Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter U, V, X, W, Y, and Z
Ashin Damika
Community Researcher
Ashin Damika is a kind, caring and talented teacher from Myanmar. Ashin loves to share his knowledge with others. He also teaches at local monastery.
BA : Law and literature
Teacher at Monastery
Authorship – 30
Researcher – 2
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Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter U to Z
Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter U to Z
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Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter U to Z
Common English Vocabulary Words that Start with U
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Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter U to Z
16 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter U
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Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter U to Z
- 1. A dangerous person = * (an) ugly customer; (ugly = not beautiful,unpleasant to look at; It looks ugly = dangerous)
- 2. A German or Austrian horse soldier(formerly) = *uhlan
- 3. The brother of one’s father or mother = * uncle; (Uncle Sam=America)
- 4. A young student in University studying for the degree of B. A. ,B. Sc,etc. = * undergraduate; (degree = title given by a University)
- 5. A person holding low office = * underling
- 6. An officer of lower rank and less importance = * understrapper
- 7. One who learns the part of an actor so as to act if he is ill = * understudy
- 8. One who arranges funerals = * (an)undertaker; (undertake=to take a duty upon oneself;to promise to do a piece of work)
- 9. The group of wrong–doers and dishonest persons in any great city = * underworld; (underworld=a place of punishment after death)
- 10. A union of working men to get higher pay and better treatment = * (trade) union;(union = the act of making one/To go into the Union = one of the houses provided for poor and helpless persons in England;The Union Jack = flag of Great Britain,Scotland and Northern Ireland)
- 11. A member of the party in the British Government which desires closer union of the different parts of the British Empire = * Unionist
- 12. A completely untrueful person = * (an) unmitigated (liar);(mitigate=to make less serious)
- 13. A person who has suddenly risen from low rank to wealth and importance = * upstart
- 14. A street boy = * urchin,(a bad boy)
- 15. The officer in charge of the door, [ eg. in a law court] = * usher,(a school master/to usher in = to lead into a room)
- 16. A money–lender = * usurer;(usurious [ rate of interest] = too high a payment for the use of money/usury = the landing of money,money paid for the use of money;demanding too much from one to whom money is lent)
Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter U to Z
Common English Vocabulary Words that Start with V
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Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter U to Z
30 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter V
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Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter U to Z
- 1. A homeless wanderer = * vagabond
- 2. A homeless wanderer–––usually poor and sometimes dishonest = * vagrant
- 3. The person to whom a love message is sent on February 14th = * valentine;(a love message sent on February 14th [ =Valentine day] )
- 4. A man–servant,with the special duty of looking after a gentleman’s clothes = * valet
- 5. A person in a low state of health,or over anxious about his health = * valetudinarian,(one who is too anxious about his own health)
- 6. One who lives at the cost of another = * vampire
- ;(an evil spirit supposed to draw out the blood from people in their sleep;a bat [ =flying rat–like creature)
- 7. One who destroys work of art = * vandal
- 8. A servant = * varlet,(a low fellow)
- 9. One who in ancient times held land,and promised [ in return for the use of land] to serve his master as a soldier = * vassal
- 10. One who eats no animal flesh = * vegetarian, (one who eats only vegetable food/vegetable = adj. having to do with plants;a plant used for food)
- 11. One who can be made to do wrong by being paid money = * venal [ person];(a venal action = a wrong act done for money)
- 12. A person who sells = * vendor
- 13. One who has the art of speaking in such a way that the sound seems to come from another person = * ventriloquist,(one who is able to speak in such a way of that the voice seems to come not from the speaker but from some distant place or from a wooden figure held by him;adj. ventriloquial)
