What are conditionals in the English language? | English Time Ask Elo

by Jul 16, 2019English Grammar Tips, English Time Ask Elo

What are conditionals in the English language?

Elo Kasia


English Time Ask Elo (15/07/2019)


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What are conditionals in the English language

English Time Ask Elo


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What are conditionals in the English language
What are conditionals in the English language

English Time Ask Elo

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What are conditionals in the English language?

English Time Ask Elo


Asked by @ Filomena Maria Palmieri (Community Student)

What are conditionals in the English language?

English Time Ask Elo


Answered by @ Elo Kasia


Elo Kasia is the English Mentor for  What are conditionals in the English languageEnglish Grammar and Speaking Academy” ,  Join now.


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What are conditionals in the English language? | English Time Ask Elo


What are conditionals in the English language Question Time: What are conditionals in the English language? | English Time Ask Elo

What are conditionals in the English language  @ Filomena Maria Palmieri, Thank you for your question.

What are conditionals in the English language  As usual, I will try to explain the difference using simple language and plenty of examples.



What are conditionals in the English language?


Thank you, youtube – Anglo-Link.


What are conditionals in the English language? They are often confusing to students of English, so I will try to explain them using simple language and plenty of examples.

Conditional sentences are used to talk about events and their results.

They are made up of:


If (conditional) clause and Main clause

The two events are connected. One event or situation is a condition (it “depends”) for another event or situation to happen. These events could be factual (real) or hypothetical (unreal, imaginary).

The results could be in the present, future or past.

Conditional sentences express different degrees of possibility. Sometimes the situations are likely, or possible to happen, sometimes they are very unlikely (almost impossible), or they can be used to talk about unreal situations which did not happen, but we talk about “what if” the past had been different.


How do we form conditional sentences?

They are made using different English verb tenses, depending on what type of situation you are describing.


What are the different types of conditional sentences?

Depending on “how possible” a situation is to happen; we differentiate between 4 different types of conditional sentences.

Factual conditional (usually known as 0-conditional)

Used to talk about habits, scientific facts, and general truths, if something else happens first.

  • if a dog is happy, it wags its tail.
  • Ice melts if you heat it up.
Possible conditional (1st conditional)

Used to talk about possible future events and their likely results.

  • If it is sunny tomorrow, we will go to the beach.
  • We will be late if we don’t hurry up.
Present unreal conditional (2nd conditional)
Used when you want to imagine a different reality than it is now.
  • If I had a lot of money, I would give up my job and move.
  • If I were you, I wouldn’t worry about it.
Past unreal conditional (3rd conditional)
  • If I had studied harder, I would have passed my exams.
    They wouldn’t have had the accident if they hadn’t driven so fast.
Each day this week I will focus on a different conditional, explain how it is used and give you plenty of examples. Make sure that you follow our *TT exercises and practise how different conditionals are used in everyday situations.
Make sure you do our *TT exercises to practise asking questions in English.
Elo Kasia is the Community Mentor for English Grammar and Speaking Academy“.


Director at Eloquent Learning Online School www.eloquentlearning.com.


Elo Kasia

Director at Eloquent Learning - A Professional Education Company Located In UK. , Strategy Partner of Chatsifieds.com

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What are conditionals in the English language?
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What are conditionals in the English language?