How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself

Jul 30, 2019English and Study Tips, Smart Brains Spotlight

How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself

How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself

Giorgi Mikhelidze


Smart Brains Spotlight


You learn something new every day; what did you learn today?


The topic for today is “How do I learn and speak English tell me an easy way to this?“.  Learning should be for life. Every moment of every day we are being presented with new and important lessons.


Here we will present you one handpicked new and important lesson every day from smart brains and experts around the world.


The most effective way to do this is to move to an English-speaking country, which isn’t something that everybody can do. Let Giorgi Mikhelidze shows you easy alternatives to this, both offline and online.


Thank you.

Queensha Nauraa
Smart Brains Spotlight Selection

How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself

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How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself

Thanks, Giorgi Mikhelidze and Quora.

How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself

How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself

How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself

Giorgi Mikhelidze

How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself

How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself How can I become fluent in English?

How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself


How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself



How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself Answer by Giorgi Mikhelidze, (knows English, Digital Marketing enthusiast and a big Blockchain fan). All credit goes to Lucila Duarte, Thank you!

How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself 7.0 / 10

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How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself QUESTION: How do I learn and speak English tell me an easy way to this?


Thank you, youtube – Go Natural English.


The easiest way by far is to expose yourself to the English language as often as possible. Unfortunately, the most effective way to do this is to move to an English-speaking country, which isn’t something that everybody can do.


But there are alternatives to this, both offline and online.

How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself Let’s start with the offline option.


What I’d suggest is gathering up a few friends or acquaintances that you know have something in common with. Let’s say that you all like to play video games or that you all like watching the same TV show.


Once you’ve gathered make it a rule that whenever you speak about that common topic of interest, you will always do so in English. It gives all of you the ability to practice English, socialize, and talk about the things you love. The funny moments that you will experience during this method are also one of the best ones for learning because they’re memorable. You will all support each other if one forgets a word or can’t structure a sentence correctly. All in all, it will be an inclusive group for English learning pretty much.


But let’s say that you don’t have friends and getting them is pretty hard and etc. What can you do then? Well, there’s the online version, let’s discuss that next.


Thank you, youtube – JamesESL English Lessons (engVid).

How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself Online option


The amazing boon that humanity has, called the internet, provides us with so many opportunities to connect to people all over the world. Thankfully, that special space contains websites and forums where people gather do discuss, learn and socialize about similar interests or topics.


After glancing through the available options, I’ve found two that are probably the most beneficial, but they’re divided by “focus points”.


The first option is Reddit, where pretty much everything is discussed in Sub-reddits that create a small community around a common interest. You can have two roles there, you can be the Poster (somebody who posts something on the subreddit and leaves comments), or you can be the Lurker (somebody that just reads the posts and comments but doesn’t engage in them). Either way, you will have really good exposure to the English language, and based on the subreddit you choose even more exposure to the things you’re interested in.


The next option is much more English-focused. It’s called EnglishForward, which is like a forum where people gather to display their English knowledge, essays for correction, materials they’ve found online and etc.


It’s not as “interest-focused” as Reddit, but in terms of providing the value of teaching English, I believe it’s on the same level.


Also, note that this is just one option to learn English easily. There are so many others like watching movies, playing video games, reading books and simply exposing yourself to the language, but in my experience, forming or joining a community is the most effective.

How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself

Top English Self Study Tips You Don't Want to Miss Reference: Giorgi Mikhelidze.  “How do I learn and speak English tell me an easy way to this?” originally appeared on Quora, the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.
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How to learn English fluently, fast and easily by yourself