Wordipedia Learn APPROBATION Meaning Etymology and Synonyms

Wordipedia – Learn APPROBATION Meaning, Etymology, and Synonyms

by | Oct 26, 2019 | English Vocabulary

Suparno Bhattachayrra

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Suparno Bhattachayrra is a smart, experienced and talented writer from the India. Suparno loves to share his knowledge with others.


 Wordipedia Learn Learn APPROBATION Meaning, Etymology, and Synonyms Meaning Definition Etymology Synonyms

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Wordipedia Learn APPROBATION Meaning Definition Etymology Synonyms

Wordipedia Learn APPROBATION Meaning Definition Etymology Synonyms

Wordipedia – Learn APPROBATION Meaning, Etymology, and Synonyms


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Wordipedia Learn APPROBATION Meaning Definition Etymology Synonyms

Learn  APPROBATION Meaning, Etymology, Synonyms, and Usage


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Do you know the history and correct usage of the rare English word APPROBATION? In this learn English through weird and wonderful words and vocabulary class, I am going to show you the beauty of this weird and useful word of APPROBATION.


APPROBATION is a noun and pronounces as ” ap-ruh-BAY-shun “. 


What is APPROBATION? What does APPROBATION mean? Where do we use APPROBATION ?


Here you will learn everything about APPROBATION meaning, definition , explanation and history.


” Approbation is similar in meaning to approval, and it is also very close to approval etymologically. Both words trace back to the Latin verb approbare, which means “to prove” or “to approve.” Approbation meant “proof” when it first appeared in English in the 14th century, and by the early 1500s it had come to mean “formal or official approval,” a sense it still retains in certain ecclesiastical contexts. Today, however, we mostly use approbation in the looser sense of “approval, admiration, or praise.” The related verb approbate means “to approve or sanction,” and the adjective approbatory means “expressing approval or commendation. “

Thank you, Merriam Webster, America’s most-trusted online dictionary.



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Wordipedia Learn APPROBATION Meaning Etymology and Synonyms What is APPROBATION?


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Learn APPROBATION Definition and Meaning


  • 1 : commendation, praise
  • 2 : an act of approving formally or officially


Thank you,  Merriam Webster, America’s most-trusted online dictionary.


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Wordipedia Learn APPROBATION Meaning Etymology and Synonyms Synonyms of APPROBATION


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thank you, thesaurus.plus.





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Wordipedia Learn APPROBATION Meaning Etymology and Synonyms Meaning, Origin and Etymology of APPROBATION


APPROBATION Meaning, Definitions and Etymology from the world’s BEST renown and authority dictionary sources


