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Official Basic Certificate of English In Irregular Verbs (I) Exam


Garah Ozal Abelardo English Tutor Chatsifieds Learn English faster

Prepared by Academy English Tutor Grace L. Abelardo


Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.Grace L. Abelardo

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Time Base: 3 Minutes (12 seconds per question), Passing Score – 90% +. A certificate will be issued after the English proficiency test is passed.


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This is a timed quiz. You will be given 180 seconds to answer all questions. Are you ready?


Peter has __ all of his passwords.

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I __ this idea would work out.

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My parents__ their bikes every day.

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Plants __ better when they have lots of sunshine and water.

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They have __ in the choir at school since kindergarten.

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Frank __ only four hours a night when he was in university.

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Karen __ from New York to Los Angeles last week.

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Correct! Wrong!

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Now that everyone has__hands , we can begin.

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Correct! Wrong!

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Last week our teacher __ us our country on the globe.

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Correct! Wrong!

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Every year students __ on the first day of school.

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Correct! Wrong!

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I've __ home from work early to meet my kids since they started school.

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Correct! Wrong!

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Sorry, I missed your call. My mobile phone __ last night.

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Correct! Wrong!

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When Maria was young her mother __ her to school.

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Correct! Wrong!

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My brother __ me a birthday gift when I was younger.

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Correct! Wrong!

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We have __ more animals since we got the binoculars.

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Basic certificate of English In Irregular Verbs (I) Test
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