Using passive voice with modal verbs

Using passive voice with modal verbs

by Nov 12, 2019English Grammar Tips, English Time Ask Elo

Using passive voice with modal verbs

English Grammar Rules, Explanation, and Examples

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The Secret to English Vocabulary Passive with Modal Verbs


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What is Modal verbs? How to use passive voice with modal verbs?

Asked by @ Shabana Bibi (Community English Student)

Modal verbs – Using passive voice

Answered by @ Elo Kasia

Elo Kasia is the English Mentor for  Modal verbs - Using passive voice with modal verbsEnglish Grammar and Speaking Academy” ,  Join now.

Modal verbs – Using passive voice with modal verbs

Modal verbs - Using passive voice with modal verbse  @ Shabana Bibi, Thank you for your question.

Modal verbs - Using passive voice with modal verbse  As usual, I will try to explain the difference using simple language and plenty of examples.



Modal verbs - Using passive voice with modal verbs


What are modal verbs?

How to use passive voice with modal verbs?

Short quizzes about Modal verbs

Modal Verb

How to use passive voice with modal verbs?



Modal verbs - Using passive voice with modal verbs Chatsifieds



Daily grammar lesson with Elo Kasia – Using passive voice with modal verbs.



Passive voice is quite often used with modal verbs especially in formal statements, rules and regulations. This is when the agent does not matter; what is important is the action. We usually avoid using “by”.
Using the passive voice with modal verbs does not need to be confusing, just remember to use an appropriate modal verb and then the verb to be with the past participle.


What are modal verbs?


Modals are helping verbs that express possibility, ability, duty, permission or advisability. Words like can, could, may, might, must, should are all modals.


But modals also include something called “phrasal modals” – phrases such as has to, ought to and be supposed to.



Modal verbs - Using passive voice with modal verbs The structure is: modal or modal phrase + be + the past participle( V3). 



Have a look at these examples:


Modal verbs - Using passive voice with modal verbs  CAN:
  • People can see the painting in the Louvre. – This paining can be seen in the Louvre.
  • The company can provide interpreters on request. – Interpreters can be provided on request.



Modal verbs - Using passive voice with modal verbs  SHOULD
  • Users should return the books by next week. – Books should be returned by next week.
  • The building contractor should finish the repairs by next March. – The repairs should be finished by next March.



Modal verbs - Using passive voice with modal verbs  MUST
  • Students must complete their assignments on time. – Assignments must be completed on time.
  • Drivers must wear seat belts at all times. – Seatbelts must be worn at all times.



Modal verbs - Using passive voice with modal verbs  MIGHT
  • Teachers might give extension only in special circumstances. – Extension might only be given in special circumstances.



Modal verbs - Using passive voice with modal verbs  HAVE TO
  • I have to and in this assignment by tomorrow. – This assignment has to be handed in by tomorrow.




How to use passive voice with modal verbs?



Modal verbs - Using passive voice with modal verbs In the passive voice (To be SUPPOSED TO/ EXPECTED TO/ ALLOWED TO / ASKED TO/ TOLD TO, etc.)



These modal verbs expressions are naturally passive and can be used in different tenses as well.


  • The employees are supposed to sign daily timesheets.
  • Candidates are expected  to arrive no less than 15 minutes before the start of the examination.
  • Guests of the hotel are asked (not to smoke anywhere in the building.
  • In the UK, you’re allowed  to vote at the age of 18.
  • If you want to use one of the meeting rooms, you’re supposed to book it 48 hours in advance.
  • I was asked  not to discuss any details of this report.
  • The employees were told to record all their daily task in an electronic calendar.


To practise think of rules and customs that apply to everyone or a group of people and are passed by somebody in the position of authority, a teacher, government, a public institution. In such instances, the agent does not matter, it is the action or request that is the focus. Homework must be handed in on time. Timesheets must be completed. Students are expected to arrive on time, etc.


Make sure you complete our *TT exercises to gain confidence in using the passive voice.


Check my other articles here: All English Time Ask Elo – Learning Articles



Modal verbs - Using passive voice with modal verbs English Grammar Test Time (TT)


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This is a secret between you and me, so we ... tell anyone.

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Jonathan .... ski really well and he often wins his races.

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I think you ... go out more and meet new people.

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I ... go to the party but I'm still not sure.

Correct! Wrong!

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You ... come with us if you don't want to.

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Modal verbs - Using passive voice with modal verbs


Modal verbs - Using passive voice with modal verbs Chatsifieds Elo Kasia Community Mentor for Modal verbs - Using passive voice with modal verbs ChatsifiedsEnglish Grammar and Speaking Academy“.

Director at Eloquent Learning Online, educational institution based in the UK.
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Using passive voice with modal verbs

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