Speak English Fluently and Confidently

by Mar 8, 2019English Listening and speaking tips

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How to speak Speak English Fluently and Confidently | English Finally

My top three important tips to speak English fluently and confidently.

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Max Smith

CEO at English Finally

Max Smith is the CEO of the well known English training group English FInally” and host of his popular youtube channel Speak English Finally“.

Max is also a smart, well-educated and successful English Tutor from US. Max loves to share his excellent English knowledge with others.

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Speak English Fluently and Confidently | English Finally

Speak English fluently and confidently by following tips :

Are you a shy person or are you a social person? 

Well more and more students came to me, and said well you know Max even that I am pretty sociable, I don’t mind speaking with somebody but I can’t do it in front of the camera, I can’t do it in the group and I can’t talk to a strange person.

Here are some important tips to speak English fluently and confidently:

  • Feel free and relaxed.
  • Talk to someone, you trust.
  • Ask as many as the question you can.


How to speak Speak English Fluently and Confidently?

Top 3 tips for speaking English fluently and confidently

Thank you, “Youtube\Speak English Finally”.

Speak English Fluently and Confidently Video Transcript

  • Max: Hello English finally how your day today.
  • Max: I’m pretty sure. That you’d like to become more confident and less shy when you practice your speaking skills.
  • Max: So come because that’s what we’re going to be talking about today.
  • Max: Become more confident and less shy.
  • Max: Are you a shy person or are you a sociable person.
  • Max: Well more students came to me and said well you know Max even the I’m pretty sociable. I don’t mind speaking with somebody.
  • Max: But I can’t do it in front of the camera.
  • Max: I can’t talk to a strange person.
  • Max: I can’t talk to anyone.
  • Max: Because so difficult and I have a block inside and I don’t know how to get the hang of it.
  • Max: Well I came out with three tips that they’re going to help you to overcome this fear of speaking.
  • Max: I would choose to feel good and relaxed I want you to relax first. Yes, it’s very important.
  • Max: So that the tip number one to take a deep breath.
  • Max: Take a deep breath to inhale and exhale.
  • Max: Yes take a deep breath.
  • Max: In and do it with me.
  • Max: Let’s practice yes.
  • Max: Take a deep breath amen and out, yes enhanced Exhale.
  • Max: And I’m pretty sure that if you do this five six times. You’re going to feel good. Do you want to feel Marty locks?
  • Max: So I want you to fear that he lacks. Because of the newscast, your brain doesn’t function as well as good.
  • Max: Anyway number two tip I would choose to talk to somebody who you trust who you feel comfortable it.
  • Max: Yes I want you to become more confident this way because.
  • Max: If you find somebody like I’m pretty sure that you have a very good friend that to you don’s feel stressed yes.
  • Max: With that do you feel comfortable talking to him and I want you to be comfortable talking to him.
  • Max: Building this confidence yes very good.
  • Max: So, If you have a friend may be a teacher.
  • Max: Maybe you don’t have a friend and you don’t have a teacher.
  • Max: Then find a speaking part of an English finally group is a perfect environment to find speaking partners.
  • Max: When you comment on people’s call posts and to get to know each other, You become more comfortable with each other.
  • Max: Then exchange your IDs and exchange the information.
  • Max: Call on Skype and talk to your friends you want to talk to him or her of one on one.
  • Max: And start with like that and when you become more confident then you can go live.
  • Max: In our group, you can go live in our group at any time.
  • Max: Because nobody ever charges you.
  • Max: Nobody Ever making fun of you. so safe and comfortable.
  • Max: and very safe because if we see any inappropriate Commons and behavior. We take care of that. So I want you to feel good first I want you to feel relaxed.
  • Max: That’s the most important thing yeah and So number three tip.
  • Max: Tip number three is I ask W. questions.
  • Max: One night when I’m talking to someone what do I do.
  • Max: At that time yes usually. I ask Questions.
  • Max: I always ask questions.
  • Max: Yes. Like What. Why the latter. With whom who.
  • Max: Yeah ask and it ended questions yes or no questions.
  • Max: Ask open questions open ended questions.
  • Max: Yes so What are you going to be doing tomorrow, what are your plans for tomorrow.
  • Max: And let the other person talk is going to have so much is going to give you some time.
  • Max: You know just think what he wants to talk about and we’re going to.
  • Max: Ask next practice. Asking questions and that’s why we practice asking questions so much.
  • Max: In English finally because it’s important. And It’s going to help you out with so much.
  • Max: So these three tips I want you to become more confident and Less shy, and this is how we were going to become more confident. Talk to someone who you trust and if you ask you these open-ended questions.
  • Max: It’s going to help you with the conversation. It’s going to help you because you’ll be going to feel that you are in charge of the conversation.
  • Max: And If you are in charge of the conversation. It’s going to feel good and that Is going to make you feel more confident.
  • Max: I want you to go and practice.
  • Max: Yes you don’t have to go in front of the camera unnecessarily.
  • Max: Go find a friend. teacher and somebody who talk and practice.
  • Max: At least do daily speaking for Twenty minutes thirty minutes.
  • Max: At Least. Yes, dedicated if you set your mind to this you’re going to improve.
  • Max: I promise.
  • Max: You have a fantastic day.
  • Max: Go ahead and like this share this.

End of Speak English Fluently and Confidently video transcript.

In summary, these are my there top tips which can help you to speak English fluently and confidently. 

  • Feel free and relaxed.
  • Talk to someone, you trust.
  • Ask as many as the question you can.

Good luck,

Max Smith


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