How to improve English speaking skills quickly at home

May 4, 2019English Listening and speaking tips, Smart Brains Spotlight

How to improve English speaking skills quickly at home


Sushant Choudhary


Smart Brains Spotlight 


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Today we learned How to improve English speaking skills quickly at home. Let Sushant Choudhary shares with you some of his top tips which helped him become better at speaking English, particularly as he too did not have many people to talk to in English with during the days that he was trying fervently to get better at it.


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How to improve english speaking skills quickly

How to improve English speaking skills quickly at home | Sushant Choudhary


How to improve English speaking skills quickly at home


Sushant Choudhary


How can I become fluent in English?



How to Speak English Fluently like an American in just 1 Month (Step by step) – Part 1


Thank you, “Youtube – Tony Illustrated English“.


Answer by Sushant Choudhary (“Living being.”, Worked at BlackRock investment, Studied at Carnegie Mellon University. New York City). All credit goes to Sushant Choudhary,  Thank you!


How to improve English speaking skills quickly at home



I think the following things helped me become better at speaking English, so I can only guess that they would help you too, particularly as I too did not have many people to talk to in English with during the days that I was trying fervently to get better at it:


1) Whatever you read, read aloud. I was already spending a lot of time reading English language novels, newspapers and history books when I realized I really wanted to improve my English speaking skills. The first thing I started to do was I began reading everything aloud. Of course, when you do this in isolation you do not always know if you are doing it right. But do it anyway.


2) Audiobooks. Any free time you have during the day you could plug in your headphones and listen to stuff you like to listen to (probably not music). It could be podcasts, although in my case, I mostly listened to jokes because I knew that way I would stay attentive to what was being said throughout my hour long bus-rides twice every day. I also feel that audiobooks are more effective in helping spoken English really sink in to your system than watching English content, as it is a more concentrated inflow of language. While watching things there’s usually a lot more extraneous stuff you’re taking in.


3) Subtitles. For people who are fluent with reading English but are just not sure about speaking it confidently*, observing people speak while you’re reading the subtitles is a great, great demo, and you should make full use of it. Improve while you watch movies, what more can you ask for!


4) While each of the above ways is helpful in its own right, but bringing all of them into your daily routine at the same time and sticking with them can greatly amplify the returns.


* Not all lack of confidence is attributable to a person’s inherent diffidence, and I think we’re often all too keen to come to that conclusion. Very often people lack confidence because they simply don’t understand the thing as well as they should.


Reference:  Sushant Choudhary. “How can I become fluent in English?”  originally appeared on Quora, the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.


How to Speak English Fluently like an American in just 1 Month – Part 2. Schedule for learning


Thank you, “Youtube – Tony Illustrated English“.




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