60 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter N and O

by | Aug 25, 2019 | English Vocabulary

Ashin Damika

Community Researcher

60 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter N and O Ashin Damika is a kind, caring and talented teacher from Myanmar. Ashin loves to share his knowledge with others. He also teaches at local monastery.

60 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter N and O BA : Law and literature

60 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter N and O Teacher at Monastery

 60 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter N and O


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60 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter N and O



34 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter N


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Common English Vocabulary Words that Start with N


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34 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter N


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  • 1. A Mohammedan ruler in India = * nabob,(a rich person)
  • 2. Actual son(or daughter)but not in lawful marriage = * natural son(or daughter);(natural = according to the usual laws which govern event in the world;in born[ = born in one];usual and to be expected;produce by the earth and weather, not by man)
  • 3. One who studies plants,animals,insects,etc. = * naturalist
  • 4. (eg. French)by law not by birth = * naturalized (Frenchman)
  • 5. A bad and giving trouble one(eg. child) = * (a) naughty(child)
  • 6. A title of Mohammedan noblemen in India = * nawab,(see nabob)
  • 7. A follower of Hitler in Germany = * Nazi
  • 8. One who claims that he can speak to the spirit of the dead = * necromancer;(necropolic = a large piece of ground used of graves/necropsy = examination of a dead body to discover the cause of death/necrosis = decay of part of the living body)
  • 9. A man of the black race of Africa = * negro
  • 10. A woman of the black race of Africa = * negress
  • 11. A person who lives near = * neighbour; (neighbourhood = the country or streets near any particular place;the people in that part/ neighbouring = near/neighbourly = friendly)
  • 12. One new to anything = * neophyte;(a beginner, one lately brought over to a new faith/neo- = new,
    eg. Neolithic = new stone;the neolithic age was the later Stone Age when some 100,000year ago the new & better stone instruments were made; neologism = the making of a new word;using word in a new way;a new word or new use of word)
  • 13. Son of one’s brother or sister = * nephew
  • 14. Daughter of one’s brother or sister = * niece
  • 15. One who is against all forms of government = * nihilist
  • 16. A fool = * nincompoop
  • (One who is of high rank must behave in a noble way = * noblesse oblige)
  • 17. (Sl. )An important person(or event) = * (a big) noise
  • 18. One of a wandering people = * nomad;(adj. nomad = wandering)
  • (A name[other than his real name]used by a writer = * nom de plume)
  • 19. A person nominated = * nominee;(nominate = to put forward[say or write down]a person’s name so that he may be chosen for an office/nominal = having to do with names;Nominal price = very low ––/nomenclature = way of naming)
  • 20. A person who is 90 years old = * nonage
  • 21. One who refuses to act or believe as others do,especially in matters of belief in God = * noncomformist
  • 22. One who refuses to work with or help others = * non-cooperator
  • 23. A person of no importance = * nonentity,(a thing which does not exit[ = be,live] )
  • 24. A famous man = * (a man of) note;(note = 1. fame,good name;2. a sign standing for a certain musical sound;a musical sound;a key[ = piece of bone or wood]struck to produce a musical sound
    /any sign of mark,eg. ! = A note of exclamatoin;3. something to help the memory,eg. To take notes on a speech;To take note of = to notice;4. a short letter or written message;5. a piece of paper money;a written promise to pay money)
  • 25. One who writes novel = * novelist;(novel = a long imaginary story written in a book;novelette = a short novel/novelty = some new thing,eg. in a shop)
  • 26. One new to anything = * novice,(a beginner,one new to the work;tyro;see neophyte)
  • 27. A person who believes in value of nakedness for health = * nudist;(naked = wearing no clothes/ nude = uncovered,having no clothes)
  • 28. A harmful or troublesome person(or thing) = * nuisance
  • 29. One who collects coins = * numismatist,(one who collects and studies coins/coin = metal piece of money)
  • 30. A woman living with a group of other women a life given to God = * nun
  • 31. A person trained to take care of the young or sick persons = nurse;(to nurse = to take care a child or sick person;To nurse a hatred = keep in the mind;To nurse a business = take great care of)
  • 32. A woman who gives milk to another’s child = * (a wet) nurse
  • 33. One who owns nursery-garden = * nurseryman
    ;(nursery-garden = a garden where young plants are grown for sale[ = selling]/nursery = a room for the use of children)
  • 34. A young child = * nursling

60 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter N and O


Common English Vocabulary Words that Start with O


Thank you, Youtube – PnT English.




