Wordipedia – Learn PAMPHLETEER Meaning, Etymology, and Synonyms

by | Sep 7, 2019 | English Vocabulary

Suparno Bhattachayrra

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 Wordipedia Learn PAMPHLETEER Meaning, Etymology, and Synonyms


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Wordipedia Learn PAMPHLETEER Meaning Definition Etymology Synonyms

Wordipedia – Learn PAMPHLETEER Meaning, Etymology, and Synonyms


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Wordipedia Learn PAMPHLETEER Meaning Definition Etymology Synonyms

PAMPHLETEER – Learn PAMPHLETEER Meaning, Etymology, Synonyms, and Usage


Wordipedia Learn PAMPHLETEER Meaning Etymology and Synonyms



Do you know the history and correct usage of the rare English word PAMPHLETEER? In this learn English through weird and wonderful words and vocabulary class, I am going to show you the beauty of this weird and useful word of PAMPHLETEER.


PAMPHLETEER is a verb and pronounces as “pam-fluh-TEER”.




What is PAMPHLETEER? What does PAMPHLETEER mean? PAMPHLETEER meaning, definition & explanation


” Pamphlets—unbound printed publications with no covers or with paper covers—are published about all kinds of subjects, but our word pamphlet traces back to one particular document. It derives from the title of a short Latin love poem of the 12th century: Pamphilus, seu De Amore, which can be translated as “Pamphilus, or On Love.” The name Pamphilus referred to a Greek god whose name means “loved by all.” Following from this, the original pamphlets were handwritten poems, tracts, or treatises, often consisting of several pages bound together. Pamphleteer, which can be both a noun and a verb, combines pamphlet with the -eer suffix found in such words as engineer and puppeteer. “

Thank you, Merriam Webster, America’s most-trusted online dictionary.




Wordipedia Learn PAMPHLETEER Meaning Etymology and Synonyms What is PAMPHLETEER? What does PAMPHLETEER mean? PAMPHLETEER meaning, definition & explanation


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Wordipedia Learn PAMPHLETEER Meaning Etymology and Synonyms What is PAMPHLETEER?


Wordipedia Learn PAMPHLETEER Meaning Etymology and Synonyms


Learn PAMPHLETEER Definition and Meaning


  • 1 : to write and publish pamphlets
  • 2 : to engage in partisan arguments indirectly in writings


Thank you,  Merriam-Webster, America’s most-trusted online dictionary.



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Wordipedia Learn PAMPHLETEER Meaning Etymology and Synonyms Synonyms of PAMPHLETEER


Wordipedia Learn PAMPHLETEER Meaning Etymology and Synonyms




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Wordipedia Learn PAMPHLETEER Meaning Etymology and Synonyms Origin and Etymology of Pamphleteer


Pamphleteer Meaning, Definitions and Etymology from the world’s BEST renown and authority dictionary sources



Wordipedia Learn PAMPHLETEER Meaning Etymology and Synonyms



    • Pamphleteer: a writer or publisher of pamphlets, especially on controversial issues. Etymology: First recorded in 1690–1700; pamphlet + -eer. (Thank you, The dictionary.com, is the world’s leading online source for English definitions, synonyms, word origins and etymologies, audio pronunciations, example sentences etc.)
    • Pamphleteer: is a historical term for someone who creates or distributes pamphlets, unbound (and therefore inexpensive) booklets intended for wide circulation. (Thank you, The wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
    • Pamphleteer: someone who prints their political opinions in pamphlets.  – (Thank you, The Macmillan Dictionary,The Free Online English Dictionary from Macmillan Education.)
    • Pamphleteer: PAMPHLETEERING was a means of propagating new or controversial ideas through the distribution of inexpensive and easily produced tracts or pamphlets. Because the pamphlets were brief and written in a popular style, they enjoyed tremendous circulation. Read aloud in taverns, churches, and town meetings, pamphlets became a significant means of mass communication and an essential vehicle for carrying on political debates in colonial America. Etymology: Pamphleteering had its roots in English practice, particularly during the religious controversies and political contests of the commonwealth period. Sermons, often with a political tinge, were distributed as pamphlets in colonial America.  (Thank you, The encyclopedia.com, Free Online Encyclopedia.)
    • Pamphleteer: someone who writes pamphlets giving political opinions. – (Thank you, The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English is the leading dictionary for learners of English of all ages and levels who want to learn more about English: definitions, idioms etc.)
    • Pamphleteer: a writer of pamphlets (usually taking a partisan stand on public issues).(Thank you, The vocabulary.com helps you learn new words, play games that improve your vocabulary, and explore language.)
    • Pamphleteer: a writer or publisher of pamphlets; esp., one who writes pamphlets dealing polemically with political or social issues to write or publish pamphlets. Etymology: From pamphlet +”Ž -eer. – (Thank you, The yourdictionary.com,
      Dictionary definitions you can understand.)
    • Pamphleteer: A writer of pamphlets or other short works taking a partisan stand on an issue. Etymology: 1615–25; < Latin scintillātus, past participle of scintillāre to send out sparks, flash. – (Thank you, The Free Dictionary.com, The Free Dictionary: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus.)
    • Pamphleteer: A pamphleteer is a person who writes pamphlets, especially about political subjects. – (Thank you, Collins Dictionary, Pioneers in Language Reference for 200 years. Popular and trusted online dictionary with over 1 million words. Find definitions, meanings, synonyms.)




