Learn English word PUTSCH and increase your English vocabulary

Learn English word LUDICROUS By: Suparno Bhattachayrra


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Learn English word PUTSCH and increase your English vocabulary

by | Apr 27, 2019 | English Vocabulary

Suparno Bhattachayrra

Community Writer (India)

Suparno Bhattachayrra is a smart, experienced and talented writer from the India. Suparno loves to share his knowledge with others.


 Learn English word PUTSCH

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Learn English word PUTSCH


Learn English word PUTSCH and increase your English vocabulary


Do you know the history and correct usage of the rare English word PUTSCH?

In this learn English through weird and wonderful English class, I am going to show you the beauty of this weird and useful word of PUTSCH.

PUTSCH is a noun and pronounce as “pu̇ch”



Learn English word PUTSCH – What is PUTSCH?


Learn English word putsch and and increase your English vocabulary

Learn English word putsch and and increase your English vocabulary


English vocabulary tips:

  • a secretly plotted and suddenly executed attempt to overthrow a government

Thank you,  Merriam-Webster, America’s most-trusted online dictionary Online Dictionary.


Learn English word PUTSCH – Synonyms of PUTSCH


Learn English word Synonyms of PUTSCH

Synonyms of PUTSCH


PUTSCH and Synonyms:

  • coup
  • overthrow
  • palace revolution
  • power play
  • rebellion
  • revolt
  • revolution
  • takeover

Thank you,  Thesaurus.com , the world’s largest and most trusted free online thesaurus.


Learn English word PUTSCH – Where is PUTSCH comes from?


Learn English word putsch history

Learn English word putsch and history


Learn English word LUDICROUS – English vocabulary tips:

  • In its native Swiss German, putsch originally meant “knock” or “thrust,” but these days both German and English speakers use it to refer to the kind of government overthrow also known as a coup d’état or coup.
  • Putsch debuted in English shortly before the tumultuous Kapp Putsch of 1920, in which Wolfgang Kapp and his right-wing supporters attempted to overthrow the German Weimar government.
  • Putsch attempts were common in Weimar Germany, so the word appeared often in the stories of the English journalists who described the insurrections. Adolf Hitler also attempted a putsch (known as the Beer Hall Putsch), but he ultimately gained control of the German government via other means.

Learn English word PUTSCH – How to use PUTSCH in a sentence?


Learn English word putsch usage

Learn English word putsch usage


Learn English word LUDICROUS – English vocabulary tips:

  • Voters had wanted a house cleaning, not an ideological putsch.
  • But the way that it happened was really like a putsch.
  • Peres insisted that he would not be part of any putsch.
  • Munich police fired on the marchers, ending the putsch attempt.
  • After the putsch failed, Varennikov spent 14 months in jail.
  • He has ruled since, surviving putsch attempts and military revolts.
  • After a one-day stand-off the putsch failed.
  • Why did some Freikorps units take part in the Kapp Putsch?
  • The Beer Hall Putsch involved Nazi Party members against opposing forces.
  • In 1923 he took part in the attempted Beer Hall Putsch.
  • The putsch was masterminded by the military junta then ruling in Athens.
  • These would include a travel ban on those who organized the putsch.
  • Friction over the talks eventually led to Hun Sen’s putsch.
  • After the 1991 putsch, power collapsed in a matter of hours.
  • Instead, he frightened them into suppressing his putsch through the use of the Bavarian state police.
  • This was the time of the August 1991 putsch.
  • Our own little putsch was carried through without loss of life, you remember.
  • Then came the August 1991 putsch.
  • Barely 14 months later, a failed putsch in Moscow left the Soviet Union in ruins.
  • Both generals were convicted for their role in the failed putsch.
  • The country, not surprisingly, preferred to wait to be persuaded rather than get pulverized in a partisan putsch.
  • Spectacular changes have taken place at the top since the failed putsch.


Thank you,  Sentence dictionary online – Good sentence examples for every word!


I hope you are enjoying this English class and found my “Learn English word PUTSCH and increase your English vocabulary” is useful.

Have fun as you learn with these weird and wonderful English words! Please add PUTSCH and other weird and wonderful words to your vocabulary now.

Thank you,

Suparno Bhattachayrra



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