Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google

Jul 19, 2019Best and Interesting Articles, Smart Brains Spotlight

Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google


Nish Jayram


Smart Brains Spotlight


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Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google

Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google The topic for today is “What are some mind-blowing facts about Google?” Learning should be for life. Every moment of every day we are being presented with new and important lessons. Here we will present you one handpicked new and important lesson every day from smart brains and experts around the world.


Let Nish Jayram shares with you some mind blowing facts about google. Can google read your mind!? After all learning English and reading English can be fun. 

Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google

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Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google

Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google | Thanks, Nish Jayram.



Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google


Nish Jayram

Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google How can I become fluent in English?



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Thank you, Youtube – List25.



Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google.


Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google Answer by Nish Jayram, (Cranial detonation specialist, B.S. Computer Science, University of Californi). All credit goes to Nish Jayram, Thank you!
Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google 7.2 / 10



Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google QUESTION: Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google.


Google can read your mind!


Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google

Mind-blowing facts about Google | Thanks, Quora.


Okay, maybe not quite.


But way back in the ancient, prehistoric year of 2000, Google introduced MentalPlex: a new kind of search engine with a way of anticipating your search request before you could even type it!


Mind-blowing facts about Google | Thanks, Quora.


Let’s take a peek at the FAQ for this nifty product: [1]


1. What is MentalPlex search?

Unlike regular search engines that require you to type a query to conduct a search, MentalPlex search anticipates your request by evaluating over 1.3 billion variables including:

  • the last 5 sites you visited before coming to Google
  • current air pressure, humidity and ozone content
  • astrological configuration at the time of your visit
  • speed and vectors of your mouse movement
  • personal aura and brainwave activity

…Google’s CEO and co-founder Larry Page calls MentalPlex “a quantum leap in finding what you are looking for on the Internet. Typing in queries is so 1999.”


Personal aura and brainwave activity, eh? Sounds like a bunch of mind-reading…


3. Does MentalPlex search read minds?

Don’t be ridiculous. Mind-reading is impossible. MentalPlex technology senses electronic field variations created by concentrated thought and can interpret those field variations as broad categories of content. Mind-reading? Really now. We’re talking about science here.


Oh…never mind then.


Let’s give it a shot then, eh?


Mind-blowing facts about Google | Thanks, Quora.


Oh for fu—


It turns out that MentalPlex was Google’s very first April Fools’ Day joke! And ever since 2005, they’ve done at least one every year.


In fact, here are a few examples that stand out:

  • 2005: Google introduces “Google Gulp,” a beverage intended to increase the drinker’s intelligence to further optimize web searches.
  • 2008: All featured videos on the YouTube homepage for UK and Australia would redirect to Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up.” (That’s right, Google rick-rolled people for April Fools’ Day.)
  • 2011: Google announces that Comic Sans will become the default font for all Google products. (Oh, the humanity!)
  • 2015: Maps includes a “Pac-Man View,” allowing people to play the classic video game along streets in the real world.


And the list goes on and on!


Google can read your mind! In my mind, the reason why Google can be so great isn’t just because of the variety of products and services they offer. It’s also because of their penchant for easter eggs, wordplay, pranks, and just general fun.

Sometimes it’s the simple things that really matter, y’know?

Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google


[1] Google MentalPlex FAQ Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google


Reference:  Nish Jayram.  “What are some mind-blowing facts about Google?originally appeared on Quora, the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.

If you think about it, our lives are an endless pursuit of answers and new questions. So how can YOU take action to ensure that your learning never comes to an end?


Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google
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Google can read your mind! Mind-blowing facts about Google