71 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) Vocabulary Builder

by | Jul 7, 2019 | English Vocabulary

Ashin Damika

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71 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) | Vocabulary Builder


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71 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) | Vocabulary Builder

Learn English Through Vocabulary


Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 1. A person (usually woman) who loves to go visiting rather than work at home = * gad-about; (gad = to wander without purpose / to go from place to place looking for amusement)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 2. An old woman — (especially one in village) = * gaffer

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 3. A group of beautiful women or famous men = * galaxy; (the part of the sky which is brightest with stars)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 4. A well-dressed man with fine manners = * (a) gallant or gall’ant; (brave; attending ladies in polite way / a lover)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 5. One sent to be a slave on a war-ship = * (a) galley-slave; (galley = an ancient war-ship)(galley proofs = long pieces of paper containing the first printing of a book to be corrected/ship’s galley = ship’s kitchen)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 6. A person who ought to be hanged = * gallows-bird; (gallows = a wooden framework for killing wrong- doers by hanging them by the neck)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 7. One who prevents outsiders from shooting birds and animals, eg. on the lands of the lord = * (a) gamekeeper

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 8. A person with a fighting spirit = * (a) game person

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 9. One who plays cards or other games for money = * gamester

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 10. A street boy usually bad mannered = * gamin

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 11. A number of men working together = * gang; (a group of law-breakers / Sl.a group of friends)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 12. A member of a group of law-breakers — especially in (USA) = * gangster

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 13. A person not to give up certain money or goods = * garnishee; (garnish = to put on ornaments / [in law] to warn)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 14. The soldiers who live in and guard a town = * garrison; (to garrison = to put soldiers in town/Garrison artillery = heavy guns used to defend a city)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 15. A very unskillful person = * gawk; (a tall over-grown youth)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 16. (Sl.) Old person = * (old) geezer

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 17. A girl in Japan who sings & dance to amuse the public = * geisha

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 18. A very good person = * (a)gem; (Sl. She is a gem/gem = a jewel)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 19. An armed officer of the law in France = * gendrame

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 20. A high officer of the army = * general; (having to do with all or the whole;common; eg. A general experience;A general servant/n.generality/generally = in a general way; usually/generalize = to make very wide in meaning; to make wide spread;to say something which is true of all persons or things)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 21. (Sl.) Gentleman = * gent

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 22. A man born of a good family an (usually)having enough money to live as one of the upper classes = * gentleman, (a man of good taste and manners)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 23. A soldier who offers his services to any employer = * gentleman of fortune

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 24. A lady of good birth and manners = * gentlewoman

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 25. The people of high rank below the title people = * gentry

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 26. Theives = * (light-fingered ) gentry

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 27. One who studies geology = * geologist; (geology = the study of rocks and the surface of the earth so as to learn its history and how it was formed / adj.geological)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 28. A person who writes a book for a well-known man and lets the other pretend that he has written it = * ghost; (the spirit of a dead person appearing to the living;a shadowy likeness of a thing/A ghost of a smile = a very faint smile/Give up the ghost = die/Haven’t a ghost of a chance = no chance)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 29. A person who delights in terrible things = * ghoul; (an evil spirit which feeds on the dead)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 30. A person of more than ordinary, or human, size = * giant, (a very large powerful Peron in fairy stories)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 31. A man who dances with ladies for payment = * gigolo

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 32. A helper in fishing or hunting in Scotland  = * gillie

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 33. A member of a wandering race which lives in covered carts and is always moving about = * gipsy, gypsy

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 34. A young female = * girl, (a young female servant)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 35. A trained fighter of ancient Rome who fought with men or animals for public amusement = * gladiator

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 36. A man or woman(especially woman) who play love making = (a)flirt; (to move or shake quickly,eg.1. wings, a bird’s tail / 2.to play at love making/ a flirtation = lovemaking (not serious) / adj. flirtatious)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 37. One who fixes glass into windows = * glazier;(to glaze = to fix glass into/to cover with shining surface like glass /to become glassy, eg. His eyes was glazed in death/glaze = any paint-like liquid used to give a glassy surface)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 38. One who makes arrangement for matters between people who do not meet = * go-between

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 39. People other than real father & mother those agree to help their god-child to grow up well and become a good person,(when a Christian child is given a name) = * god-father & god-mother

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 40. One who makes things of gold = * goldsmith

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 41. One who rows a gondola = *gondolier; (gondola = a long narrow boat with high end used in Venice)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 42.  (Sl.) An unwanted third person walking or sitting with two lovers = * gooseberry, (a small round fruit which grows on a bush)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 43. One who loves food and eats too much = * gormand ; (gormandize=to eat too much)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 44. One who loves good food and eat too much = * gourmand

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 45. One who takes great interest in food and chooses his food very carefully = * gourmet

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 46. That body of people which rules a country = * government

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 47. A man appointed by a Government to rule any part of country = * governor; (an instrument in an engine which controls the speed)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 48. A woman who teach and takes charge of young children = * governess

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 49. One who has finished a course of study at a University(Am.at any school) = * graduate

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 50. One’s father’s or mother’s father = * grandfather

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 51. One’s son’s son, one’s daughter’s son = * grandson

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 52. A ruler of certain small countries = * Grand-duke

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 53. A nobleman of high rank= * grandee

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 54. An old woman = * granny, (one’s father’s or mother’s mother)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (G) 55. A wife whose husband is away = * grass widow

56. A man in charge of cattle in the field = * grazier, (one who keeps cattle/graze = to feed on grass,as sheep to//to pass or rub lightly along a surface)

57. Mother’s mother’s mother = * great-grandmother

58. One who sells fruit and vegetables = * greengrocer

59. A soldier = * grenadier

60. An old man = * greybeard

61. One who sells dry and tinned food,soap, candles,etc. = * grocer; (groceries = such goods/Am. groceteria = a food shop where one serves oneself and pays coming out)

62. A servant in charge of horses = * groom; (a man just about to be married/to groom [a horse] = to brush & clean/ well groomed [man] = looking neat & clean)

63. A number of person(or objects) in one place,or gathered for a special purpose = * group, (a class or kind)

64. A person who watch or defends = * guard; (a soldier of the home army / a thing which prevents damage//to watch against danger or surprise/to defend against attack)

65. One who guards = * guardian, (one who has charge of)

66. A visitor = * guest, (one who stays for a meal or sleeps in the house;any invited person)

67. A group joined together for trade or other purposes = * guild

68. An easily deceived person =* gull; (gull = to deceive//a large sea-bird / gullible = easily deceived)

69. A teacher = * guru; (a family priest in India)

70. One who is good at gymnastics = * gymnast;(gymnastics=exercises for making the body strong & graceful / gymnasium = 1. a large room in which gymnastics are done / 2.a high school in Germany, Holland,etc.)

71. A male servant at Oxford or Cambridge University = * gyp; (To give him gyp = to punish or give pain to/ Am . Sl. I have been gypped = deceived)  


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