- 14. The man in a church who leads people to their seats = * verger
- 15. A pure woman who gives her life to the service of God = * vestal
- 16. An old and experienced person, [ eg. soldier]= *veteran
- 17. A priest in charge of a church = * vicar; (vicarage=the house in which a vicar lives)
- 18. A person allowed by the law to keep an inn = * (licensed)victualler;(victual=food;To victual a ship=to supply with food)
- 19. A fierce bad–tempered woman = * virago
- 20. An unmarried woman = * virgin;(adj. pure, untouched)
- 21. A person who has great skill in an art, [ eg. music] = * virtuoso
- 22. A nobleman of rank forth below a prince= *viscount
- 23. One who makes a visit = * visitor;(visit=to go to see a person or place;a visit = a short stay in a place/visitant=a visitor,especially a spirit of the dead coming to visit to living/visitation = a visiting; some terrible event considered as a punishment sent by God)
- 24. A bad–tempered person = * (a)vixenish [ person]
- ;(vixen = the female form of fox)
- 25. A high officer of government in Mohammedan countries = * Vizier
- 26. A person who is quickly changing his purpose or ideas = * volatile [ person];( [ liquid] one which easily becomes a gas)
- 27. One who offers his service of his own free will = * volunteer,(1. a person who offers to do a difficult or dangerous work;2. a person who serves as a soldier of his choice;3. one who work without pay;to volunteer = to offer to do some special piece of work,to offer to serve as a soldier)
- 28. One who gives himself up to the enjoyment of pleasure of the body = * voluptuary
- 29. A person who is bound by some bow [ promise made to God] = * votary,(one who gives himself up completely to some work of a public or religious kind)
- 30. A vulgar person = * vulgarian,(especially someone who makes a vulgar display of wealth/ vulgar=of the common people;rough, not polite/ n. vulgarity)
Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter U to Z
Common English Vocabulary Words that Start with W
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Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter U to Z
31 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter W
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Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter U to Z
- 1. A clever and amusing talker = * wag;(wag = to move from side to side or up and down,eg. a dog wags its tail;To set tongues [ chins]wagging = to cause much talk by some surprising or improper action/waggle = to move slightly backwards and forwards)
- 2. A homeless person [ or animal] = * waif
- 3. A band of people who go from house to house singing Christmas songs = * waits;(wait = 1. to stay or stop until something happens,–––till some one come;2. to bring food to the table/To lie in wait for = to hide,waiting to attack)
- 4. A manservant who brings food to the table= *(a)waiter
- 5. A woman who brings food to the table= *waitress;(Lady–in–waiting = a lady of high rank attending on the queen)
- 6. An actor who has no words to say = *(a)walker–on
- 7. A woman at a party without a man to dance with her = * wall–flower;(a yellow flower)
- 8. (Sl. ) A big heavy fellow = * (a big)walloping [ fellow];(wallop = to beat;a heavy blow;Sl. To wallop along=move quickly and heavily)
- 9. Lewd or lascivious woman = * wantan;(wantan = wild and uncontrolled in behaviour)
- 10. One under the protection of another = * ward; (a part of a city divided off for purpose of government;a room in a hospital;part of a key which makes it fit only one lock;a young person under the protection of a court of law/ward, To ward off a blow = to turn ––– aside,eg. with the arm
- /–ward [ s] = in the direction of,eg. westward = towards the west)
- 11. A prison guard = * warder;(ward–room=the officers’ room on a warship)
- 12. A soldier,an experienced fighting man = *warrior
- 13. A lazy useless person = * waster, [ wastrel]; (waste = to use up without getting any good;to cause to lose strength;to lose strength;n. waste =act of wasting,a thing wasted;unused land;adj. waste = unused,unwanted,useless)
- 14. A person who watches = * (a)watch;(the act of watching;the time spent in keeping guard,eg. on a ship;a pocket clock/to watch=to stay awake,to keep the eyes on;to be on guard/watchword = a word spoken to a guard in time of war to prove that one is not an enemy)
- 15. A weak person = * (a) weakling;(weak = not strong;not able to stand up against attack;not able to do a thing well/weaken = to make weaker; to become weaker)
