Mysterious box in PM Modi’s helicopter, What is the truth?

by | Apr 15, 2019 | Best and Interesting Articles

What is the truth about the mysterious box in PM Modi’s helicopter?

Mysterious box in Modi's helicopter By: Kamal Kishore Sharma


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Kamal Kishore Sharma

Community Contributor (India)

Mysterious box in Modi's helicopter Kamal Kishore Sharma is a highly qualified, experienced and respected English Lecturer from India. Mr Sharma loves to share his knowledge with others..

Mysterious box in Modi's helicopter Bsc, M.A, LLB, ARMS English Language and Literature and Topics of General Awareness

Mysterious box in Modi's helicopter Mysterious box in Modi's helicopter Mysterious box in Modi's helicopter

 Mysterious box in Modi's helicopter


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Mysterious box in Modi's helicopter Hi, everyone, welcome and please join me on this week’s Kamal’s Monday.


Today I would like to talk about one of the hottest topic raging in India right now. The truth about the mysterious box in PM Modi’s helicopter


“Probe Mysterious Black Box from Modi’s Helicopter”, demands India Congress


As reported by the HW News English ” We saw there were three more choppers escorting the prime minister’s helicopter. After landing, a black trunk was taken out and whisked away in a private car which was not part of the SPG cavalcade,”


Thank you, “” Youtube \ HW News English “


What is the truth about the mysterious box in PM Modi’s helicopter?


It is related to security matters – It is not the case of a suitcase found outside the chamber of the then PM Narsimha Rao where One Crore Rupees found as reported in print and electronic media. It was an attempt to give kickback or commission I don’t know and I don’t like to use the word “Bribe” we talked about this big amount that a common man may not propose even may not ponder to give such grand amount to PM in a dream.

No doubt car of a civilian is checked at the check post of highway and all private taxis and trucks etc. I heard a news bulletin that a truck laden with boxes of wine was seized and the driver was taken under custody of the patrolling officials. Even IT and Police officers are raiding the houses of politicians and their supporters and accomplices where they found Crores of Rupees that suspected as Havala Booty or black money. To put a question to search in a black box carried in the chopper that the media persons made a video of the helipad and black box was loaded in a van or car.

It creates suspense rather they had to check it prior preflight of the chopper but it is breaking news generated after post-flight. Whether it is the interest of the opposition parties or media to poke the noses there I don’t know. They are making it a sensitive or sensible issue but no PM may think to give money to voters through the party volunteers directly. Prime Minister doesn’t live in fool’s paradise where give and take policy or tactics work in force in a particular constituency.


Mysterious box in Modi's helicopter

Mysterious box in Modi’s helicopter 


I say in the black box there is garbage that the Security personnel allowed him to carry in the chopper as per protocol. Here opposition and media men should watch and examine that money is distributed to poor voters on or before the day of polling and if disbursed then they would make videos giving, taking and counting notes say as Rs 72000 per voter or Rs 6000 per voter or Rs 1500000 because all politicians promise to give such amounts to poor voters like me and other poor voters of India. I forget the name of a politician who has promised to give Rs 3000 to the voters if he wins the election.

It is noteworthy that all politicians made the proposals of giving money to the voters if they come to power but not if they lose the elections. Some politicians also stated that they have waived the bank loans and the poor voters need not to pay bank loans. One demagogue promised to grant Rs 72000 to each family in a year without work or revenue generation if he comes to power. We will be sluggish I know a principle of Economics “ No work no pay” but this fellow is purchasing votes failing Indian Economy.

It is a great democracy and opposition is free to investigate what is boiling in the cauldron means the black box so they may put an application to the appropriate authorities. We are spectators to watch the show and the show must go on. Do investigations, search and research so the print and electronic media will make us happy to read and watch sensible news and stories thereof.




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