The Story of India Village of Dulla

by Jan 16, 2019Best and Interesting Articles

Mogalapu Srinivasarao

Community Writer (India)

  • Leadership strengths (Level 13)
  • Community Writer (Level 2)

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The Story of India Village of Dulla


The village Senior citizens said that historically, The saint durvasamahamuni meditated in this place so it is called Dulla. This is the village located 20 kilometers from Rajamahandravaram and 50 kilometers away from Kakinada at East Godavari district in State of Andhra Pradesh in India.

The village population has above 10,000 people including men, women, and children. All these people are so good by nature. When we would like to go to this village from west side we see Lord Sri.Venkateswara Temple, then from east side we see Masjid then from the north side we see beautiful Church where bible lessons preach to the people. Then from the south side we see mediation canter.

Geographically, the village is very nice. The village has few water tanks. Good coconut trees are at the water tanks. One of the freedom fighters was born in this village. His statue is in front of the water tank. The freedom fighter name is maharshi bulusu sambhamurthi, who is also famous in district headquarter at Kakinada.

The village has 900 acres of fertile soil dry land and wetland.

In this village, farmers cultivate good crops like sugar cane, paddy, vegetables, flowers, fruits, plants, and nurseries. The beautiful flower market and vegetable market is near the village. In that market farmers sell their agro products then traders sell and send fruits and vegetables to their customers in different states.

Only a few farmers have buffalos and get milk from them. Years later the village had more and good animals, gradually the animal population decreased.

In this village, the handmade cloth weavers are very famous. They have been making clothes for a few decades. They make clothes from threads. They design clothes well.

The nice potter makes use full utensils from soil mud. Many people use this mud pots for storing water. The nice carpenter makes comfortable furniture from timber woods. In this village, one sawmill is there. They cut timber logs in to different shapes. Workers get good employment at small scale industries, for instance, brick making industries, and plants and nurseries. They get pay and perks well. The village has a nice sarpanch from his efforts the only village got off (Open defecation free) award from government of India. The village has newly secretariat building which is very nice to sit and do administration work.

The good philanthropists will have to help to establish a good digital public library, and public hospital and public burial ground with all facilities. The good business mans established their business for getting profits and give employment to youth who studies well.

The two comedians (movie artists) are born in this village those are famous in Telugu film industry. Two chief ministers have visited this village one was former chief minister and present honorable chief minister while political camp again. People like different political parties. But after elections, they unite all. They know well unity in diversity. Sweets making industries are famous. They make sweets and hot good quality and good taste. Those good sweets sell their customers to at rock-bottom price.

The village is a good trade center around the hamlets. The new road comes soon which is from national high way 216 side by river The Godavari as and when the new road connects the village will develops than never before the days.

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