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Top 50 Grammar Mistakes

Top 50 Grammar Mistakes


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Top 50 Grammar Mistakes

Speak English Like a PRO with Chatsifieds Top 50 Grammar Mistakes

Awesome Blogs for Learn English from experts around the world!

Learning with Expert: Alexander St. John.


Top 50 English Grammar Tips for Mastering the Language


Top 50 English Grammar Rules


That is a good question. If you are looking for a book with ‘rules’, my choice would have to be this one:


Fumblerules, a Lighthearted Guide to Grammar and Good Usage, by William Safire, Doubleday, 1990.


The book is sectioned into fifty short chapters, each with its fumble rule. Here are the titles for each:


1. No sentence fragments.

2. Avoid run-on sentences they are hard to read.

3. A writer must not shift your point of view.

4. Do not put statements in the negative form.

5. Don’t use contractions in formal writing.

6. The adverb always follows the verb.

7. Make an all out effort to hyphenate when necessary but not when unnecessary.

8. Don’t use Capital letters without good REASON.

9. It behooves us to avoid archaisms.

10. Reserve the apostrophe for it’s proper use and omit it when its not needed.

11. Write all adverbial forms correct.

12. In their writing, everyone should make sure that their pronouns agree with its antecedent.

13. Use the semicolon properly, use it between complete but related thoughts; and not between an independent clause and a mere phrase.

14. Don’t use no double negatives.

15. Also, avoid awkward or affected alliteration.

16. When a dependent clause precedes an independent clause put a comma after the dependent clause.

17. If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times: Resist hyperbole.

18. If any word is improper at the end of a sentence, a linking verb is.

19. Avoid commas, that are not necessary.

20. Verbs have to agree with their subjects.

21. Avoid trendy locutions that sound flaky.

22. “The male pronoun embraces the female” is a non-sexist standard that should be followed by all humankind.

23. And don’t start a sentence with a conjunction.

24. The passive voice should never be used.

25. Writing carefully, dangling participles should be avoided.

26. Unless you are quoting other people’s exclamations, kill all exclamation points!!!!

27. Never use a long word when a diminutive one will do.

28. The rigid rule of “i before e except after c” raises spelling to a science.

29. Proofread carefully to see if you have any words out.

30. Use parallel structure when you write and in speaking.

31. Boycott eponyms.

32. Ixnay on colloquial stuff.

33. Of all the rules about indefinite pronouns, none is useful.

34. Zap onomatopoeia.

35. Resist new verbs that has snuck into the language.

36. Better to walk through the valley of the shadow of death than to string prepositional phrases.

37. You should just avoid confusing readers with misplaced modifiers.

38. One will not have needed the future perfect tense in one’s entire life.

39. Place pronouns as close as possible, especially in long sentences—such as those of ten or more words—to their antecedents.

40. Eschew dialect, irregardless.

41. Remember to never split an infinitive.

42. Take the bull by the hand and don’t mix metaphors.

43. Don’t verb nouns.

44. De-accession euphemisms.

45. Always pick on the correct idiom.

46. If this were subjunctive, I’m in the wrong mood.

47. Never, ever use repetitive redundancies.

48. “Avoid overuse of ‘quotation “marks.” ‘ “

49. Never use prepositions to end sentences with.

50. Last but not least, avoid clichés like the plague.


I’ve spoiled you by outlining the book’s wisdom. You won’t even have to go and read the whole book now. Sorry for spoiling your neat little ideas of what grammar ‘is’ or ‘should be’.


Good luck.



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Speak English Like a PRO with Chatsifieds Top 50 Grammar Mistakes


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The cat is eating ..... dinner.

The difference between its and it's chatsifieds
Correct! Wrong!

Hear it:

...... very cold today.

The difference between its and it's chatsifieds
Correct! Wrong!

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Matty thinks ..... not fair!

The difference between its and it's chatsifieds
Correct! Wrong!

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The government has lost ..... standard.

The difference between its and it's chatsifieds
Correct! Wrong!

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It shows ...... possession.

The difference between its and it's chatsifieds
Correct! Wrong!

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Sokun noticed that ..... engine is at the back.

The difference between its and it's chatsifieds
Correct! Wrong!

Hear it:

I hope ..... not going to happen again.

The difference between its and it's chatsifieds
Correct! Wrong!

Hear it:

Need to check to see if ..... gone.

The difference between its and it's chatsifieds
Correct! Wrong!

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I haven't seen it before, but I have heard ..... good.

The difference between its and it's chatsifieds
Correct! Wrong!

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..... over.

The difference between its and it's chatsifieds
Correct! Wrong!

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The cargo comapny has lost ..... licence.

The difference between its and it's chatsifieds
Correct! Wrong!

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Don't judge a book by ___ cover.

The difference between its and it's chatsifieds
Correct! Wrong!

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So where is ..... round table?

The difference between its and it's chatsifieds
Correct! Wrong!

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Sometimes ..... better to start early morning.

The difference between its and it's chatsifieds
Correct! Wrong!

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Please Look at her weight! ..... down 5 kg.

The difference between its and it's chatsifieds
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Top 50 Grammar Mistakes

Top 50 Grammar Mistakes

Reference: Alexander St John ( Grammar schrammer ).  “What are some good books on English grammar?” originally appeared on Quora, the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.

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