124 Coconut Sayings | My Learning Goals and Writings

124 Coconut Sayings By: Mogalapu Srinivasarao  



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124 Coconut Sayings | My Learning Goals and Writings

by | Jun 6, 2019 | Best and Interesting Articles

Mogalapu Srinivasarao

Community Writer (India)

124 Coconut Sayings Mogalapu Srinivasarao is a smart, hardworking and friendly English learner and writer from India. Mogalapu loves to share his knowledge with others.

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124 Coconut Sayings


124 Coconut Sayings | My Learning Goals and Writings


124 Coconut Sayings

124 Coconut Sayings | My Learning Goals and Writings


My English Learning Goals – 124 Coconut Sayings




1 Coconuts are at the main road every morning

2 Coconuts were in farmers garden yesterday evening.

3 Big size coconuts will be at rythu market next Sunday




4 These coconuts have more coconut water.

5 Coconut had a size in big and more coconut water rich in taste years later.

6 Coconut will have a big size when tissue culture invents new seed.




7 She sips coconut water every summer season when her husband takes from their field.

8 She siped coconut water when she went to the main market.

9 She will sip coconut water when she comes to the farmhouse

10 She is sipping coconut water just now.

11 she was sipping coconut water at this time yesterday.

12 She will be sipping coconut water at this time tomorrow.

13 she has sipped coconut water now.

14 She had sipped coconut water by this time yesterday.

15 She will have sipped coconut water by this time tomorrow.

16 She has been sipping coconut water from that coconut for 3 minutes.

17 She had been sipping coconut water from that coconut for 2 minutes by this time last week.

18 She will have been sipping coconut water from that coconut for 5 minutes by this time coming Sunday.




19 Coconut water is sipped by her every Sunday.

20 Coconut water was sipped by her when she went to RK beach.

21 Coconut water will be sipped by her when she comes to the farmhouse.

22 Coconut water is being sipped by her just now.

23 Coconut water was being sipped by her at this time yesterday.

24 Coconut water has been sipped by her now.

25 Coconut water had been sipped by her by this time last week.

26 Coconut water will have been sipped by her by this time next week.




27 She would sip coconut water while she walks on the beach road.
28 She may sip coconut water as a doctor advise.
29 She might sip coconut water when she has been field.
30 She should sip coconut water because she faces potassium stones problems in kidneys.
31 She ought to sip coconut water as and when a mother tells.
32 She must sip coconut water for getting glucose and instant energy.
33 She needs to sip coconut water because she suffers raincalcing complaint.
34 She has to sip coconut water for demineralization.
35 They have to sip coconut water when they go to marketing work for quench their thirsty.
36 She will have to sip coconut water as a kidney patient not only from mineral phase but also demineralization.
37 She will sip coconut water instead of a soft drink because it is a natural gift.
38 She shall sip coconut water when she goes to her grandmother village.
39 She can sip coconut water if her peasant plucked from that coconut tree.
40 She used to sip coconut water when she lived in her native place.
41 She could sip coconut water yesterday if her peasant pared it.
42 She had to sip coconut water from recovering ill very soon.
43 She would be sipping coconut water now.
44 She may be sipping coconut water when she goes to the market.
45 She might be sipping coconut water at this time midday time to quench her thirsty.
46 She should be sipping coconut water at this time tomorrow evening.
47 She must be sipping coconut water when he comes to home.
48 She would have been sipping coconut water.
49 She may have been sipping coconut water.
50 Coconut water would be in that tender coconut.
51 Coconut water may be in high ways.
52 coconut water might be in the city outskirts.
53 coconut water should be in the refrigerator for cooling and better taste.
54 Coconuts ought to be at Hawker’s cycle.
55 coconut water must be in front of the function for giving official guests.
56 Coconut water has to be in those bottles for children.
57 Coconuts will have to be in the house before the function occurred.
58 Coconut water will be at that coconut gardens.
59 coconut water can be at the coconut tree.
60 Coconut water had to be in the refrigerator because she only drinks that water.
61 Coconut water used to be at home while we have broken it.
62 Coconut water could be at this pawnshop if the hawker took from gardens.
63 Coconut water would have dialysable biomolecules.
64 mile riped coconut water may have a sweet taste.
65 Coconut water might have a less in sweet when its tender stage.
66 Coconut water should have more dialysable biomolecules.
67 Coconut water needs to have some sugar for better taste.
68 Coconut water ought to have glucose which works the patient body as a skyline.
69 Coconut water must have glucose.
70 Coconut water has to have a white in color.
71 Tender coconut water has to have more glucose contains.
72 Coconut water will have to have a less in taste when it ripes.
73 Coconut water will have better taste.
74 Coconut water can have dialysable biomolecules.
75 Coconuts could have more water before it ripped.
76 Coconut water used to have in their house after broken it for preparing oils.
77 Coconut water had to have an in our house for arriving guests.
78 She would have siped coconut water if her brother had brought tender coconut.
79 she may have siped coconut water if she had gone to the market.
80 She might have siped coconut water if she had come to the gardens.
81 She should have siped coconut water if she had bought from the market.
82 She must have siped coconut water if the hawker had come to the street with it.
83 She could have siped coconut water if her mother had pared that coconut.
84 Let this coconut sip.
85 Choose this tender coconut water to sip.
86 Where were these coconuts brought?
87 Let this coconut be not siped by her.
88 These coconuts were brought by her as a guest drink.
89 These coconuts are the biggest one from that bunch.
90 This coconut is one of the sweetest of konaseems coconut out of the basket.
91 These coconuts are better than any other coconuts.
92 This coconut is smaller than any other coconut.
93 This coconut is bigger than all other coconuts.
94 This coconut is not bigger than all other coconuts.
95 This coconut is as sweet as any other coconut.
96 Coconuts are yet to pluck from that tree.
97 Sipping coconuts are yet to complete for 15 minutes.
98 if she sips the coconut water she can get instant energy.
99 if she sips the coconut water she will get glucose from it.
100 if she sips the coconut water she may get a good health.
101 if her mother bought the coconut water she would sip it.
102 if she took tender coconut she could sip it.
103 if she has chosen coconut water she might sip it.
104 if his peasant had plucked the coconut she would have siped it.
105 if her brother had taken coconut she should have siped it.
106 if the vendor had taken coconuts she could have siped it.
107 She said, “I sip the coconut water from this coconut”.
108 She said that she siped the coconut water.
109 She siped the big coconut
110 Coconut which she siped is big.
111 she siped the coconut and it is big.
112 she sips it is a big coconut.
113 Take as much as coconuts you drink.
114 According to recent studies by eating coconut frequently that helps for good health.
115 For speedy diety and obesity problems we take coconut as a milk pieces scrap.
116 For we get instant energy by eating coconut.
117 when they eat more coconut frequently then we get more resistance power.
118 Coconut works on the human body as antiviral, antifungal and bacterial.
119 Coconut has a protein that has a balanced food.
120 Coconut has a fiber, mineral amino acid, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
121 If we use coconut oil as an edible oil that has an antioxidant which protects from old age fetchings.
122 Coconut protects from free radicals which give bad health.
123 Coconut oil uses in the treatment of skin-related diseases like eczema psoriasis.
124 Coconut helps to strengthen teeth and bones for getting body calcium, magnesium, because of this effect protects from Astia process.


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