- 16. A thin weak person = * weed;(weed=a useless plant growing where it is not wanted;to weed = to pull up weeds;To weed out = to take out the useless things [ or people]from a collection/ widow’s weed = the black clothes worn by a woman whose husband has died)
- 17. A girl,a servant girl = * wench
- 18. A woman who gives her milk to another person’s child = * wet–nurse
- 19. A boy who behaves badly = * whelp;(the young of a lion [ also of other animals] )
- 20. An unimportant person who thinks himself to be important = * whipper–snapper
- 21. Person(in old books) = * wight
- 22. One who controls matters by going to great men secretly = * (a)wire–puller;(wire = a metal thread;a message sent by electricity)
- 23. A very active person = * (a)live-wire,(a wire with electricity in it/wireless=radio)
- 24. A person who pretends to know more than he does = * wiseacre
- 25. A person who says clever and amusing things = * wit,(a witty amusing person who makes joke; the power of saying clever and amusing things;mental ability/wits = power of mind,cleverness;Out of one’s wits=mad;Live by one’s wits=live by tricks and deceiving/witty = clever and amusing in speech)
- 26. A person who actually saw an event = * witness
- ;(what is said by such a person about an event; to witness = to see an event;to write one’s name on a paper as having actually seen a former name written)
- 27. A man who does magic = * wizard
- 28. A bad man pretending to be good in outward appearance = * (a)wolf(in sheep’s clothing);(wolf= a wild animal like a dog;To wolf one’s food = eat very quickly)
- 29. A human female = * woman;(To play the woman = to show weakness)
- 30. A well-known person of good character = * (a) worthy;(deserving of; deserving of honour)
- 31. A sad poor person = * wretch,(a bad person/ wretched=deserving pity;bad) / (–wright = one who works at,eg. A ship–wright= ship–builder or repairers)
Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter U to Z
Common English Vocabulary Words that Start with X Y Z
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Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter U to Z
14 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter X Y Z
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Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter U to Z
- (X) 1. A religious person who believes Jesus is the Christ and who is a member of a Christian denomination = * Xtn,(Christian)
- (Y) 1. A rough and impolite person = * yahoo,(a person who is not very intelligent or interested in culture;a widely used search engine for the web that finds information,news,images, products, finance)
- 2. An American = * Yankee,(of U. S. A,especially one from the north east)
- 3. Farmer = * yeoman;(yeoman of the guard= company of soldiers who live in the tower of London)
- 4. Farmers = * yeomanry;(certain horse-soldiers in British army)
- (Young men’s Christian Association = * Y. M. C. A; [ a meeting place for the young where they can play games and receive teaching] )
- 5. A rough or simple man from the country= *yokel
- 6. A child = * youngster;(young=not old;We need young blood=need some younger person in our group;The night is young=it is not late)
- 7. A young man=youth,(the early part of life;The youth of(to–day) = young man and woman of–––)
- (Z) 1. A person who is too eager and fixed in his beliefs = * zealot;(zeal = eagerness,keenness/ zealous=eager)
- 2. One who aims at making in Palestine a national home for the Jews = * Zionist
- 3. One who studies animals, their different kinds, way of living,etc. = * zoologist;(zoology = the branch of biology that studies animals;zoo= zoological gardens)
- 4. A lover of animals = * zoophilist;(zoophilia, zoophilism = a sexual attraction of animals)
- 5. French soldiers who wear an Algerian [ =of Algiers]kind of dress = * Zouave [ s]
- 6. A menber of a native race of Natal in South Africa = * Zulu
74 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of
- Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (A ) | Vocabulary Builder
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- Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (J) & (K) | Vocabulary Builder
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- Single And General Words for Many kinds of People (Q) & (R) | Vocabulary Builder
- Single And General Words for Many kinds of People (S) | Vocabulary Builder
- Single And General Words for Many kinds of People (T) | Vocabulary Builder
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Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter U, V, X, W, Y, and Z