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Personal Pronouns Test

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( Personal Pronouns Test )


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Personal Pronouns

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( Personal Pronouns )

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Personal Pronouns Test

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Personal Pronouns


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What are personal pronouns?


A personal pronoun is a short word we use as a simple substitute for the proper name of a person.


Personal pronouns represent specific people or things. We use them depending on:


Singular Personal Pronouns – Subject:


  • I
  • You
  • He
  • She
  • It


Singular Personal Pronouns – Object:


  • Me
  • You
  • Him
  • She
  • It


Plural Personal Pronouns – Subject:


  • We
  • You
  • There


Plural Personal Pronouns – Object:


  • Us
  • You
  • Them


Personal pronouns are categorized by person. There are three person categories:


First person personal pronouns represent those speaking (eg: I and we).


Second Person. The second-person personal pronouns represent those being addressed (eg: you (singular + plural)).


Third Person. The third-person personal pronouns represent those who are neither speaking nor being addressed (eg: he/she/it and they).



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Personal Pronouns


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Personal Pronouns English Test

Personal Pronouns Writing Test

Personal Pronouns

Fill in blanks Tips:
Tips: ourmyhermyyourmyTheirhis
Hi! My name's Lara and this is family. That's brother. name's Ali. Linda and Hatem are parents. We have one cousin, Kinza. parents are uncle and aunt. names are Hamed and Dina. What about you? What is name?
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