Popular English poem About Love, Forever Connected

by Dec 22, 2018Uncategorized

Shafayet Ali Mithun (Bangadesh)

Shafayet Ali Mithun (Bangadesh)

Community Poetry Artist

  • Poetry Artist (Level 2)
  • Leadership strengths (Level 13)

Forever Connected

Every moment we spent together

Has touched our lives, our souls forever.

The things we shared and learned
Is permanent growth we’ve earned.

The person I have grown into today
Did not get there by chance, no way.

I am who I am partly because of you,
And you are YOU because of me, too.

The changes I see
And what I have learned about me

Are a response to how we affected our lives
And what we discover in each other’s eyes.

It is uncertain if we have to part or one day live together.
Either way, we have touched our lives forever!

No matter what the future will show,
No matter what we are told.

We are connected on such a deep level
That no one can remove, not even the devil.

Our feelings might be different a year from now,
But you are part of me forever somehow.

A part of me will always be you,
And a part of you will always be me.

No matter what happens, that much is certain.
Our souls are one until life closes the curtain.

I will love your forever,
For worse or for better.

You are tattooed in my heart,
And nothing can tear our souls apart.

I will never forget you,
For my love is honest and true.

Love Poem By  Shafayet Ali Mithun,

Thank you!

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Welcome to our elite “Become a confidence English speaker club” for emerging and confident future leaders. Our group members are the leaders of tomorrow, and they have helped ten of thousands of people with their knowledge and wisdom.

We are the English learning community only for leaders of English speaking and writing. Knowledge sharing is caring! 
