What are other uses of the Present Simple tense

What are other uses of the Present Simple tense?

by Oct 23, 2019English Grammar Tips, English Time Ask Elo

What are other uses of the Present Simple tense

English Grammar Rules, Explanation, and Examples

What are other uses of the Present Simple tense

English Time Ask Elo 

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What are other uses of the Present Simple tense

English Time Ask Elo

When to use is are am with Present Continuous Tense

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What are other uses of the Present Simple tensee Chatsifieds

English Time Ask Elo

When to use is are am with Present Continuous Tense

When to use is are am with Present Continuous Tense

What are other uses of the Present Simple tense?

Asked by @ Etz Patience Offumite (Community Student)

English Grammar Rules

Answered by @ Elo Kasia

Elo Kasia is the English Mentor for  Difference between DO and MAKEEnglish Grammar and Speaking Academy” ,  Join now.

What are other uses of the Present Simple tensee


Difference between DO and MAKE How and when to use the Present Simple Tense in English



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Difference between DO and MAKE



What are other uses of the Present Simple tenseeQuestion Time: What are other uses of the Present Simple tense?


What are other uses of the Present Simple tensee  @ Etz Patience Offumite , Thank you for your question.

What are other uses of the Present Simple tensee  As usual, I will try to explain the difference using simple language and plenty of examples.



What are other uses of the Present Simple tensee



As we already know, the Present Simple is the most used tense in the English language (60% of usage). The most common examples include:
  • Facts – The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world.
  • Things true in the present – I live in London.
  • Routines – Every morning I wake up at 6.
  • Timetables – The train to Manchester leaves on the hour every hour.
However, there are other usages of the Present Simple you might not come across so often but they are important to know as well.
1. Stative verbs (normally they cannot be used in progressive tenses with -ing). They express a state rather than an action. They usually relate to thoughts, emotions, relationships, senses, states of being and measurements. Some common examples include:
  • Thoughts – agree, believe, imagine, know, mind, realise, remember, think, understand
  • Emotions – adore, love, hate, dislike, like, love, need, want
  • Senses: feel, hear, see, smell, taste
  • States of being: belong to, have (possession), include, look (seem), possess
  • Measurements: consist of, contain, cost equal, measure, weigh
For Example:
  1. I know what to do. I don’t mind waiting. I love her.
  2. I don’t understand you.
  3. He thinks the teacher dislikes him.
  4. I can hear some noises.
  5. The bottle consists of 500ml.
2. To tell a story, recount a plot or tell a joke.
  • Plot line: Ophelia tragically drowns in a stream.
  • Joke: A neutron walks into a bar and orders a drink. When the neutron gets his drink, he asks, “Bartender, how much do I owe you?”
  • The bartender replies, “For you, neutron, no charge.”
3. Newspaper headlines to make an impact (and save space)
  • Five die in city house fire.
  • Prime Minister meets US President.
  • Heatwave kills.
4. Sports commentary
  • Messi dribbles the ball up the centre field, he shoots, he scores, what a wonderful goal from Lionel Messi.
5. Future scheduled or planned actions
  • My flight leaves at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning.
6. To give instructions or orders (in the imperative form, which means you drop the subject and start our sentence with the verb)
  • Finely chop the shallots and add them to the skillet.
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What are other uses of the Present Simple tensee



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Difference between DO and MAKE Elo Kasia Community Mentor for What are other uses of the Present Simple tenseeEnglish Grammar and Speaking Academy“.

Director at Eloquent Learning Online, educational institution based in the UK. www.eloquentlearning.com.

What are other uses of the Present Simple tensee

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What are other uses of the Present Simple tense

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