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  • APPROBATION: Approval or praise eg ‘a term of approbation’. Etymology: Late Middle English via Old French from Latin approbatio(n-), from the verb approbare.  (Thank you, The Oxford Dictionaries, the largest and most trusted free online dictionary for learners of British and American English with definitions, pictures, example sentences, synonyms etc)
  • APPROBATION: Approval:approval, backing, assent.  (Thank you, Macmillan Dictionary,The Free Online English Dictionary from Macmillan Education.)
  • APPROBATION: Approbation is much more formal than approval, rarer, and less likely to be understood. Interestingly, as widely known as approval is now, that is how popular approbation was at the turn of the nineteenth century. It then goes on a steep decline while approval’s popularity rises slowly. About 1870 the two trends cross each other.   – (Thank you, The grammarist.com, the online grammar dictionary, provides explanation about English grammar rules, grammar tips and articles about a variety of grammatical questions)
  • APPROBATION is approval of something or agreement to it. Etymology:  approbative (ˈapproˌbative) or approbatory (ˈapproˌbatory) adjective. – (Thank you, The Collins Dictionary, Pioneers in Language Reference for 200 years. Popular and trusted online dictionary with over 1 million words. Find definitions, meanings, synonyms and more.)
  • APPROBATION: An assenting to the propriety of a thing with some degree of pleasure or satisfaction. – (Thank you, The wordhippo.com, thesaurus and word tools for your creative needs. Find the word you’re looking for!)
  • APPROBATION: approval; commendation; official approval or sanction; Obsolete. conclusive proof.  Etymology: 1350–1400; Middle English (< Middle French) < Latin approbātiōn- (stem of approbātiō). (Thank you, The dictionary.com is the world’s leading online source for English definitions, synonyms, word origins and etymologies, audio pronunciations, example sentences and more.)
  • APPROBATION and approval have the same general meaning, assenting to or declaring as good, sanction, commendation; but approbation is stronger and more positive. We may be anxious for the approbation of our friends; but we should be still more anxious for the approval of our own consciences. He who is desirous to obtain universal approbation will learn a good lesson from the fable of the old man and his ass. The work has been examined by several excellent judges, who have expressed their unqualified approval of its plan and execution. Etymology: Late Middle English approbacioun, from Old French approbacion (French approbation), from Latin approbatio, from approbare (“to assent to as good, approve, also show to be good, confirm”), from ad (“to”) + probare (“approve, commend”), from probus (“good”). – (Thank you, The wiktionary.org, Wiktionary is a multilingual, web-based project to create a free content dictionary of terms in all natural languages and a number of artificial languages.)
  • APPROBATION is a formal word for approval or praise. Approbation is like getting the nod in a big way. Politicians rely on the public’s approbation to get elected. – (Thank you, vocabulary.com helps you learn new words, play games that improve your vocabulary, and explore language.)
  • APPROBATION: commendation; praise; official recognition or approval; an obsolete word for proof. – (Thank you, The Free Dictionary, The World’s most comprehensive free online dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia with synonyms, definitions, idioms, abbreviations, and medical, financial and more.)



Wordipedia Learn APPROBATION Meaning Etymology and Synonyms How to use APPROBATION in a sentence?

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APPROBATION – Grammar and Sentence Examples


  • A murmur of approbation and satisfaction ran through the crowd.
  • From all these gentlemen Everett received marks of approbation and confidence.
  • Young and Hartley expressed their approbation not less warmly.
  • This gratifies the child’s love of approbation and keeps up her interest in things.
  • He tasted the wine of audience approbation.
  • The manager surveyed her report with approbation.
  • The play received the approbation of the mass media.
  • The council has finally indicated its approbation of the plans.
  • The King received the official approbation of the church.
  • Your child really wants your approbation.
  • Her talk wasn’t vague approbation or disapproval, some big show of emotion.
  • Mr YANG Zhao received approbation from the governor Mr. HUANG Huahua.
  • The new policy earned the approbation of the people.
  • Now he basked in an unaccustomed approbation.
  • This is an objective reason of an everyone approbation.
  • Not enough feedback or approbation commensurate with the performance.
  • The result has not met universal approbation.
  • I anticipate nothing but grateful approbation.
  • He bestowed his hearty approbation, however, on their species of house.
  • We have not yet received the approbation of the Minister for carrying out the plan.
  • I had no solace from self – approbation ; none ever from self – respect .
  • He’s not in the back room somewhere, is he, feeding funds and silent approbation to the gunmen?
  • I will vow to you that I will never suffer myself to be engaged without your approbation.
  • For some time, however, teaching was supplemented, with the College’s approbation, in three main fields.
  • His words came out in a seemingly endless flow of support and approbation.
  • The words sounded convincing, the judge leaned forward in approbation.
  • But this is equally the case with regard to our approbation or disapprobation of the sentiments or passions of others.

Thank you,  Sentence dictionary online – Good sentence examples for every word!


I hope you are enjoying this English class and found my ” Wordipedia – Learn APPROBATION Meaning, Etymology, Synonyms and Usage” is useful. Have fun as you learn with these weird and wonderful English words! Please add APPROBATION and other weird and wonderful words to your vocabulary now.

Thank you,

Suparno Bhattachayrra

Wordipedia Learn APPROBATION Meaning Definition Etymology Synonyms


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