What’s the best way to learn English in rural India areas by yourself

May 3, 2019English Listening and speaking tips, Smart Brains Spotlight

What’s the best way to learn English in rural India areas by yourself


Balaji Janakarajan


Smart Brains Spotlight 


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Today we learned What’s the best way to learn English in rural India areas by yourself. Let Balaji Janakarajan shares with you the best ways which help him Improve his English speaking fluency in rural India areas.

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What’s the best way to learn English in rural India areas by yourself | Balaji Janakarajan


What’s the best way to learn English in rural India areas by yourself


Balaji Janakarajan


How can I become fluent in English?



Answer by Balaji Janakarajan (“Brewing next revelation”, Technical PM at Tesla, India). All credit goes to Balaji Janakarajan,  Thank you! 


What’s the best way to learn English in rural India areas by yourself?


I grew up in rustic area where speaking English is considered as alien and the language is remotely alien. Perhaps school cared me about conversing in English rather than in the perfect form. I ended up being a blitzkrieg machine uttering hodgepodge of English words. All the verisimilitude asked me to list few steps which will put me through the path to crawl, and likely to walk and talk and run, by this I mean one would be able to differentiate between sarcasm and irony and ability to empathize and express words on the context and deciphering the idioms. I’m replicating it here which might suffice as an answer.


best way to learn English in rural India areas

What’s the best way to learn English in rural India areas by yourself. Thank you, Quora.


  • Start. Start your day with reading any English newspaper. Though it might sound cliche but this is the truth. If you’re from India, The Hindu is what I would advise, stay away from others for the meantime. Old one would do just fine.


  • Read them out loud. Loud enough to get someone annoyed. Read the editorial section and summarize to an English speaking friend to ensure you have comprehend that correctly.


  • Explain those editorials to your non English speaking friends in your native language and if they ask queries ensure that you’re able to address them, else you are missing pieces of the hidden information which is mostly implied.


  • If you cannot comprehend because of vocabulary, use Vocabulary.com or Merriam-Webster to find the meaning or if you struggle with sentence structure, complete High School Grammar by Wren & Martin.


  • Small hack to memorize words is to use Mnemonics. You can use Mnemonic Dictionary but you should remember that words take meaning in context and parts of the language (Verb/Adjective/Adverb/Noun), hence it’s advised to read Wren & Martin before we start this exercise. Use Wordnik apart from Vocabulary.com to get contextual sentences from literary base around the web.


  • Time to raise the bars? Start reading NYTimes, their opinion column is next to awesome. Note down all the alien words and add to your *Things I Read* list in Vocabulary Lists, ensure you revise the words at-least biweekly.


  • Now start solving Word Power Made EasyBook by Norman Lewis, the bible for mastering vocabulary base. It will show you how to master the words with roots and context being lucid and succinct. One of the greatest read ever for language aspirants.


  • A little further? Arts & Letters Daily one of greatest source for mastery over the sentence structure and prose. It aggregates selected content from the web and all you have to do is read three of them every day for a month and come back here. Its intellectually demanding and helps you to do well over the language. Also you should try jotting down the content you read by summarizing it in less than ten sentences in your journal.


  • Time for culture? Sitcoms. Start with Friends (TV Series 1994–2004)you may use subtitles for first couple of seasons and not anymore; if you want to get started with accent and imbibe the intonation patterns and emotions. The latter is missed most part when you think so you’re watching instead you end up doing the reading of subtitles.


  • How about some good reads? Start with Best American Series which is a collation of great reads around the web. I assume you would know how to get this. If you love novels a list is you should gaze at this. Some more? Grab the NYTimes Best Sellers a scintillating way to pick best reads.


  • Little beyond this? Let us put in use. Enroll in the nearest Toastmasters and start expressing it to the audience.


best way to learn English in rural India areas

What’s the best way to learn English in rural India areas by yourself. Thank you, Quora.


You’re what you read and what you do. Ability to articulate and express clearly and aptly comes from practice. Read, Listen, Talk. English is varied, very varied and enamoring, when the humor is done with words, read Mark Twain. I’ve been honing my language skills for past ten years and still I’m yet to learn; If I look back and ask is it worth? Certainly, Yes!

The recipe for mediocrity is quite simple: do what everyone else does. If you want something extraordinary, you need to take extraordinary steps.

The harder you work the luckier you get. You don’t know what you’re capable of until you do it!


best way to learn English in rural India areas Reference:  Balaji Janakarajan. “How can I become fluent in English?”  originally appeared on Quora, the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.





Thank you, ” Youtube – Go Natural English “.



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