Past Perfect Tense

Certificate of Past Perfect Tense

(Past Perfect Tense Exercises)


Past Perfect Tense Exercises chatsifieds speaking english like a pro

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Past Tense

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( Past Perfect Tense Exercises )

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Past Tense

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People always say that I didn’t give up my seat because I was tired, but that isn’t true. I was not tired physically… No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in.Rosa Parks


Past Perfect Tense Exercises chatsifieds speaking english like a pro


What Is the Past Perfect Tense?



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What Is the Past Perfect Tense?


The Past perfect tense refers to a time earlier than now. An order is used to make it clear that one event happened before another in the past. The past perfect tense makes it clear which event occurred first, regardless of which one was mentioned first.


Forming the past perfect tense


Rules: subject + auxiliary have (had) + main verb


For Example:


  • Olga had finished her work.
  • John had stopped before me.
  • We had not left.
  • She had not gone to work.


For question sentences


Rules: We exchange the subject and the auxiliary verb.


For Example:


  • Had you arrived?
  • Had they watched the movie?




Past Perfect Tense Exercises chatsifieds speaking english like a pro


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The Past Perfect Tense




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The Past Perfect Tense


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verb Tenses

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I would not have been more beautiful now, if I .............. in these two years.

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When I .............. the office, my wife arrived.

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I managed to win the race, because my mum ............ psychologically to beat my fears.

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They won the championship, because they ................ so hard.

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I wouldn't have been a teacher, if I ............. to college.

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When I arrived in the airport, my mum ............ .

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She .......... a great job, when her mother was away.

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I ............. weight, because I went on a diet.

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I was tired, that is why I ............ to bed earlier.

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I have a terrible bellyache, because I ............. so much.

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I was tired, because I .......... for four hours.

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When my brother finished the work, I ......... .

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I ........... sad, because my grandma died.

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I did the best in the company, when my father ............

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Maria .............. when I arrived in the office.

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