What are some common random facts for adults? 18+ But Interesting Vol.1

by | Apr 8, 2019 | Best and Interesting Articles

What are some common random facts for adults? 18+ But Interesting Vol.1

What are some common random facts By: Kamal Kishore Sharma

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What are some common random facts for adults



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Kamal Kishore Sharma

Community Contributor (India)

What are some common random facts Kamal Kishore Sharma is a highly qualified, experienced and respected English Lecturer from India. Mr Sharma loves to share his knowledge with others..

What are some common random facts Bsc, M.A, LLB, ARMS English Language and Literature and Topics of General Awareness

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What are some common random facts for adults? 18+ But Interesting Vol.1


How To Speak English Easily In Just 8 Simple Steps Why you should not shave pubic hair?


What are some common random facts? What are some common random facts – your pubic hair has a job to do.


Projected Adam and Eve in Paradise from dust, scorching hot waves and drizzling when they were innocent I mean till they didn’t taste the fruit or apples of the tree of Knowledge.

As Satan whispered in the ears of Eve to feed the fruits or apples with Adam to learn the sexual ecstasies.

It means Knowledge of sex and relationships or recognition of opposite sexes that God hid or concealed from them.

Pubic hair and hair girdle perhaps do not grow in other animals. I notice its growth only in homosapiens or human beings but not in other mammals. Hair girdle of anus also protects the pore from dust etc. But pubic hair imparts elegance to the private female part.

God is great so he blessed the human beings with hair on various parts of body say as head, ears, hands, legs, chest, cheeks, and armpits, etc so fine hair are useful in sweating and physiological mechanisms.

Thus all varieties of hair are useful.


How To Speak English Easily In Just 8 Simple Steps Is it Bigger the better?


What are some common random facts? What are some common random facts – Does Penis Size Matter? Is Bigger Better?


It motivates the readers to do a sort of research watching porn movies.

Daily I read various advertisements or watch them in papers, hoardings, wall boards, and websites, etc even sometimes in railway stations and public and railway toilets about clinics for sexual or venereal diseases.

They advertise about the sexual disorders say as small, malfunctioning of the penis, enlargement of the penis with Ayurvedic medicine and medicines from Amazon and other brands.

They quote of Japanese method of erection with pump and massage of special brand ointment or oil with a hundred percent guarantee of treatment. What they produce their signature brands and they supply the products on cash on delivery even to your secret places and they will not disclose the identity of that customer.

Even they publish the views of the customers on their websites. I know well as per Medical Science a sexual orgasm may be achieved with four to six inches erection however senility is a natural condition in old age above sixty years of age.

Similarly, Menopause is achieved by the woman from forty to fifty-five years of age some times it may be extinct up to sixty years of age but that may be an exception.

The small and big sizes of Male genital only but you had to add about the small and big sizes of the female body. There you may find advertisements to enlarge female breast cup by cup sizes than you had to comment on sexual orgies of women also but you targeted the men only.

As a survey gorgeous and fair skin ladies are sexy and they make hot the men in comparison of black and slim ladies with small breast and ladies with manly appearance.


How To Speak English Easily In Just 8 Simple Steps How fast can farting travel?


What are some common random facts? What are some common random facts – Farting is fast and travels 3 meters per second. It is also healthy for your body.


Farting is a natural process where some fart with boom sound some make rippling sound or releasing sounds of balloons.

Even some fart so loud that may be heard like busting of a tube with four odors.

If a man doesn’t fart then this toxic gas may rise up in the digestive system or intestines etc and may cause gastroenteritis and spasms or severe pain in belly even it may push your heart rendering cardiac arrest. I know some persons who either hiccup or fart frequently, however, I have not made any video wherein a man farts round about twenty times an hour with cracking shots and another man passes gas in loud hiccups five times an hour and this terrible loud bang noise requires a lot of calorie intake.

I asked them about the treatment of various doctors but they are not interested because they got no results previously. I don’t know whether a cow farts and a veterinarian reports about sugar or heart disease and related diseases of toxic gases produced in their intestines and what about the wild beasts. I know well that a pet dog consumes food in limit and is very choosy in eating the foodstuff.

So it falls ill oftentimes but it farts or not I don’t know similarly a lion or tiger farts or not but the cages or their dens in the zoo creates a foul odor.


How To Speak English Easily In Just 8 Simple Steps What is Necrophilia?


What are some common random facts? What are some common random facts – Bereaved people who remain attached to the dead body.


Necrophilia is a pervert sexual orgy enjoyed with the dead bodies or human corpses by Aghori Sadhus. I watched the movie “ Howling Ho” in Bhilai perhaps in the year 1980.

In a ritual of occult to rise up the soul or spirit of the deceased a lady kissed the nude corpse of an old woman and then mated with a nude man with citation of some incantations of black magic rather sexual orgies or intercourse done with the dead body and participants of occult in the hall that situated in a jungle then there was group sex performed with citation of incantations of occult.

However, that film was censored by the board. I am not quoting here Bhagwan Rajnish as he belonged to the same school of philosophy and occult.

