Learn English word CEREBRAL and increase your English vocabulary

by | Apr 13, 2019 | English Vocabulary

Learn English word CEREBRAL and increase your English vocabulary

Learn English word CEREBRAL By: Suparno Bhattachayrra

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Special Thanks to our community friend twocopperjack who has proofread and identified some errors in this article.

” The word is spelled “cerebral.” It is spelled correctly once in the body of your post and almost never spelled correctly on the website you linked. The root (cerebrum) is correct and the pronunciation on the site (suh-REE-brul) is correct, although in the US some people say “SAER-uh-brul. – Edit:typo”. twocopperjack


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Suparno Bhattachayrra

Community Writer (India)

Suparno Bhattachayrra is a smart, experienced and talented writer from the India. Suparno loves to share his knowledge with others.


 Learn English word CEREBRAL

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Learn English word CEREBRAL and increase your English vocabulary

Do you know the history and correct usage of the rare English word CEREBRAL?

In this learn English through weird and wonderful English class, I am going to show you the beauty of this weird and useful word of CEREBRAL.

CEREBRAL is an adjective and pronounce as “suh-REE-brul”


Learn English word CEREBRAL – What is CEREBRAL?


Learn English word CELEBRAL definition

Learn English word CEREBRAL and and increase your English vocabulary


Learn English word CEREBRAL – English vocabulary tips:

  • 1 :  of or relating to the brain or the intellect
  • 2 :  of, relating to, affecting, or being the cerebrum
  • 3:   appealing to intellectual appreciation
  • 4:  primarily intellectual in nature

Learn English word CEREBRAL- Synonyms of CEREBRAL


Learn English word CELEBRAL synonyms

Learn English word CEREBRAL and and increase your English vocabulary


English vocabulary tips:


  • analytical
  • intelligent
  • intellectual
  • brainy
  • deep
  • erudite
  • recondite
  • scholarly
  • smart

Learn English word CEREBRAL – Where is CEREBRAL comes from?


Learn English word CELEBRAL history

Learn English word CEREBRAL and and increase your English vocabulary


Learn English word CEREBRAL – English vocabulary tips:

  • English borrowed its word cerebrum directly from the Latin word for “brain,” but the adjective cerebral, though from the same source, took a slightly more circuitous route, making its way into English by way of French. Cerebrum has been used in our language as a name for the upper part of the brain since at least the 1570s.
  • Cerebral has been appearing in print in English since the beginning of the 19th century, when it initially described the brain generally or the intellect. Other brainy descendants of cerebrum in English include cerebellum (the part of the brain between the brain stem and the back of the cerebrum) and cerebrate, a verb meaning “to use the mind” or “to think.”


Learn English word CEREBRA – How to use CEREBRA in a sentence?


Learn English word CELEBRAL cartoon

Learn English word CEREBRAL and and increase your English vocabulary


Learn English word CEREBRAL – English vocabulary tips:

  • The patient died from acute cerebral hemorrhage.
  • She makes cerebral films that deal with important social issues.
  • Your left cerebral hemisphere controls the right – hand side of your body.
  • The doctors speculate that he died of a cerebral hemorrhage caused by a blow on the head.
  • Cecil Phillips thrived on the cerebral challenge of cracking Soviet codes.
  • Doctors thought she had a mild case of cerebral palsy.
  • The cause of death was a cerebral hemorrhage.
  • The diameter of cerebral blood vessels is regulated by smooth muscles, which, in turn, are controlled by adenosine.
  • One seven year-old boy, a cerebral palsy sufferer, was anxious to make a speech.
  • He now has severe cerebral palsy, is unable to roll over, sit or crawl.
  • In the rat cerebral cortex in the absence of calmodulin, calcium has a negligible effect at low concentrations.
  • He was rushed to hospital with cerebral concussion and a smashed-up face.
  • John was born crippled and with cerebral palsy but could run, walk and jump.
  • The medical diagnosis was cerebral palsy.
  • His mature compositions are generally considered the more cerebral and crabbed.
  • Washington struck me as a precarious place from which to publish such a cerebral newspaper.
  • David was starved of oxygen during birth at Peterborough Hospital in 1979 and suffered cerebral palsy.
  • Indeed, Pavlov believed that the study of classical conditioning was the only way to study the functions of the cerebral cortex.
  • Death was due to fractures of the skull and severe cerebral contusion.
  • But you get the strong impression that he gets most cerebral satisfaction from dealing with physical problems.
  • It becomes indelibly graced with his tangy inner voicings and mix of the cerebral and the visceral.
  • Seizures may occur as an early manifestation of meningitis, encephalitis, or cerebral abscess.
  • It does have different characteristics from other more fixed medical conditions, such as cerebral palsy.
I hope you are enjoying this English class and found my “Learn English word CEREBRAL and increase your English vocabulary” is useful.

Have fun as you learn with these weird and wonderful English words! Please add CEREBRAL and other weird and wonderful words to your vocabulary now.

Thank you,

Suparno Bhattachayrra



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