42 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (I) Vocabulary Builder

by | Jul 21, 2019 | English Vocabulary

Ashin Damika

Community Researcher

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People I Ashin Damika is a kind, caring and talented teacher from Myanmar. Ashin loves to share his knowledge with others. He also teaches at local monastery.

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People I BA : Law and literature

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People I Teacher at Monastery

 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People I

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Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People i


42 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (I) | Vocabulary Builder


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42 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (I) | Vocabulary Builder


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  • 1.One who breaks images or church ornaments =*iconoclast;(a breaker of holy objects/one who tries to destroy old beliefs or custom)(icon=a holy object,eg.pictrue of a holy person)
  • 2.A person having no power mind=*idiot,(a fool)
  • 3.A person (or thing)which is greatly admired or respected=*idol,(a holy object made in the form of a man or animal)
  • 4.One who believes in idols=*idolator;(idolize= to regard as holy,admire greatly/n.idolatry)
  • 5.One who knows nothing=*ignoramus;(ignore= to take no notice of;to refuse to know/ignorant= having no knowledge;not having been told of something/n.ignorance)
  • 6.A child whose parents were not married= *illegitimate(of a child);(illegitimate=unlawful)
  • 7.Narrow minded person=*illiberal(person); (ungenerous person)
  • 8.One who thinks of many new ideas–––or of ideas which are of no use in practice= *imaginative(person);(imagine=to form a picture of a thing in the mind/to believe without proof/ imaginary=imagined,not real)
  • 9.A leader of prayer,a leader among Mohammedans=*imam
  • 10.One who goes to another country to settle and to live there=*immigrant;(immigrate=to go to another country as an immigrant)
  • 11.One who love to command or use power= *imperious(person);(An imperious manner=rude and commanding)
  • 12.One who pretends to be what he is not= *impostor,(a person who pretend something which he is not/a deceiver/imposture=an act of pretending,a trick)
  • 13.One who has charge of the business-matter of a play,a famous singer,or other performer= *impresario
  • 14.One whose feelings or opinions are easily changed by other persons or by experience= *impressionable(person)
  • 15.A painter who paints not the real scene,but the effect produced by the scene in his mind= *impressionist
  • 16.A person who acts without first planning what to do=*impulsive(person)
  • 17.One who maliciously set fire to a building= *incendiary,(a person who set fire to a building on purpose/a person who excites others to fight against the Government)
  • 18.The person who holds an office,eg.as priest= *(an)incumbent;(incumbent=lying on or pressing on/It is incumbent upon me to=it is my duty to)
  • 19.The owner of a large mill or work-shop where things are made=*(an)industrialist;(industry=1. the quality of working hard;adj.industrious/2.the making of goods in large numbers with the help of machines;adj.industrial)
  • 20.Foot-soldiers=*infantry
  • 21.One who does not believe in certain teaching about God=*infidel
  • 22.God=*(The)infinite;(infinite=without limits [=lines marking outside edges;not able to be measured or counted] )
  • 23.An unthankful person=*ingrate,(an ungrateful person)
  • 24.Wife’s(or husband’s)brother=*(brother)-in-law
  • 25.Wife’s(or husband’s)mother=*(mother)-in-law
  • 26.The man who has married one’s daughter= *(son)-in-law;(-in-law=by marriage)
  • 27.One who lives in a place=*inmate;(The inmates of a prison=prisoners)
  • 28.Person who inspects=*inspector;(inspect= to look carefully at,to examine carefully)
  • 29.The whole group or number of inspectors= *inspectorate
  • 30.An honest man=*(a man of)integrity;(integrity=an condition of being complete) (Integer=a whole number/integral=having to do with the whole;whole & complete/integrate=to bring all parts together to make a whole)
  • 31.A group of men whose duty is to collect news secretly about the plans of the enemy–––or of law-breakers=*Intelligence (Service) (intelligence=the condition of having intellect [=the power of mind by which we think & know] /To have intelligence of=to have news of)
  • 32.The learned people in a country= *intelligentsia
  • 33.A young lady who is very serious about anything=(an)intense young lady;(intense=very great or very strong;An intensive pain=very great; intensive study=study of a subject with great care)
  • 34.Member of the Government in charge of the home country=*(minister of the)interior (interior=the inside)
  • 35.A person who takes part in the talk= *interlocutor
  • 36.The person who is talking to me and to whom I am talking=*(my)interlocutor
  • 37.One who firces himself in where he has no right to be=*interloper
  • 38.(Am.)A person studying who lives in the school or place of study=*(an)intern;(a young doctor who lives in a hospital/intern=to keep a person as a prisoner in order to prevent him from doing harm)
  • 39.A group of working-men of all nations,and of other persons,who believe that land,machines for making goods,etc.,should be owned and controlled by the Government for the common good of all=*(The)International;(international= having to do with different nations)
  • 40.One who can enable speaking different languages to understand each other=*interpreter (one who puts into the language of the hearer things spoken in a foreign language/interpret= to explain the meaning of,eg.foreign language)
  • 41.A person of week will=*invertebrate;(having no back-bone)
  • 42.One who sells metal goods=*ironmonger
  • 43.One who journeys from place to place= *itinerant,(travelling round from place to place/ itinerary=the course followed or to be followed on a journey)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (I)

Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (I)

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Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People (I)

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