Quotes about Staying Strong Sayings

Haalay Noor
Community Contributor (Pakistan)
- Leadership strengths (Level 2)
- Community Contributor

Smiling does not necessarily mean you are Happy.
Sometimes it just means you are STRONG!
Haalay NoorQuotes – Quotes about Staying Strong Sayings
My Quotes, Staying Strong Sayings and Quotes
Below you will find my collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old staying strong quotes, staying strong sayings, and staying strong proverbs, collected over the years from my own works. I am hoping these quotes will help brighten up your days as well.
Some girls are full of heartaches and poetry and those are the kind of girls who try to save wolves instead of running away from them…!
Quotes - Haalay NoorThe smile can solve a problem, Silence can avoid problems. Sugar and salt may be mixed together but ants reject the salt and carry away only the sugar. Select the right people in life and make your life better and sweeter. If you fail to achieve your dreams, change your ways, not your God.
Quotes - Haalay NoorRemember, trees change their leaves and not their roots. You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks. Haters will see you walking on water and say its because you can’t swim. Even if you dance on water, your enemies will accuse you of raising dust.
Quotes - Haalay NoorWalking a path in the darkness of the night
With nothing to guide her but magical hanging lights
Not knowing where it leads it somehow draws her in
As magic fireflies begin to illuminate her fragile skin
She hears voices so soft calling out to her from afar
Telling her not to be afraid that she’s a child of the stars
She’s leary but yet in a magical trance-like state
Like a sleepwalking slumber from which she can’t awake
The waters around the rocky path aren’t clear but clouded and thick,
As she makes her way to the end of the path her eyes are playing tricks.
She sees a beautiful paradise full of colors and love filled rain
But in reality, she’s only relived her torturous pain again!
Walking this path every night in her dreams if she dares
But they don’t really dream they’re her living nightmares.
Sometimes people have to cry out all their tears, to make room for a heart full of smiles.
Quotes - Haalay NoorTo love someone doesn’t mean to force a commitment.
sometimes u just have to be satisfied with whatever connection u have, as long as it stays.
It is our choice
Use your voice
There’s something to rejoice
Not be someone’s choice!
You can be a hero
Be someone’s glow
Not by having a superpower
But being good heart’s influencer
I would be the worst for you but to me I am perfect.
I am not here to impress but to be won from you.
I am not here to love but to need you.
Quotes - Haalay NoorA sheet of paper knows her
more than her own mother
she stopped talking
the day she lost her father
since that day she stopped dreaming
in happiness, she stopped believing
she’s not afraid to talk, no
it’s just no one dares to ask her so
she has a story to tell
but no one to hear her tale
so she lived alone inside her world
with a sheet of paper to hear her thoughts
every pain she writes it down
every day all year round
if only her paper can answer back
it would probably tell her
to step out of the dark
most likely it would advise her
to make friends with more than just a sheet of paper
Love and hope I always give
but pain and shame I always receive
I need someone to hold on and believe
someone that will stay and never leave
But it seems that no one hears my silent scream
and everyone loves to put on me all the blame
Aren’t they tired setting me on the flame?
Now, everyone sees my genuine smile
all my words are now free, thanks to my paper and pen.
Now, I can share everything with my paper and Pen.
I am that girl who’s always alone
I am not a queen who owns a throne
I am that girl who they call stupid
just because I am not interested
Yes, I am that girl who always ignored
A girl who has my own world
A girl they thought depress
though I am not, I just love complete darkness
Yes, I am that girl who’s not surrounded by the crowd
I am that girl not worthy to be proud
I am a princess with no crown
perhaps no one knows me in town
I am that girl used to receive shame
I am not like them who enjoyed fame
I am that girl sitting alone in the corner
No one notices me because of im, not a head turner
I am a girl, not a princess
not even a damsel in distress
No knight nor prince will come to save me
Cause no one will look back, I’m just nobody
Excellence is the result of
Caring more than others think is wise,
Risking more than others think is safe.
Dreaming more than others think is practical
‘n Expecting more than others think is possible.
A new start may mean lose it all first,
Let everything go then satisfy your thirst.
But what’s wrong with repeating it all?
When your kingdom really deserves its fall.
I ruled the stars in the night sky,
Everyone looks up when I fly by.
But I kept on flying, further and further,
Until I got here, they said its rougher and tougher….!!
We were all created in His image, and yet we were each created different and unique. No two people are alike. No hearts beat to the same rhythm.
If God had wanted everyone to be the same, He would have made it so. Therefore, disrespecting differences and imposing your thoughts on others is an amount to disrespecting God’s holy scheme…
Quotes - Shams e TabrizQuotes – The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong | Amy Morin
Thank you, “youtube\Ted Talks”
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