119 Watermelon Sayings | My Learning Goals and Writings
By: Mogalapu Srinivasarao
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119 Watermelon Sayings | My Learning Goals and Writings
Mogalapu Srinivasarao
Community Writer (India)
Mogalapu Srinivasarao is a smart, hardworking and friendly English learner and writer from India. Mogalapu loves to share his knowledge with others.
Authorship – 26
Community Writer – 2
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– Mahatma Gandhi
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119 Watermelon Sayings | My Learning Goals and Writings
My English Learning Goals – 119 Watermelon Sayings
1 Watermelons are vendors shop at national highways every season.
2 Some watermelons were in that truck yesterday when we went to our native place.
3 Watermelons will be at our home next Sunday.
4 Watermelon has a green color when it cut inside red color and it seeds black color.
5 years later watermelon had a so sweet.
6 Watermelons will have a better taste next coming season.
7 The vendor splits the watermelon every day.
8 The vendor split the watermelon yesterday.
9 The vendor will split the watermelon tomorrow afternoon.
10 The vendor is splitting the watermelon just now.
11 The vendor was splitting the watermelon at this time yesterday.
12 The vendor will be splitting the watermelon at this time tomorrow.
13 The vendor has split watermelon before you came.
14 The vendor had split watermelon when he sold it.
15 They will have split the watermelon by this time tomorrow.
16 The vendor has been splitting the watermelon just now.
17 The vendor had been splitting the watermelon for 15 minutes at this time yesterday.
18 The vendor will have been splitting the watermelon for 15 mnts at this time tomorrow.
19 Watermelon is split by this vendor every day.
20 Watermelon was split by this vendor yesterday.
21 Watermelon will be split by this vendor tomorrow.
22 watermelon is being split by this vendor just now.
23 Watermelon was being split by this vendor at this time yesterday.
24 watermelon has been split by the vendor at present.
25 watermelon had been split by the vendor by this time yesterday.
26 watermelon will have been split by the vendor by this time tomorrow.