Learn English through current affairs – Combat land pollution, saving the earth

by Feb 13, 2019Best and Interesting Articles

Maricel Galon Tan‎

Community Contributor (Philippines)

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The Earth has its music for those who will listen. 

George Santayana

Learn English through current affairs – Combat land pollution, saving the earth.


Learn English through current affairs – What is land pollution?

Thank you, “youtube\edzarroyo”



What is Land Pollution – Learn English through current affairs?

Land pollution is one of the major forms of pollution that the Earth faces today.it is the degradation of the Earth’s land surface through misuse of soil and land resources.

Human activities are the principal drivers of land pollution. these cause large areas of land to lose or reduce their ability to support plant and animal life.as such, it can be said that pollution leads to adverse health effects on plants and animals, as well as humans.

As cited by “Conserve Energy Future”‘s article – “What is Land Pollution?”

“When we talk about air or water pollution, the reactions garnered are stronger. This is because we can see the effects caused by the pollutants and their extent very clearly. It is normal human psychology to believe in what you see first hand. Our land, on the other hand, is living a nightmare too. We may not be able to see the effects with clarity, but land is being polluted and abused constantly and we are unable to calculate the damages incurred. Land Pollution has come to become one of the serious concerns that we collectively battle.


What is Land Pollution?

Land pollution, in other words, means degradation or destruction of the earth’s surface and soil, directly or indirectly as a result of human activities. Anthropogenic activities are conducted citing development, and the same effect the land drastically, we witness land pollution; by drastic we are referring to any activity that lessens the quality and/or productivity of the land as an ideal place for agriculture, forestation, construction etc. The degradation of land that could be used constructively, in other words, island pollution.”

Major Causes – Learn English through current affairs

The major causes of land Pollution are:

  • The world population increase and increased demand for food supply are causing forests and grasslands to be converted to farmland. 
  • Industrial activities often release toxic and material wastes onto the land or into the atmosphere where they settle onto the land. 
  • The removal of plant cover not only eliminates wildlife habitats and food for wildlife, but it also degrades the soil by leaving it barren and without the roots of plants to hold it in place, vulnerable to erosion.
  • Strip mines obviously remove the topsoil and contribute to erosion. 
  • More Landfills and waste
  • Active impact of construction on soil, the displacement and destruction of animal and species habitat and the greater demand for waste disposal, 
  • Humans contribute to land degradation by littering.




Solutions – Learn English through current affairs

Solutions for land pollution are:

  • people must be aware of the concept of Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. 

  • Ensure litter is not discarded on the ground and waste is collected correctly

  • Create waste management sites away from residential areas.

  • Remember the importance of not disrupting the harmony of the land; wildlife survives under the land too. \

  • Reduction in the use of pesticides and fertilizers in agricultural activities is a necessity. 

As described by Helped Save Nature’s article here:

Solutions for Land Pollution

” As the most common cause for land pollution is waste disposal, most of the control measures are associated with that. Proper waste disposal is one of the golden rules for curbing land pollution. This is much more important in case of disposal of toxic waste products. Industries must follow the laws with regard to waste disposal.

One of the major land pollution solutions is recycling. Apart from reducing the amount of waste products in the landfills, it also helps in curbing the dumping of non-biodegradable waste on the Earth. Recycling is also beneficial in lowering other forms of pollution, cost savings and savings of energy resources.

You must also try to reuse materials, if possible. Reusing is always beneficial than buying new ones. For example, you may use plastic and cardboard containers for further use. Otherwise store them and sell them for recycling. You may also make some money by refraining from buying new products and also by selling the unwanted materials for recycling.

So, each and every individual can contribute for this good cause, by taking efforts to curb land pollution. You may also reduce the use of non-biodegradable materials. For example, you may carry paper or cloth bags with you, so as to avoid taking a plastic carry bag from the shop. If you can, switch over to biodegradable materials. Use glass or metal products instead of plastic ones. “

So let’s start saving our Mother Nature for today and tomorrow.

Thank you for reading my learn English through current affairs research article – Combat land pollution, saving the earth, Maricel Galon Tan‎.




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