Wordipedia Learn PAMPHLETEER Meaning Etymology and Synonyms How to use Pamphleteer in a sentence?



Wordipedia Learn PAMPHLETEER Meaning Etymology and Synonyms


Pamphleteer – Grammar and Sentence Examples


  • Politicians will evermore ignore these digital pamphleteers at their own peril.
  • He remains one of the best pamphleteers of our time.
  • He also cultivated pamphleteers and other surrogates to promote his political views.
  • He was also a noted pamphleteer during Abraham Lincoln’s presidency.
  • One of Katharina s titles and occupations was that of a pamphleteer.
  • Toni del Renzio remained an active pamphleteer until just before his death.
  • His father was a Universalist pastor, journalist, and noted pamphleteer.
  • He was satirised by royalist pamphleteers and praised by Herrick.
  • In 1820, William Cobbett, the pamphleteer spoke at the hotel.
  • The critic was Thomas Paine, the Revolutionary pamphleteer.
  • Anyone with a modem is potentially a global pamphleteer.
  • I’m the solicitor general, not the pamphleteer general .”
  • Right now everyone is free to be a town crier or a pamphleteer.
  • He continues to be a prodigious author and pamphleteer.
  • The accuser, a pamphleteer, was executed by order of the King.
  • He continued as pamphleteer throughout his years in prison.
  • Shelburne expected great service from him as a pamphleteer, but Watson proved from the ministerial point of view a most impracticable prelate.
  • Inferior to these men in talent, Brissot de Warville, a restless pamphleteer, exerted more influence over the party which has sometimes gone by his name.
  • Nicholas French (1604-1678), bishop of Ferns, was an Irish political pamphleteer, who was born at Wexford.
  • He often pamphleteers and lectures in favour of free trade.
  • The best solution is for a pamphleteer to show people how much fun it is to do good.
  • In the days when pamphleteers demanded democracy, they were fighting a ruling class whose power and position was obvious to all.
  • They were defending the right of the pamphleteer to publish ideas that were unpopular in society or inconvenient for the state.
  • An Anglo-Irish satirist and political pamphleteer, considered one of the greatest masters of English prose and one of the most impassioned satirists of human folly and pretension.
  • As we shall see, one of the effects of the Peloponnesian War was to intensify political activity and pamphleteering.
  • His granddaughter was Dorothea Scott, a friend of several of the regicides and a Quaker pamphleteer and preacher during the 1650s.
  • As far back as 1972, the U.S. Supreme Court said, “Liberty of the press is the right of the lonely pamphleteer … as much as of the large metropolitan publisher.”
  • But it’s also a work whose political agenda is as insistent as a street corner pamphleteer.
  • As it is I have been forced into becoming a sort of pamphleteer.

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I hope you are enjoying this English class and found my ” Wordipedia – Learn Pamphleteer Meaning, Etymology, Synonyms and Usage” is useful. Have fun as you learn with these weird and wonderful English words! Please add Pamphleteer and other weird and wonderful words to your vocabulary now.

Thank you,

Suparno Bhattachayrra

Wordipedia Learn PAMPHLETEER Meaning Definition Etymology Synonyms


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Wordipedia Learn PAMPHLETEER Meaning Definition Etymology Synonyms