English Class – Top 10 best ways to apologize

English Class – Top 10 best ways to apologize

Rukhsar Haram Community Contributor (Pakistan) Leadership strengths (Level 3)Community Contributor 3 More posts from Rukhsar Haram, Check them out! Develop a passion for learning.If you do,you will never cease to grow. Anthony J. D'Angelo Free English class, Free...
The Most popular Daily conversation in Urdu to English

The Most popular Daily conversation in Urdu to English

Rukhsar Haram Community Contributor (Pakistan) Leadership strengths (Level 2) Community Contributor   Facebook Daily Conversation in Urdu The Most popular Daily conversation in Urdu to English sentences with their meaning for daily use. Most of them are used for...
Simple English Grammar Rules of Simple Tense Lesson

Simple English Grammar Rules of Simple Tense Lesson

Rukhsar Haram Community Contributor (Pakistan) Leadership strengths (Level 1) Community Contributor   Facebook Useful English learning tips for beginners In English, there are 3 main tenses: the present, the past, and the future. Today, I’m gonna to share...