Intensifiers in English

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People always say that I didn’t give up my seat because I was tired, but that isn’t true. I was not tired physically. No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in.Rosa Parks

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Intensifiers in English


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5 Intensifiers to Supercharge Your English Vocabulary


English is a complex language filled with interesting nuances and a wide variety of intensifiers. To improve your English skills, it is important to understand the power of these intensifiers and how they can be used to enhance your speech and writing. This article will discuss five of the most commonly used intensifiers to help you build a more powerful English vocabulary.


What are Intensifiers?


Intensifiers are words that emphasize or amplify the meaning of another word or phrase. They can be used as adjectives, adverbs, or verbs in order to add expression to your language. By understanding the various intensifiers available, you can take your English to a higher level.


Top 5 Intensifiers to Improve Your English Vocabulary


1. Absolutely

The word ‘absolutely’ is one of the most common intensifiers used in English. It is used to emphasize an opinion, feeling, or statement to a greater degree. For example, you can say “I absolutely love this movie!” to express your strong affection for a particular film.

2. Completely

Similarly to ‘absolutely’, ‘completely’ is used to emphasize the degree of something. It can be used to express the completeness of a statement or the finality of an action. For example, you can say “I am completely satisfied with the results” to express your contentment with a particular outcome.


3. Utterly

The word ‘utterly’ is used to emphasize an opinion, feeling, or statement to an even greater extent than ‘absolutely’ and ‘completely’. For example, you can say “I am utterly disgusted by this behavior” to express a strong disapproval of someone’s actions.


4. Totally

‘Totally’ is used to express the fullness of something or to describe a situation as being extreme. For example, you can say “I am totally exhausted” to express a high degree of fatigue.


5. Totally Unbelievable

The phrase ‘totally unbelievable’ is used to express a sense of shock or surprise. For example, you can say “That was totally unbelievable!” to express your disbelief at a particular event.


How to Use Intensifiers in Your Writing


Intensifiers can be used in both spoken and written English, but they are more commonly used in informal conversations. When used in writing, it is important to be aware of the tone of the sentence and the overall context of the conversation. For example, ‘absolutely’ can convey a sense of enthusiasm, while ‘utterly’ can express strong disapproval.


When using intensifiers in your writing, it is important to be aware of the connotation of the words and how they can be interpreted by the reader. For example, the word ‘totally’ can be interpreted differently depending on the context, so it is important to be aware of the tone of the sentence and choose the right intensifier.




Intensifiers are powerful words that can be used to enhance your English vocabulary and express yourself more effectively. By understanding the various intensifiers available, you can take your English to a higher level and convey your thoughts and feelings more clearly.


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Intensifiers in English


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English Intensifiers

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Which of the following intensifiers is used to express a very strong intensity?

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Which of the following intensifiers is used to express a very strong agreement?

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Which of the following intensifiers is used to express very strong agreement?

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Which of the following intensifiers is used to express a very strong emotion?

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Which of the following intensifiers is used to express very strong disapproval?

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Which of the following intensifiers is used to express very strong disapproval?

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Which of the following intensifiers is used to express a very strong degree?

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Which of the following intensifiers is used to express very strong certainty?

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Which of the following intensifiers is used to express a very strong feeling?

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Which of the following intensifiers is used to express a very strong certainty?

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Which of the following intensifiers is used to express very strong certainty?

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Which of the following intensifiers is used to express a very strong emphasis?

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Which of the following intensifiers is used to express very strong intensity?

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Which of the following intensifiers is used to express a very strong opinion?

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Which of the following intensifiers is used to express very strong emphasis?

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