50 reasons why reading books should be your top priority

by Jan 27, 2019English and Study Tips

Mubashir Tufail

Community Mentor (Pakistan)

  • Leadership Strengths (Level 16)
  • Mentor (Level 2)

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The more that you read, the more things you will know.

The more that you learn,

the more places you’ll go.

Dr. Seuss
Why Reading Books Should Be Your Priority?


Books are very important because they show pathways in life. Books teach people about society, love, history, and humanity.

Book Reading improves your communication skills especially your conversational skills. Because reading increases your vocabulary, thinking skills, concentration and your knowledge of how to correctly use new words.

Reading helps you clearly articulate what you want to say. The more you read and write, the better you communicate. Increasing your ability to communicate, improves your relationships and even makes you a better employee or student. It also can affect empathy, social perception, and emotional intelligence.

Reading can also lower your blood pressure and bring about an immense sense of calm.

Here are the  Top 50  *REASONS TO READ BOOKS*  and why reading is important

1. Books help you to feel more confident.

2. Books help you to travel around the world in the cheapest way.

3. Books develop your personality.

4. Books provide food for thought.

5. Books make you laugh and think.

6. Books draw you towards perfection.

7. Books stimulate creativity.

8. Books bring out writing talent.

9. Books help you in communicating.

10. Books clear your vision.

11. Books satisfy your curiosity.

12. Books help you make better choices.

13. Books help you build literary talent.

14. Books do not require any special device to teach.

15. Books increase your attention span.

16. Books are a fruitful pastime.

17. Books can be used anytime, anywhere.

18. Books provide entertainment when others fail.

19. Books make you powerful.

20. Books help you know the ‘Whys’ and ‘Hows’ of everything.

21. Books help you to create and spread the fun.

22. Books help you travel across time intelligently.

23. Books keep you updated with facts and figures.

24. Books spread love, affection, and knowledge.

25. Books make the best of friends.


26. Books take you to intellectual environment.

27. Books help you feel the world around you.

28. Books entertain your mind.

29. Books broaden your horizon.

30. Books bring Nature to your doorstep.

31. Books bring about a ‘personality change’.

32. Books increase comprehension.

33. Books do not require company.

34. Books are stress-busters.

35. Books develop a sense of belonging to people around you.

36. Books provide mental and physical relaxation.

37. Books act as a communication tool.

38. Books are intellectually satisfying activity.

39. Books provide a spiritual experience.

40. Books provide emotional strength.

41. Books build your self-esteem.

42. Books help and encourage your imagination to soar.

43. Books make you smarter and wiser.

44. Books help you grow.

45. Books take you to a ‘world of dreams’.

46. Books can change your life and vision.

47. Books help you in achieving ‘life goals’.

48. Books develop wonderful experience.

49. Books transform lives.

50. Books inspire, books motivate, books build nations.


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