26 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter O


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  • 1. An ungraceful foolish fellow = * oaf
  • 2. One who is opposed to intellectural progress = * obscurant;(obscure = dark,not easily understood
    /not well known/to obscure = to make dark,or difficult to understand)
  • 3. The person holding land or living in a house = * occupant;(occupy = 1. to take and hold possession of;2. to hold an enemy’s country;3. to live in a house;4. to fill a certain place,eg. Occupy a house;5. to employ,eg. Occupy oneself in = work at/ n. occupation)
  • 4. One who holds an office or is employed by Government,eg. An officer of an army = * officer; (office = 1. work done,eg. your good offices = your help;2. employment and special duties,eg. The office of headmaster;3. a house or room used as a place of business,for writing letters,etc. /offices = part of a house where house-work and cooking are done;The last office = prayer for the dead person/to officiate = to do the work of an office who is away or ill;to carry out a ceremory in a church)
  • 5. One who employed by the Government = * (an) official,(official = having to do with an office[or with the Government];Official news = news made public by the Government)
  • 6. Children = * off-spring
  • 7. An old unmarried woman = * old maid;(one old man who is very careful and difficult to please)
  • 8. Experienced person = * (an)old hand(at the game)
  • 9. Men who live long ago = * (men of)old
  • 10. A workman = * operative;(operative = having power to work/operate = to work,to cause to work;to have an effect;to cut the body in order to set right a dieased part/n. operation;Operation of an army = movement;Not in operation = not in use)
  • 11. An agent that operates some apparatus or machine = * operator,(eg. telephone operator)
  • 12. The person who takes the other side in a game or talk = * opponent
  • 13. One who makes or sells glasses for the eyes = * optician;(optic = having to do with the eyes/ optical = having to do with light and eyesight)
  • 14. One who looks on the bright side of things = * optimist,(one who believes that all will be well/ optimism = a belief that everything will come right,will end happily;hopefulness)
  • 15. The person through whom the god was believed to speak = * oracle;(oracle = a place where god was believed to speak to people;the answer given by the god;any wise and wonderful adviser
    /oracular = as of an oracle)
  • 16. A good speaker = * orator;(oration = a solemn speech/oratorical = as of an orator/oratorio = a long piece of music and singing,telling a bible story/ oratory = the art of speaking;a small house of prayer)
  • 17. A soldier who carries orders from one officer to another = * orderly;(adv. orderly = well arranged; loving good arrangement;peace-loving and well behaved)
  • 18. A wild gathering of wine-drinkers = * orgy
  • 19. A child whose father and mother are dead = * orphan;(orphanage = a house for orphans)
  • 20. An authority on pronunciation = * orthoepist; (ortho– = right,eg. orthography = correct spelling/ spelling = choice of letters in writing a word)
  • 21. A man who takes care of horse = * ostler; (hostler)
  • 22. A homeless,friendless person = * outcast
  • 23. A servant on a horse riding at the side of, or in front of,a carriage = * outrider
  • 24. A person who is not a member of a certain group = * outsider;(outsider = a horse not expected to win a race;a person who has very bad manner)
  • 25. One who watch to see that work is properly done = * overseer
  • 26. A person who owns something = * owner;([law] someone who owns[is legal possessor of] a business)


60 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter N and O

60 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter N and O

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60 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter N and O

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60 Single And General Words for Many Kinds of People For Letter N and O