What is the importance of discipline in your life? A Key to Your Success

by | May 12, 2019 | Uncategorized

What is the importance of discipline in your life? 




What is the importance of discipline in your life? A Key to Your Success

What is the importance of disciplineBy: Said Pirkanee Safee  



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Said Pirkanee Safee

Community Writer (Pakistan)

What is the importance of discipline Said Pirkanee Safee is a smart, passionate and talented writer from Pakistan. Said loves to share his knowledge and wisdom with others.

 What is the importance of discipline


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What is the importance of discipline in your life


What is the importance of discipline in your life?


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What is the importance of discipline in your life? A Key to Your Success


Discipline plays a significant role in the developments of individuals and nations excellency. It assists a person to achieve his targeted goals in a systematic way. Discipline reflects that to bring a certain change in the attitude of someone and controlling thoughts and emotions in order to achieve the particular objectives. Actually, disciples come in life through consistent practice and training. It stimulates the mind to get long term targets instead of short term goals. Thus, discipline is an important key to success in the lives of individuals and nations.


There are two major types of discipline namely external and internal discipline. Self-restriction from evil acts and distinguishing between right and wrong is called internal discipline. Obeying the law and culture norms comes under the ambit of external discipline.


The concept of discipline exists everywhere but only a few people understand it in its true sense.. successful people of the world apply it in their daily lives and reach the glory of fame and success. The absence of discipline always creates disorder and chaos in society. Hence, discipline is discussed everywhere but seldom understood and practiced.


A great leader becomes great on account of his disciplined character. He knows the importance of discipline and applies it in his daily routine. In this way he motivates the nation to achieve particular targets. Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah great leader of Muslims of India forced the Muslim that they can get an independent state with the help of discipline, faith, and unity. Finally, Muslims of India struggled hard in a disciplined manner under the auspicious leadership of Quaid e Azam and got independent Pakistan in 1947. Thus, great leaders lead a well-disciplined life to guide the common masses.


Discipline is compulsory for the success of an individual. A man who possesses the ability to control his emotions and thoughts earns respect and good name. On the other hand, one who lacks this ability where what and how to speak bears the dire consequence in his life.


A company does not tolerate an employee who always comes late and having a habit of procrastinations He is dismissed from the job due to lacking discipline. Therefore, discipline is considered a fundamental condition for the success of individuals and institutions.


Discipline can be observed in the games as players have strictly adhered to the discipline. They follow the rules and regulations of the game while playing. The referee presents in the ground to maintain the discipline. In case of violation of rules, referee warns the player and even imposes a ban on the player. Thus, in the grounds, discipline is observed and practiced effectively to run the game smoothly.


To conclude, discipline is significant for the success of individuals and nations. It trains the individual physically and mentally to achieve an outstanding goal of life. A leader promotes discipline and gives a target to his nation to achieve it by collective efforts. A player reaches at the peak of fame and success due to his disciplined life. An organization or institution can be successful by following the prescribed rules and regulations.


So, the disciple is indispensable for the success of every sphere of life. Thus, discipline is an important key to success in the lives of individuals and nations.


Thank you,

Said Pirkanee Safee



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