Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn the English language

Jul 26, 2019English and Study Tips, Smart Brains Spotlight

Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn English language

Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn English language

Amarendra Nath


Smart Brains Spotlight


You learn something new every day; what did you learn today?


The topic for today is “What are some creative ways to learn English?“.  Learning should be for life. Every moment of every day we are being presented with new and important lessons.


Here we will present you one handpicked new and important lesson every day from smart brains and experts around the world.


So let Amarendra Nath combine his advice with some conventional and traditional English learning tips. You can use these tips to your benefit by using the internet.  


Thank you.

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Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn the English language

Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn the English language

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Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn the English language



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Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn the English language


Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn the English language Answer by Amarendra Nath (IMA Cadet-Career Mentor-Biker-Animal Lover-Quality Manager). All credit goes to Amarendra Nath, Thank you!
Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn the English language 7.1 / 10

Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn the English language



Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn the English language QUESTION: What are some creative ways to learn English?



Hi, well the internet is a wonderful tool for self learning and you will find plethora of websites, apps and materials to upskill your English skills. So let me combine my advice with some conventional and traditional tips. You can use these tips to your benefit by using the internet. My personal recommendation to you would be to improve your vocabulary. This helps you improve your written and spoken skills. The groundwork is to have penchant, passion or love for the language. Here are few regular activities you could do to improve your vocabulary;


Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn the English language offline 1. The humble newspaper or televised news – The newspaper offers a great source of vocabulary. When you locate a word which strikes your interest, read the sentence and understand the context in which the word was used. Then google it to understand the meaning and its usage. And dont limit yourself to words alone, try to look at phrases, idioms, etc. All these can also help improve your vocabulary.


Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn the English language offline 2. Repository – You need to write these words down in a notebook or word document along with the meaning so that you can refer when in doubt and familiarize yourself.


Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn the English language offline 3. Practice – Now is the time to test the waters. Lets say you identified 10 words today. Try to use a couple of them in your daily conversations. This will boost your confidence, improve your conversational skills and make this learning even more exciting. Now move on to use these words in your emails or written communication.


Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn the English language offline 4. Cue Cards – You can either borrow them from a friend who has attended GRE/ TOEFL/ CAT examinations. Training institutes usually provide cue cards for different sets of vocabulary ranging from level medium to very high. If you havent got a friend, try reading them online or seek help from any local institute.


Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn the English language offline 5. Games, Puzzles, Quizzes – As silly as it sounds, trust me when you make learning fun the results are amplified as your brain is better engaged. Try playing word building games, solving crossword puzzles, playing Scrabble. All these are efficient in enhancing the potential of your vocabulary. Its also a great exercise for the mind. You can also note down the new words you will learn from these games.


Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn the English language offline 6. Online or Book Thesaurus/ Dictionary – Keeping this handy always helps you to instantly refer to the word and know the meaning right away.


I dont know what level you are at currently, but the above mentioned activities should help you not matter which level from start from – Beginner to Intermediate to Advanced. This curriculum helped me a lot since I was a kid and continues to help me. Please remember that your sentence construction, diction, vocabulary and word choice can really help you during a difficult conversation, debate, group discussion, official meetings or negotiation. Thats how you can make your point heard across the table and be noticed for being the star. Time to get started. Hope this helps. All the best with your learning. Take care!

Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn the English language

Reference: Amarendra Nath.  “What are some creative ways to learn English online?” originally appeared on Quora, the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.
Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn the English language

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Top 6 easy and fun creative ways to learn the English language