Salvation is a keyword through group sex — what a man desires he or she doesn’t nip the bud or suppress the sexual desire or libido to achieve salvation or Elysium (Moksha) what the followers of Rajnish think so who created terror in America about religion and social life.

What the Female School has been waging war against the existing ecclesiastical system in the western countries and against the clergymen and the Papal Church or authorities.

If we see crime history of a pervert serial killer then there is a chapter of pervert sexual orgies with female corpses as well as sexual Harassment and abuse or orgies with spinsters and old ladies because the mindset of a criminal or a maniac has no fear of God and is like a beast where an alpha Male beast challenges the kingdom or sovereignty of the chief of a herd, pack or group as we may see in case of a pride of tigers or lions and so on.

Believers of Scientology and atheists don’t know their sins of incestuous relationships so there are sexual ecstasy and orgy in beautiful woman corpse. I wish to quote Milton, “ The mind is its own place where we may create a hell of heaven and a heaven of hell “. Satan or Ravan may be a deity or heathen god for mammoth followers as Bhagwan Rajnish is Semi-God or so-called God so there are Asha Ram Bapu and Sacha Sauda Chief Ram Rahim etc.

If the Protestant Church was created by the king in contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ so religion and occult were created by man in our civilized society as per need or reformation. Evolution, Anthropology and Scientology etc have ample scope for research.


How To Speak English Easily In Just 8 Simple Steps What causes diarrhea?


What are some common random facts? What are some common random facts – Your mobile phone can cause you diarrhea.


Yes. Your mobile phone can cause you diarrhea and cause your harm.

Not only mobile phones but other devices or articles that we carry in toilets may have fecal bacteria say as books, cigarettes and matchboxes or lighters if we don’t wash them. There is the danger of infection of viral diseases like diarrhea etc.


How To Speak English Easily In Just 8 Simple Steps What women find most attractive in men?


What are some common random facts? What are some common random facts – Not your Biceps and Abs.


Eyes are the most loved body part of a male body that women can’t resist.

I differ with you it is actually lilac eyes of woman where a man wishes to dip your view may be appropriate up to a short extent that women like eyes of men mostly but not the biceps and muscles.

I read and watch comment of cosmopolitan ladies in FB and online that they like muscles or muscle men. Good height and well-built body of man is liked by women from all walks of life and in all trades of involvement of ladies.

A few may like a man of literature and a simple or common villager who is slim and weak. Hence industries of supplements and steroids are blooming for the personality development of men as well as women. Steroids for development of breast and enlargement of genital and building or development of biceps and muscles are sold online and this trade-off weight loss and weight gain is spreading like mushrooms.

Women want sexual orgies and satisfaction so they like muscular men I notice in various private advertisements posted by girls and women on social and other networks or sites even they narrate their stories of private relationships and erotic hilarity and send or invite strangers for coitus. Medical Science or experts may be with you I mean some experts may agree with you that women like eyes of men so the language of love and lust as well as hate.


How To Speak English Easily In Just 8 Simple Steps Does Your Phone Damage Your Eyes?


What are some common random facts? What are some common random facts – PC and mobile phones can harm your eyesight.


As for vision is concerned Amber lens and glasses of Zebrina and Foster is a good recommendation.

A man should care for eyes who are working with PC and mobile phones no doubt intense light may filter the eyesight.

Well I know when a pilot flies a plane then the intensity of light is rich but not dim in night similarly I use this technique that there is rich intense light in the cockpit to filter the light and sight etc

So I follow this technique to drive a car in the night where the glaze and focusing beams of light white and yellow of the speeding cars of opposite direction on a highway are filtered in the cabin of my car.

Here I advise using night vision goggle with yellow lenses. Your comment is laudable to protect one’s eyes and filter the light with certain glasses and mechanisms.


How To Speak English Easily In Just 8 Simple Steps What is Askew Google?


What are some common random facts? What are some common random facts – Askew can skew Google search result page.


About search keywords in Google etc — It is the modern technology and know how drives that a man searches for a strange word or browses a page to know about a referred site and text hence it is a matter of curiosity and learning.

I advise a beginner and student to keep a laptop and two different sets of mobile phones for the purpose of sharing and studies.

As a single phone with double and triple sims creates traffic jams and unwanted calls or cacophony.

It is the same idea or a learning process that follows a book of reference as the base book of the first-hand reading of a course and for comparison refer to another author or book.


How To Speak English Easily In Just 8 Simple Steps What is your biggest regret while dying?


What are some common random facts? What are some common random facts – I don’t have time for loved ones.


A dying person regrets that he or she is not having ample time for family affairs.

Of course, it is in case of some busy bees mean business typhoons, politicians, celebrities or artists, scientists and other persons who are business minded and work alcoholics so their passions are hindrances for family affairs and cares.

Rather it is a notion India that a fellow wastes time in worldly affairs and have no time for devotion, spirituality, and austerity as per scripture and time for the praise of God with full devotion to getting Elysium and salvation then such a fellow repents while dying.




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