How I would like to live being alone for one year

by Dec 21, 2018Uncategorized

Mogalapu Srinivasarao

Mogalapu Srinivasarao

Community Writer (India)

    • Leadership strengths (Level 10)
    • Community Writer (Level 2)


Story by Mogalapu Srinivasarao - How I would like to live being alone for one year!


Learn English with short stories. Today i am going to share with you my own English short story – How I would like to live being alone for one year!


Thank you,

Mogalapu Srinivasarao

ALONE I would like to live being alone for one year



ALONE I would like to live being alone for one year.

Everyone enjoys bachelors’ life as a being alone. Some students were alone while study times. Fresher went to job lived alone.

We learn so many UN known spiritual things. My opinion alone means strong. One of my friend said “work is best medication at any age” as a being alone. We plan and do work quickly and easily. Some of my friends, relatives have been living alone in foreign countries for better studies and employment. They got pleasure where they live lonely.

Sensitive people like to live being alone. Many researchers found good results when they live alone. Some people avoid bad thoughts as being alone. Most of the students read alone at their houses.

Being alone we got good ideas and we pray to GOD in good way. We improve our practice. If we have any sickness as being alone then we feel not good at the time.

One of the great musician said if I did not do practice alone one day. The art that is not good that I know myself. He said If I did not do practice alone one week.

The art that is not good that my family members known it. He said if I did not do practice alone one month. The art that is not good that was observed by audience.

I enjoy when I am alone for seeing sunshine, take some water, and take some fresh air. I do aerobic exercise and maintain diet while I live alone. These are some benefits being alone.

We all need alone time to meditate refresh ourselves. We get more reflective time. We get more time to focus on personal self-improvement.

We get fewer drams than if you were in the wrong relationship for us. No relationship commitment means you can date whoever you want. We get Time to deal with our past conditioning. We get more time for hobbies.

Our decisions in life on personal front affect only ours.

Story by: Mogalapu Srinivasarao, Thank you! ???


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