Learn English through love stories with moral

Fatima E Porcino
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To love is to burn, to be on fire.
Jane AustenLearn English through love stories with moral
What are the main Characteristics of Real Love?
As clearly defined by the well-known relationship coach and Professor Carol Morgan on her Huffingtonpost‘s blog article – “16 Characteristics of Real Love“.
Here are the top 16 main characteristics of REAL love as defined by Professor Carol Morgan:
- Love means saying goodbye to expectations.
- Love doesn’t play the victim role or blame others.
- Love includes letting go.
- Love doesn’t require you to continue a relationship.
- Love has no room for jealousy.
- Love is the absence of fear.
- Love is not needing, but wanting.
- Love is an action, not just a feeling.
- Love is unconditional.
- Love means putting other people’s needs equal to or before your own.
- Love is the highest vibration emotion that there is.
- Love requires attention.
- Love understands and accepts differences.
- Love varies in how it is expressed and accepted.
- Love makes you feel good, not bad.
- Love has empathy.
Remember, love is happiness, appreciation and feeling good.
Anything other than that is not loved.
If we all loved one another as ourselves,
the world would be a better place!
Dr. Carol Morgan[wp_ad_camp_3]
Learn English through a heart touching true love story
Once there was a boy and a girl fall in love after a conversation on a mobile.
They have not met each other. One day the girl asked the boy that she wants to meet him
The boy was so eager to meet her and he took a taxi from his office and went to meet her.
He bought presents with him for her. Then the girl asked him to come to near her home. It was a very difficult task for the boy who was new to the town.
But the boy went without any second thought to meet his dear one. Once he reached the girl home. He called the girl that he is near to her home. The girl went to the roof of her house and asked the boy to come closer.
The boy went talking with her over the phone. Then the girl asked ” how are you and how did you come here? “
The boy then told her all about his journey to find her.
The girl went back to her room and said to that boy
“I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. How Cute you are. Why you Love me I am not BEAUTIFUL and you look HANDSOME and CUTE.”
Learn English through an eternal love story
GF… Happy birthday, baby!
BF… Thank you, sweetheart
GF… I’ll be there to wish you at 8 !
BF… Okay sweetheart, do you promise?
GF… Of course. I’ll be there no matter what happens..I LOVE YOU..
BF… I LOVE YOU BABY. I’m going to prepare dinner for us now!
GF… Yay ! C’ya
( 8:00 pm. No sign of the girl. Boy waits. One hour passes. No sign still. Finally, she comes at 9:30. )
BF… Hi babe. So good to see you. What kept you so long?
GF…* Gives him a bear hug * Sorry sweetheart, there was a lot of traffic.
There were both hungry, so they chatted for a bit and then had the food.
( Boy’s Cellphone rings. He answers. It’s his GF’s Mom )
Girl’s Mom… ( She’s in tears. Her voice is shaking.) Hi Son. I’m sorry to say that I’m in the hospital and my girl just passed out *weeps *
BF… Wha… what are you talking about?
Girl’s Mom… ( Sobbing ) She was in an accident… She did not make it…( Her voice trails off)
The boy turns to the girl…sees she is holding a candle.
GF… I Told You I Would Be There. Never Worry Baby. I’m Always With you…
Moral: True love is for eternity.
Learn English through a short story of love, beauty, and sacrifice
A man married a beautiful girl. He loved her very much. One day she developed a skin disease and slowly her beauty starting fading.
It so happened that one day her husband left for a tour. While returning he met with an accident and lost his eyesight. However, their married life continued as usual.
As the day passed, the wife’s beauty continued to fade more so. The blind husband did not know about this and reminded by her side. There was not much change in this married life. He continued to love her and she also loved him very much.
One day she died. Her death brought him great sorrow.
He finished all her last rites and wanted to leave that town.
A friend came by and said, ” now how will you be able to walk all alone?? all these days your wife used to help you.”
He replied I am NOT BLIND. I was acting because if my wife knew I could see her beauty deteriorating, it would have caused her more pain than her disease. I pretended to be BLIND.
She was a very good wife. I wanted her to be happy…
Moral: Sometimes it is good for us to act blind and ignore one another’s shortcomings, in order to be happy.
Thank you for reading my three of my learn English through short love stories with moral.
Fatima E Porcino
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- Learn English through stories – English Story by Raihana Enggar, The crying devil 4.
- Learn English through short stories – Life of a poor Bangladesh student. by Abdul Khaled.
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