The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda, Can you withstand the test of time?

by | Apr 5, 2019 | Best and Interesting Articles

The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda, Can you withstand the test of time?

The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time By: Louisa Jolanda

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The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of timeThe Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time | The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time | The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time | The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time | The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time | The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time | The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time | The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time | The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time | The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time | The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time | The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time | The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time



Louisa Jolanda

Community Contributor (South Africa)

The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time Louisa Jolanda is a Poetess who is passionate about People, Freedom, and Word Painting. She is a Worshiper of God, a Warrior of the Light, Wife of her Love, Caleb, Mommy of a Starlight, Rafael, and Founder of Luminous Bloodline.

The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time Luminous Bloodline

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Let go of yesterday. Let today be a new beginning and be the best that you can, and you’ll get to where God wants you to be.

Joel Osteen

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The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda, Can you withstand the test of time?



The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time Time doesn’t stop or pause ever – The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda


Time doesn’t stop or pause ever.  It is continually moving forward. It can never be reversed unless it’s recorded on a device, but even then it cannot be recovered. Time keeps ticking by with every breath we take and nothing we do will change that.

With time we learn lessons, we enjoy blessings, we experience heartbreak, and we are exposed to relationships, schooling, choices, consequences, and all the other dynamics that makeup life. Sometimes we take time for granted by wasting it with frivolous excursions of self-indulgence and other times we value a moment so much that we want to sear it into our memories to never be forgotten.


The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time God’s time differs quite significantly – The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda


God’s time differs quite significantly from ours. He doesn’t just let things happen when we will or want it. His heart beats for our unlimited best and therefore we can and should rest in that truth when things don’t play out the way we desired it. But this is a challenge indeed. It is not because He lets us down, but because we are impatient and also have trust issues due to our personal experiences with people.

We, as humans, are flawed and prone to disappointing each other. Not because we don’t love each other, but because we expect from people that which only God can be. And then this distrust infiltrates our relationship with Him, which was never caused by deficiency on His side, but rather our insufficiency to see what our expectations are creating in ourselves.

Things seem to stretch even further away, due to the state of our hearts being in disrepair. As long as our hearts are not ready to see and deal with the truth of its state, we will keep postponing God’s timing in providing, delivering, promoting, healing, restoring, inspiring, blessing and growing us to greater levels in Him.

My trust in God was tested when my first pregnancy ended two days after finding out the great news. No matter the length of time I carried that baby the hurt was deep. I could sense the baby’s presence before I took the test. And I knew when s/he left because I couldn’t feel her/his presence anymore. I didn’t want to accept it at first and hoped that it wasn’t true. But it was. I was pregnant on my 31st birthday. Two days later I wasn’t anymore. My heart was broken.


So many questions – The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda


So many questions, doubts, and pain spiralled through my soul. Questions of worth and reasons why. Doubts about faith and trust. The pain of old wounds due to the fresh cut reopening unhealed ones. It was a time of my heart being newly shattered in order for God to do a new thing if I should choose it. It was a painful period, but I chose to see it not as a loss but instead as a seed planted. Now for a seed to sprout it has to first die. My heart was devastated, but I knew that no pain is ever in vain when it comes to being a child of God. So that is what I chose to stand on every single time my heart leaked through my eyes.

God’s heart is merciful and kind. His grace far exceeds what is necessary to carry, heal and restore me, even in the midst of not understanding the why behind it all. That is what faith requires: trust without full comprehension. The trust lies in knowing that God is gracious, loving, kind, courageous, brave, constant, true, joy and every single thing I need to be whole, even though I am experiencing the exact opposite of all these wholesome qualities.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t be sad, heartbroken, and angry or whatever emotion bursts forth through life’s broken shards. You should feel these things and you will. There is no way to healthily bypass these encounters. If you want to truly be alive in the fullness God ordained then you will go through trials and tribulations. That is, unfortunately, not a maybe, that is a fact. Your faith does not stem from the emotion you feel or the denial thereof. Faith is much deeper than that, due to it being intertwined with your spirit.


Faith will be tested – The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda


Faith will be tested. If it is never tested it cannot grow, and if it does not grow then there wouldn’t be a point to have it. Faith is about the authenticity of your roots and fruits. You can try to pretend your fruit is healthy, but we cannot deny that what is rotten will smell. So don’t be ashamed when you discover that there is rotten fruit hanging from your life. We all have it. Don’t worry about others and whether they are truthful or dwelling in denial. Focus on God’s truth in your own heart.

Trusting that God knows the best time for everything to take place in my life is not always an easy journey. What I have learned, though, is that it is worth it. God lets us wait in order to help us get rid of the baggage, rotten fruits and self-absorption we walk in. He desires for us to experience the greatness He has ordained for us in this life, but know that if we receive anything ahead of its time we will either lose it as quickly as we got it or turn it into our god.

I can’t say that every rotten fruit and every inch of self-absorption has been destroyed from my life. There are still roots of it that linger in the corners of my soul, but the truth is that God has infiltrated my being with His light. Therefore He continually exposes these lingering roots and prunes it away as long as I stay in a relationship with Him. It requires vulnerability and choosing to rather face what hurts than to stay immersed in denial.


God’s time test our trust in Him – The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda


God doesn’t expect perfection before He uses us. He desires a heart that wants and choose Him regardless of the mess it is in. He is the only one who knows what our souls truly desire and therefore He is the only one who knows what to cut out and which new seeds to plant. He will do what needs to be done, as long as we choose obedience over anxiety, opinions, feelings, addictions, fear, quick fixes and self-made successes.

God’s time test our trust in Him. When we don’t get what we want when we want it, how do we react? When my heart’s desire is one day growing in my womb and a few days later it is gone, where do I take my pain? When I meet the love of my life but have to wait another six years to get married, do I continue to trust His time or begin making my own plans? When I don’t achieve the dreams I hoped for at a certain age, will I try to make it happen out of my anxiety in order to get it or surrender it for God to either remove or develop into His time plan?

When we don’t trust God’s time and decide to take matters into our own hands, we will end up with broken hearts and wounded souls. He knows what we need way more than what we can ever begin to understand. When something doesn’t turn out the way we hope or plan there is a valid reason. God doesn’t cause anything to take place in our lives without purpose. He is not spiteful, mean or trying to prove a point. He honestly and truly only desire what is good, beautiful, great and authentic truth to exist within our heart, soul and spirit.


The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda Can you stand the test of time The grace of God is sufficient – The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda


If I had a child before I dealt with specific wounds in my heart, which surfaced through my miscarriage, I wouldn’t be the mommy that God knew Rafael would need. I am nowhere near perfect as a mom, but I don’t strive to be either, because I am only the earthly vessel God chose to raise His child through. Motherhood is a journey that is about imparting what God has ingrained in my spirit to my child and it’s also a process for the continual pruning of my soul.

I find myself looking at the face of my son and stand amazed at this very fact – that I have a son! The grace of God blows my mind. Which is exactly how it is with faith in Him. I don’t understand everything, yet I choose to trust because I know God is God and He never lies, fails or forgets. Without Him I wouldn’t be where I am today. The grace of God is sufficient for any time test, and He exceeds my hope and trust every single time.


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The Time Test by Louisa Jolanda, Can you stand the test of time?



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