How to Improve English Speaking Skills Without A Speaking Partner

by | Mar 17, 2019 | English Listening and speaking tips

How to Improve English Speaking Skills?

How to Improve English Speaking Skills By: Mubashir Tufail

Most of us want to improve our English speaking skills. But there is a big problem.

The problem is to improve English speaking, the best thing to do is to talk with a native speaker. But not all of us have that option!

How to Improve English Speaking Skills Without An English Speaking Partner?

Don’t worry, I have the following ten quick ways which you can do at home. So you can improve your English speaking skills even without an English Speaking partner.

Why improve English speaking skills is important to you?

This is one of my favorite joke about the English language. Please enjoy.

How to Improve English Speaking Skills - Thank you, "Lost in the Pond"

How to Improve English Speaking Skills – Thank you, “Lost in the Pond


” As the world’s third (second, by some estimates) most spoken language, it is perhaps appropriate that there should be so many jokes about English. After all, it is more honorable to pick on one of the big dogs, right? Here are 10 jokes about the wonderful English language – a language that both my British and American readers reluctantly share. ”   –  “10 Jokes About The English Language” – Lost In the pond”


How to Improve English Speaking Skills Top 10 quick tips for improving your English Speaking skills without an English Speaking partner

How to Improve English Speaking Skills Lucy – 5 things to practice every day to improve your English communication skills


Thank you for your time.

Mubashir Tufail


Mubashir Tufail

Community Mentor (Pakistan)

Mubashir Tufail is a smart, friendly and talented English tutor from the Pakistan. Mubashir loves to share his knowledge with others.

How to Improve English Speaking Skills Community Mentor – 2

How to Improve English Speaking Skills Authorship – 23


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There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.

– Ray Goforth

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How to Improve English Speaking Skills Without A Speaking Partner?


5 things to practice every day to improve your English communication skills


In this Popular English with lucy Learn English video, Lucy is going to show you ” the 5 things you need to do daily to improve your English communication skills.” Thank you, “youtube\English with lucy”.



10 quick tips to improve your spoken English at home


Think in English Think in English
The mind is a powerful tool. Use it. Speak to yourself in English and let your thoughts about everything from the local train to the shopping list be in English. Even if you do nothing else, do this!
 Do not translate from your native language to English Do not translate from your native language to English
If you do not know the correct sentence or phrase in English, do not ever translate from your native tongue. Doing this will not take you any further in your learning plus you end up becoming a joke. So, find out what the correct usage is by reading or asking someone.
 Speak English at every opportunity Speak English at every opportunity
Don’t worry if it doesn’t sound perfect at first. It’s like driving – initially, the traffic lights and other vehicles will give you a scare but after some practice, you can do it without thinking.
 Learn sentences or phrase Learn sentences or phrase
Don’t concentrate on single words. Instead of concentrating on learning new words by themselves, try using them in a sentence. Learn as sentences, not single words. The aim is to get comfortable speaking; improving your vocabulary is a different lesson.
 Listen to others speaking English Listen to others speaking English
Listen, listen, listen. Whether it is the radio or the television or a movie. Or a colleague or teacher who speaks good English. Keep listening. This will help you improve pronunciation and accent. Do not imagine that your speaking skills can be enhanced through reading alone.
 Learn how to say the same thing differently Learn how to say the same thing differently
As with other languages, so in English, one sentence can be framed in multiple ways, all conveying the same meaning. Learning these will help you form clearer and simpler sentences.
 Make sure there is someone to correct you if you go wrong Make sure there is someone to correct you if you go wrong
Making mistakes is natural. So there must be someone to correct your English. Speaking it incorrectly for a long time will imprint it in the brain and it’ll be hard to correct later.
 Do not lose confidence Do not lose confidence
It is common to lose your drive along the way but if you keep seeing results, no matter how tiny, it will keep up your motivation. So keep note of the little achievements and soon, they’ll add up to a big one – fluent spoken English!
 Keep it simple Keep it simple
Do not complicate your goals by trying to accomplish too much. Reading, writing, spelling, vocabulary – they will all come in due course. Your goal is to speak better English. Stick to it.
 And most of all, have fun! And most of all, have fun!
If you imagine learning English as a fun contest or race, the sooner you will reach the end. So take joy in it and enjoy each moment of learning. If you look upon it as torture, that is what it will be and you wouldn’t make much progress.

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