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Official Certificate of English In Modal Verbs Exam


Purita C Torcelino Chatsifieds english tutor
Prepared by Academy English Tutor Purita C. Torcelino.

Your English will improve if you follow the rules carefully.Purita C. Torcelino



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Last Minute Studying Tips Before English Exam

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Video power by Oxford Online English.


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Time Base: 3 Minutes, Passing Score – 90% +. A certificate will be issued after the English proficiency test is passed.



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____ you please pull over? I ____ really eat something.

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He was working all day without a single break. He ____ be exhausted.

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By the end of this year, I realize I _____ writing tests for three years now.

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Look at the furniture and decorations! This house ______ have cost a fortune.

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I was asking myself what in all honesty she ___ do next.

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Kate, ______ you hold your breath for more than a minute? No, I can't.

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How long ____ you hold your breath?

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All right. You ____ stay as long as you don't make any noise.

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He was quite definite about it and assured me he _____ come.

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___ I have more juice, please?

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The scheme _____ included in the school curriculum at the beginning of the next academic year.

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Ted's flight from the Philippines took more than 9 hours. He ______ be exhausted after such a long flight

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The television isn't working. It _____ have been damaged during the move.

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Do you really ____ say everything that pops into your head?

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Susan _____ hear the speaker? - I _____ because the crowd was cheering so badly.

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