Inspiring Umoru Abdulfatai Poems About Life And Being in Love

by | Apr 4, 2019 | Uncategorized


Inspiring Umoru Abdulfatai Poems About Life And Being in Love


Inspiring Umoru Abdulfatai Poems About Life And Being in Love

Inspiring Umoru Abdulfatai Poems About Life And Being in Love By: Umoru Abdulfatai


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Inspiring Umoru Abdulfatai Poems About Life And Being in Love Umoru Abdulfatai is a young, smart and talented writer. He is a National Diploma (ND) graduate from the Department of Architectural Technology, Federal Polytechnic Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria. Umoru loves to share his knowledge and inspiration poems with others.

Inspiring Umoru Abdulfatai Poems About Life And Being in Love Architecture

Inspiring Umoru Abdulfatai Poems About Life And Being in Love +2347069671029


Umoru Abdulfatai

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When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.

Helen Keller

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Top 3 Inspiring Umoru Abdulfatai Poems About Life And Being in Love


Find Kali Blackstorm in Afterglow Life is like a beautiful melody, Inspiring poem by Umoru Abdulfatai


Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up. People cry not because they’re weak, it’s because they’ve been strong for too long, don’t let dream just be your dream, there is no key to happiness the door is always open.

Men don’t follow titles, they follow courage, life doesn’t get easier, you get stronger. To face the darkness your heart must be pure, because genius only means hard-working all one’s life.

Live life with diligence, decode your own epic, because there is no chance, no destiny, no fate that can hinder the firm resolve of a determined soul. The proper function of a man is to live, not to exist.

Play your role, do what has to be done, it’s not who you are underneath, it’s what you do that defines you. Do not for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.

Keep your hope alive and never lose your faith, the difference in winning and losing is most often, not quitting. Because if you are doing your best, you will not have to worry about failure.

In life, we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unspeakable dream, and an unforgettable love. If you are not brave enough, nobody will back you up. Because an idea is the most precious yearning in life.

Beauty is all around you if you just open your heart to see. Dreams are one of those things that keep you going and happy.

Memory is a wonderful thing if you don’t have to deal with the past, life is a battle, the world is your arena. Let’s not do anything hasty, you can’t have a better tomorrow if you don’t stop thinking about yesterday.

— Top 3 Inspiring Umoru Abdulfatai Poems


Find Kali Blackstorm in Afterglow Being In love, Inspiring poem by Umoru Abdulfatai



The hardest part of loving someone is being in love, even when they no longer love you. The truth Is some people are so lucky to even when they hurt others, they still get so much love. While others are so unlucky and even when they give all the love and care in the world they end up being hurt. But in some cases, smiling is better than explaining the reason why you are sad.

As a lady you can be happy without him, you can afford to carry on life without him, but he can’t afford any. If a man cry for a woman, it doesn’t mean he’s stupid, when a man can’t move to another woman it doesn’t mean his stubborn, when a man is always depressed and moody it doesn’t mean he’s a loser, when a man is crazy about a woman it doesn’t mean he has lost insanity, it simply means he can’t love another woman the same way.

But sometimes you have to give up on some people not because you don’t care, but because they don’t.

Heavy eye’s are like heavy clouds, they need to let off some water to feel relief,. When a man his not ashamed of his tears never ask why, for they are like the rain on the blinding dust on the earth. Some men wish they where stones so that when they are thrown far far away, yes they might broke into pieces, but they won’t feel any pain.

If it’s taking all your heart, if it’s killing your strength, if it’s making you bear so much pain, if it’s making you ignore everything else, make sure it worth it otherwise let go.

It’s so painful to know that someone means the whole world to you, and yet you mean absolutely nothing to that person.

That’s why they say when someone you love so much breaks your heart, cry a river and build a bridge over it and let go.

Don’t remember how someone breaks your heart, but remember the person who taught you to live with a broken heart. Forget every sense of pain, and pain himself will disappear.

Your experience should teach you when to take a break, even when you are highly experienced in matters of the heart. Every reasonable woman out there dreams of a gentle and genius man, only when she has all it takes to make him fall in love.

— Top 3 Inspiring Umoru Abdulfatai Poems


Find Kali Blackstorm in Afterglow Beautiful road to success, Inspiring poem by Umoru Abdulfatai


A beautiful morning, and a wonderful day.

Beautiful stars, and a lovely moon.

Beautiful road to success, with the footprint of destiny.

Your life must be controlled by love.

Sometimes you see your whole life running in front of you, and you don’t know the beginning or the end, you always wish if you had a remote to press a rewind or pause button or better still forward it to the end but you can’t do that, you just have to believe in who you are.

The difficult part of life, is to think of a solution which will never come. Holding a machete doesn’t matter, aiming the right object matters a lot. Don’t let other people kill your perfection, don’t let others decision kill your own motivation, because everybody has its own destination. If we worked hard, if we did right we’d have a place. Don’t judge a book by its cover the outer most picture might not be the same with the innermost.

Characters are different, if only we settle down and study them. Try getting the meaning of words before you use them, try getting the meaning of decision before you make them. The more you try the harder it becomes you just have to keep your faith alive for you to make a success.

Don’t distaste others because they dislike you, hatred is not what they need in return. Let us all show love to one another, love is the message.

Happiness is what you can’t live without, is time to stand out, stand up, break a way to be free, hold on to what is real, let it go whatever people think of you.

If you put your heart in it, you can go to the distance.

— Top 3 Inspiring Umoru Abdulfatai Poems

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