How can I improve my English speaking skills? | English Time Ask Elo

by Jun 1, 2019English Listening and speaking tips, English Time Ask Elo


How can I improve my English speaking skills?


Elo Kasia


English Time Ask Elo (30/05/2019)


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English Time Ask Elo

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 How can I improve my English speaking skills? 


English Time Ask Elo


Asked by Matty Peca (Community English Learner)


How can I improve my English speaking skills?


English Time Ask Elo


Answered by Elo Kasia


Elo Kasia is the Facebook Group Mentor for “English Time | What I Learned Today” 


How can i improve my english speaking skills

How can I improve my English speaking skills? | English Time Ask Elo



? Question Time. How can I improve my English speaking skills?


? @Matty Peca Thank you for your question.


? As usual, I will try to explain the difference using simple language and plenty of examples.



How can I improve my English speaking skills? 10 tips for speaking English with confidence.


A lot of you are asking this question, so I decided to give you some tips.


If you are one of these students who is afraid of speaking, do not worry, you are not alone! Most students of English, both at beginner and advanced levels, find speaking the most difficult skill to learn. They fear making mistakes, using the wrong tense, or pronouncing words incorrectly. They think they will make fools of themselves, feel embarrassed and stressed when speaking English.


Below, you will find some useful tips on how you can overcome this fear and make a journey towards speaking English with confidence.


1. Change your attitude. 


Nobody speaks perfect English, or English perfectly! Even native speakers make grammar mistakes, mispronounce words or use wrong words or expressions. This is natural.


2. It’s about communication.


Think about it that way. When two strangers meet, their purpose is to communicate a message to one another. So the fact that you have a common language between you is already an immense advantage you should celebrate rather than fear! The vast majority of native English speakers understand that you are doing your best to communicate in a language which is not your own and appreciate the effort you are making. So, there are no reasons for being embarrassed or stressed, nobody is judging you, really. Just try to do your best.


3. Read. Listen. Write. Speak. Repeat.


Reading and listening are both receptive skills so they come more naturally and are easier to learn. On the other hand, writing and speaking are productive skills, and, as expected, might take longer to master. So, read a new word in English, write in down, make sure you know how to pronounce it and say it loud every time you look at it. It is not enough to just move our eyes over a new word or even lip-read it. We need to speak it out loud because we need to hear ourselves speaking, we need to stop being embarrassed in front of ourselves. Once we get over being shy to speak to ourselves, we can start talking to others.


4. Make the mirror your best friend


The best way to practice speaking is to speak in front of the mirror. Make it your best friend. Speak to it in English, and it will make you feel confident about the way you are speaking.


5. Fit your studying methods to the type of learner you are


We are all different learners and each of us has a unique style of studying and remembering things. Essentially, we differentiate between four basic types of learners: visual, auditory, reading/writing and kinaesthetic. It is important to discover our strengths and use them to our advantage.


6. Keep your ears open


English is everywhere and it is so easily accessible. It is in online videos, news channels and radio. Decide what you are interested in and follow a specific channel or radio station.


7. Do not worry about grammar


Remember, even those who speak English fluently make grammatical mistakes. Too many students get stressed about making grammar mistakes, but in fact, it is much more important to focus on the message we want to communicate. When you are a beginner, it is best to use simple structures and tenses and avoid structures you are not confident using yet.


8. Join a class


There are many applications and websites for learning English online and you have probably already tried some. Many use excellent methods allowing you to learn new vocabulary through visual aids and a revision formula. This method works for some people, but for many, there is not enough motivation in learning on your own. If you don’t have time to attend traditional classes, why don’t you join an online course? The benefit of learning in an online class is that you study in a group with people who are on the same journey as you.


9. Go to a foreign country


It should preferably be one of the English-speaking countries but English is also a commonly used language in hotels, bars and restaurants in many popular destinations. Before you go, make sure you practice vocabulary and expressions which will help you communicate in most situations you are going to encounter. After you arrive, try not to get too stressed and do your best to use and practice the English you know. Do not worry too much about grammar, remember we all make mistakes.


10. Practice makes perfect


Nobody has learnt English overnight. The more you practice, the better you become at expressing yourself in English. Use the tips from this article or choose a method which works best for you. The best way is to keep your eyes and ears open all the time and practice whenever you can. Most importantly, stay motivated and keep in mind that as a Czech proverb says “You live a new life for every new language you speak.”


If you need advice on any aspect of learning English, read my other articles here. Or drop me a question.


How can I improve my English speaking skills Elo Kasia is the Facebook Group Mentor for “English Time | What I Learned Today”  and Director at Eloquent Learning Online School.


Elo Kasia

Director at Eloquent Learning - A Professional Education Company Located In UK. , Strategy Partner of

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