


I can understand and write English but can't Speak English Reference: Ruth Martinez. “How can I speak English? I can understand and write it but could not speak.”  originally appeared on Quora, the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.



Other ways to help you overcome the English speaking problem


I can understand and write English, but can’t Speak English!



I can understand and write English but can't Speak English You don’t have the luxury of stopping and thinking while speaking


You can put a book down while reading and think for a while if you don’t understand something. While writing too, you can take a break and come back to revise your work.

But you don’t have such luxury while speaking. You’ve to speak on the fly. Think while speaking. No long pauses. That’s an altogether different skill, which you can learn, of course, through more speaking.


Thank you, Lemon Grad – The website contains several in-depth resources to improve spoken and written English language skills.


I can understand and write English but can't Speak English UNDERSTAND THAT THERE IS NO “MAGIC BULLET.”


That means there is NO secret and super-effective way to guarantee fluency very fast.

Yes, there are different methods, and some are more effective than others. For example, a good English course should balance all the areas of language (speaking, listening, vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing). If any of those elements are missing, then you will have difficulty becoming fluent.

Also, different methods will appeal to different people. I personally do very well with memorization; other people hate memorization. Some students can pick up English easily from informal conversations; other students prefer a more organized and structured method.

Still, becoming fluent in English – or any language – is a long-term process.

If anyone says they have “the secret” to instant fluency… don’t believe them!


Thank you, Espresso English – Everyday English Lessons!


I can understand and write English but can't Speak English You have to start speaking English


If your goal is to just pass English exams like TOEIC, TOEFL or IELTS, use memorization techniques and prepare for these exams.

However, if you want to become fluent in English and speak with a clear accent with confidence, find an English teacher who works more like a conversation partner than a teacher.

So ask your English Teacher to Shut Up and let you speak!


Thank you, Spoken English Practice – Learn Spoken English from Native English Teachers.


Dedicate most of your time to spoken English practice


You can’t learn to speak fluently just by reading – you need to train your mouth to do the speaking same way you’d train your body while working out in a gym. You wouldn’t get fitter by reading loads of fitness literature, and you can’t expect your spoken English skills to improve without a lot of speaking!

Remember this – spoken English fluency is a practical skill as opposed to theoretical English knowledge such as vocabulary and grammar, so training your mouth is the most important task if you want to make the transition from the ‘writing mode’ of your mind into the ‘speaking mode’.


Thank you, English Harmony – The English Harmony System help foreigners to better their spoken English and achieve so much more in professional, social and personal life.


Students need to be encouraged to use the language outside the classroom


Many opportunities can be used or created by EFL learners to improve their language speaking skills outside the classroom. For example, draws attention to some of the out-of-class learning opportunities, such as chat rooms, self-access centers, language villages, e-mediated tandem learning, listening logs, digital media, digital games, and television series.

Students who are engaged in out-of-class learning activities can be incentivized to encourage other students to do the same.

Finally, as recommended by Richards, teacher education programs need to promote awareness of the fact that good teaching
actually means preparing students for both out-of-class and in-class language learning.


Thank you, ERIC – ERIC is an online library of education research and information, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.


Don’t Be too Ashamed to Speak


There is only one way to learn how to speak English, and that is to open your mouth and speak English! The only way you will ever get better at speaking is by speaking, and speaking a lot!

You can make excuses for why you don’t want to speak, like saying that you’re too embarrassed to speak, but these won’t get you any closer to your goal of achieving English fluency. It doesn’t matter if you have no vocabulary, or if your pronunciation isn’t perfect, you need to open your mouth and speak if you want to improve.

Whatever you do, don’t say that you can’t speak English because this will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. By believing that you can’t speak English you close your mind to trying, and never give yourself the opportunity to improve. The only way to improve your English is to practice it, no matter how bad you may or may not be at it.


Thank you, Real Life English – Welcome to RealLife English, where we believe that learning English should never be a dry and boring school subject, but a life-changing adventure where you don’t just learn English, you live it.


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