Present Perfect Tense to talk about the present | English Time Ask Elo

by Jun 13, 2019English Grammar Tips, English Time Ask Elo

Present Perfect Tense to talk about the present | English Time Ask Elo


Elo Kasia


English Time Ask Elo (12/06/2019)


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Present Perfect Tense to talk about the present | English Time Ask Elo


Asked by @ Bradley Alex Magina  (Community Leaner)


Present Perfect Tense to talk about the present | English Time Ask Elo


Answered by @ Elo Kasia


Elo Kasia is the English Mentor for  Present Perfect Tense to talk about the present English Grammar and Speaking Academy”  now.



Present Perfect to talk about the present English time ask elo

Present Perfect Tense to talk about the present | English time ask elo



? Question Time: Present Perfect Tense to talk about the present | English Time Ask Elo


? @ Bradley Alex Magina, Thank you for your question.


? As usual, I will try to explain the difference using simple language and plenty of examples.

I have already explained to you how Present Perfect can be used for events which happened at unspecified time in the past and to talk about experiences and accomplishments.
Today, I am going to explain how Present Perfect is used to talk about the present and actions that have just been completed.
Remember we use have/has + verb in the Past Participle form. For most verbs add + ed, but irregular forms have to be memorised.
  • I haven’t finished my article yet. (finish-finished regular verb)
  • I have studied computing for 3 years. (study- studied regular verb)
  • He hasn’t done his homework yet. (do -done)
  • How long have they been abroad? (be – been)
  • Duration from the Past Until Now
Another every common usage of the Present Perfect Tense is to talk about an action or activity which started in the past and continues until now, i.e. it is still true in the present. In this sense Present Perfect is a present tense (and is translated as such in many languages)
“For five minutes,” “for two weeks,”, “for 6 months”, “since Tuesday” , “since 20017” are all durations which can be used with the present perfect.
  • I have had my dog for two years. (I still have it)
  • Danny has been in England for 5 years now, but she still hasn’t learned English. (she is still in England)
  • Mary has worked for Google since 2015.
  • I have lived here since I was a child.
Think about how you would use Present Perfect to describe your life. Make sentences, such as
  • I have lived in …. for/since
  • I have worked…
  • I have had this book since …
  • Actions which have just been completed, or done recently. We often use already, just, recently (for positive sentences) and yet (for negative sentences and questions)
  • Have you finished your work yet? No, I haven’t finished yet.
  • I have just had a phone call from my office.
  • We have just met our friends for coffee.
  • I haven’t seen him recently.
To practice, when you are about to finish an activity, think about it in English and say “We’ve just had dinner.”, “I’ve just brushed my teeth.”, “Our post hasn’t arrived yet.”
Present tense can be used in many situations, make sure you practise it as often as you can.
Present Perfect Tense to talk about the present Elo Kasia is the Community Mentor for English Grammar and Speaking Academy”  and Director at Eloquent Learning Online School


Elo Kasia

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