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Immediate Family

Certificate of English Listening

(My Family)


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Immediate Family

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( My Immediate Family )

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My Family Listening Test

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English Listening Test

Immediate Family



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My Family


Immediate Family – Your closest relatives are your parents: your mother and father; as well as your siblings (brothers and sisters). If your mother or father is not an only child, you also have aunts and uncles. An aunt is the sister of your mother or father, while an uncle is the brother of your mother or father.


Your Families members are also called relatives. You have an immediate or nuclear family and an extended family. Your immediate family includes your father, mother, and siblings. Your extended family includes everyone in your father’s and mother’s families.


Your immediate family refers to a person’s smallest individual family unit. Immediate family may be determined either by blood such as siblings, children, and grandchildren. or by lineages such as spouses, in-laws, children by adoption, and step-children.


Your nuclear family is your dad, your mum, yourself, your brothers, and your sisters.


Your extended family extends beyond the nuclear family to include your grandparents and other relatives.




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Family Listening Test

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Brandy is the name of my ....?

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My mum's name is ..... ?

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My sister got .... eyes, like me.

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My sister's name is ...?

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Where do we live?

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My dad works in a ... ?

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My dad's name is ....?

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My mum works as a ...?

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My mum is .... and slim.

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I live with my ...... ?

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