Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E)


Vocabulary Builder


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People E By: Ashin Damika


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Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) Vocabulary Builder

by | Jun 22, 2019 | English Vocabulary

Ashin Damika

Community Writer (Myanmar)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People E Ashin Damika is a kind, caring and talented teacher from Myanmar. Ashin loves to share his knowledge with others. He also teaches at local monastery.

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People E BA : Law and literature

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People E Teacher at Monastery



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Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People E


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) | Vocabulary Builder


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Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) | Vocabulary Builder


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Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 1. Title of an English nobleman,third below Prince = * earl, (a British peer ranking below a marquess and above a viscount)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 2. One who listens to the conversation of other = * eavesdropper; (eaves = the edge of a roof which comes out beyond the wall/ eavesdrop = to listen secretly to other people talking)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 3. A rather mad person = * eccentric (person);(eccentric=[circle]not drawn round the same centre/[movement]not moving in a regular circle / [behaviour] unusual, peculiar / n.eccentricity)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 4. An officer of the church = * ecclesiastic; (having to do with the government of the church)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 5.Title givenin Turkey or Egypt to an officer of government = * effendi; (used as a polite way of speaking to a gentleman)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 6. One who delights to speak about himself or thinks only of his own welfare = * egotist, (one who talks too much about himself / ego = the self / egoist = one who thinks always about himself)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 7. One who works to get some one else elected by the people for an office = * electioneer;(elect=to choose)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 8. A man who makes or works with electrical instruments = electrician; (adj.electric,electrical / n. electricity = a strange force or power which is used to produce heat, light and power)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 9. A person having grace or good manners = * elegant(person) ([thing] graceful, neat & beautiful)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 10. The officer sent by a government to do its business with the government of another country = * embassy


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 11. (Professor / a teacher in a university)who is no longer holding office = *emeritus


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 12. A prince; an officer in Turkey= * emir; (one who is of the family of Mohammed)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 13. A spy sent out on a secret mission = *emissary, (one who is sent to carry a message or do some special piece if work,usually of a bad or unpleasant kind, eg. An emissary of the devil)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 14. The ruler of an empire = * emperor


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 15. The wife of an emperor (= ruler of an empire) = * empress


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 16. A person who is hated,who is trying to do harm to one = * enemy; (a nation at war with another / the army of[or the ships of] a nation at war)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 17. One who makes or has charge of engines =  * engineer, (one who understand the building of road, bridges,etc.)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 18. One who go in = * entrant,(one who take part in a race,examination,etc. / entrance = the act, power or means of entering//to cause to be a state of great wonder & delight)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 19. One who makes plans for a business and arranges to get it going — especially one who arranges the performance of plays or musical shows = * entrepreneur


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 20. A special messenger ( = carrier of message) of high rank sent from one government to another = * envoy


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 21. One devoted to the pleasure of eating and drinking = * epicure, (one who take great interest in the pleasure of eating, drinking / epicurean = having to do with teaching which holds that what gives pleasure is good and what gives pain is evil)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 22. An officer in a king’s court,in ancient time in charge of the king’s horsemen = * equerry


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 23. One who looks after a knights = * esquire; (a polite way of addressing a gentleman on a letter; G.Smith,Esq.)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 24. A set of persons kept together for a certain purpose, eg.the servants in a house = * (an) establishment, (all the men and officers of a certain part of the government, eg. the army/The peace establishment of an army= those men employed in the army in time of peace)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 25. A person of mixed European and Indian birth =  *Eurasian


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 26. A teacher of good news = * evangelist, (a writer of one of the four books of the Bible which tell the life of Christ)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 27. One who is banished from his home or his country = * exile; (to send a person out of his own country as a punishment / this form of punishment / a person so punished


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 28. One who plans food so that the right amount of each kind is eaten = * diet-itian; (diet=food & drink / to diet = to eat only cer-tain foods for reasons of health / a diet = the spe-cial foods, ordered / /a group of person who rule a country [eg.Denmark] / a meeting of persons to decide certain questions)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 29. One who has special knowledge or power obtained by practiced = * (an) expert


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 30. One who holds extreme(unusually strong) opinions = * extremist; (extremity = the last or farthest point, eg. extremity of the body = hands, feet, fingers, etc.)


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 31. A person who does not turn his thoughts inwards and think about himself,but thinks only of the world outside = * extrovert


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (E) 32. One who himself saw an event happen = * eye-witness



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