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Colors in English Test

Certificate of Colors in English


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Facts About Colors


Facts About Colors
What is the colors in English? English has the full set of 11 basic colors: black, white, red, green, yellow, blue, pink, gray, brown, orange and purple.


What is the difference between Color and Colour? Both words mean the same thing and its spelling depends on the country where the word is written. The word Color is used in United States and the word Colour is used in the rest of the English-speaking countries.


What are the 24 colors? These colors are red, yellow, blue, brown, orange, green, violet, black, carnation pink, yellow orange, blue green, red violet, red orange, yellow green, blue violet, white, violet red, dandelion, cerulean, apricot, scarlet, green yellow, indigo and gray.


What is the most disliked color? Drab dark brown or Pantone 448 C, also dubbed “the ugliest colour in the world”, is a colour in the Pantone colour system.


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