Apotheosis – Learn English through weird and wonderful words

by Feb 23, 2019English Vocabulary

Suparno Bhattachayrra

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English Class Apotheosis – Learn English through weird and wonderful words

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99% of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.


George W Carver

English Class

Apotheosis – Learn English through weird and wonderful words

Do you know the history and correct usage of the rare English word “Apotheosis”?

In this learn English through weird and wonderful English class, I am going to show you the beauty of this weird and useful word of Apotheosis.

Apotheosis is a noun and It is properly pronounced like the word uh-pah-thee-OH-sis.


apotheosis pronoun Learn English through weird and wonderful words chatsifieds

Apotheosis – Learn English through weird and wonderful words, English Class.


What is Apotheosis?

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  • a :the perfect form or example of something : quintessence
  • b : the highest or best part of something : peak
  • 2 : elevation to divine status : deification




Where is Apotheosis from?


apotheosis Learn English through weird and wonderful words english class chatsifieds

Apotheosis – Learn English through weird and wonderful words, English Class.

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Among the ancient Greeks, it was sometimes thought fitting—or simply handy, say if you wanted a god somewhere in your bloodline — to grant someone or other “god” status.

So they created the word apotheosis, from the verb apotheoun, meaning “to deify.” (The prefix apo- can mean “off,” “from,” or “away,” and theos is the Greek word for “god.”)

There’s not a lot of Greek-style apotheosizing in the 21st century, but there is hero-worship.

Our extended use of apotheosis as “elevation to divine status” is the equivalent of “placement on a very high pedestal.”

Even more common these days is to use apotheosis in reference to a perfect example or ultimate form.

For example, one might describe a movie as “the apotheosis of the sci-fi movie genre.”




How to use the Apotheosis in a sentence?


apotheosis simple term Learn English through weird and wonderful words english class chatsifieds

Apotheosis – Learn English through weird and wonderful words, English Class.


Learn English class tips.

  • The legend of King Arthur represents the apotheosis of chivalry.
  • The Oriental in Bangkok is the apotheosis of the grand hotel.
  • One of the large paintings showed the Apotheosis of Emperor Trajan.
  • The legends of King Arthur represent the apotheosis of chivalry.
  • Their leader was the apotheosis of courage.
  • Bad taste in clothes reached its apotheosis in the 1970s.
  • They had their apotheosis in a moral resolution.
  • The Pop Tarts are the apotheosis of this disparity between rhetoric and achievement.
  • To see these activities as representing the apotheosis of Morris Zapp and the eclipse of Phillip Swallow is tempting but too simple.
  • There was the Worm, apotheosis of the suburban man for whom Gubbins wrote.
  • His story is the apotheosis of the Victorian servant.
  • That night was Richard’s apotheosis.
  • The cult of precision reaches its apotheosis in the presidential code name: Zero One.
  • Wild Rice and Onion Bread is the apotheosis of the onion bagel.
  • Now comes the final apotheosis, as successor to Richelieu, Bonaparte, and Bismarck in shaping the destinies of Europe.
  • It centers on the biography about three apotheoses of humanism, who are Beethoven, Michelangelo, and Tolstoy.
  • Yi a Style becomes the apotheosis of Ci for its easy language, tuneful swing, gentle and firm style, and latent and beautiful charm.
  • Marx constructing historical materialism is the apotheosis of theory innovation in human anamnesis history.
  • He was an apotheosis of chivalry.
  • He was the apotheosis of integrity.

I hope you are enjoying this English class and found my “Apotheosis – Learn English through weird and wonderful words” useul.

Have fun as you learn with these weird and wonderful English words! Please add These Rare and Uncommon Words to Your Vocabulary Now.

Thank you,

Suparno Bhattachayrra






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