English Story by Raihana Enggar, The crying devil Part 1

by Dec 20, 2018Uncategorized

Raihanna Enggar

Raihanna Enggar

Community Author (Indonesia)

    • Leadership strengths (Level 10)
    • Community Author (Level 3)


Story by Raihana Enggar - " The crying ? devil " Part 1, Chapter 1


Learn English with short stories. Today i am going to share with you my own English short story – The crying devil part 1 and chapter 1.


Thank you,

Raihana Enggar

Raihana Enggar - " The crying ? devil " Part 1, Chapter 1


I woke up in the morning felt the sunshine came through my room. I got a terrible headache now but I’ll try to get up because I have an important meeting today. This was because I had drunk yesterday.

After the shower, I have shaved, and I stared my face on the mirror hmm so cute and handsome man that’s why many girls crazy about me.

” Shit, hey what are you doing with my car”

I shouted with someone tried to break my Windows car. He runs away I want to catch him but I thought it was useless cuz he just disappeared and actually my car was fine. My meeting was going well and my client was satisfied with my presentation so we went to the club to celebrate it.

I drank two glasses of ? when I saw a beautiful woman with the blue dress at the corner. She laughed with her friends. And she was so attractive.

Without a second thought, I approached her and introduce myself to her.

” Hi my name is Devin and I am financing manager at ” Louis and Clarke ” trade company. May I know your name, miss?

I gave her my sweet smile and gotcha she did what I thought. We talked more than one hour and finally I could get what I wish yeah she will be my next victim.

My devil instinct came into my mind. My desire was hungry to be feed. We spent the night together at the hotel. I really true ? devil with the feature as a man. I never felt guilty with the sins I made. My name is Devin same like ? the devil. I act and speak like ? the devil. I don’t care if someone gets hurt or killed by me. I did whatever it takes the important things was I got what I want.

But God knows…..
Even you hide your evil side so deep
It’s just a matter of time before it shows up. So the story continues until I realized it was too late for me to come back.

Story by: Raihana Enggar, Thank you! ???


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