BRUIT Meaning BRUIT Etymology BRUIT Synonyms and Antonyms

BRUIT Meaning, BRUIT Etymology, BRUIT Synonyms and Antonyms | Wordipedia

by | Nov 16, 2019 | English Vocabulary

Suparno Bhattachayrra

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Suparno Bhattachayrra is a smart, experienced and talented writer from the India. Suparno loves to share his knowledge with others.


 Wordipedia Learn BRUIT Meaning Definition Etymology Synonyms

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BRUIT Meaning Definition

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Wordipedia Learn Bruit Meaning Definition Etymology Synonyms



BRUIT Meaning, BRUIT Etymology, BRUIT Synonyms and Antonyms


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Learn BRUIT Meaning, Etymology, Synonyms, Antonyms and Usage



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Do you know the history and correct usage of the rare English word BRUIT? In this learn English through weird and wonderful words and vocabulary class, I am going to show you the beauty of this weird and useful word of BRUIT


BRUIT is a verb and pronounces as ” BROOT “. 



What is BRUIT? What does BRUIT mean? Where do we use BRUIT?



Here you will learn everything about Bruit meaning, definition , explanation and history.


” Back in the days of Middle English, the Anglo-French noun bruit, meaning “clamor” or “noise,” rattled into English. Soon English speakers were also using it to mean “report” or “rumor” (it was applied especially to favorable reports). They also began using bruit the way the verb noise was used (and still occasionally is) with the meaning “to spread by rumor or report” (as in “The scandal was quickly noised about”). The English noun bruit is now considered archaic, apart from a medical sense that is pronounced like the French word and refers to one of the abnormal sounds heard on auscultation. “

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BRUIT Meaning BRUIT Etymology BRUIT Synonyms and Antonyms What is Bruit?



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Learn Bruit Definition and Meaning


  • report, rumor — usually used with about


Thank you,  Merriam Webster, America’s most-trusted online dictionary.


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BRUIT Meaning BRUIT Etymology BRUIT Synonyms and Antonyms Synonyms and Antonyms of Bruit

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Thank you, is a fast and useful online dictionary with many synonyms and antonyms in English.

Synonyms of Bruit:


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Thank you, is a fast and useful online dictionary with many synonyms and antonyms in English.


Antonyms of Bruit:


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BRUIT Meaning BRUIT Etymology BRUIT Synonyms and Antonyms Meaning, Origin and Etymology of Bruit


Bruit Meaning, Definitions and Etymology from the world’s BEST renown and authority dictionary sources



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  • Bruit: to talk about or make known publicly; to announce or advertise, usually loudly.  (Thank you, The is thesaurus and word tools for your creative needs. Find the word you’re looking for!)
  • Bruit: A sound heard over an artery or vascular channel, reflecting turbulence of flow. Most commonly, a bruit is caused by abnormal narrowing of an artery. Listening for a bruit in the neck with a stethoscope is a simple way to screen for narrowing (stenosis) of the carotid artery, which can be a result of cholesterol plaque accumulation.  (Thank you, MedicineNe Read doctor-produced health and medical information written for you to make informed decisions about your health concerns.)
  • Bruit: Bruit, also called vascular murmur, is the abnormal sound generated by turbulent flow of blood in an artery due to either an area of partial obstruction or a localized high rate of blood flow through an unobstructed artery.  Etymology: It is naturalized from the French word for “noise”, although another notes that /ˈbruːi/ and /bruːˈiː/ are also common,[5] and others give only /ˈbruːi/ for the cardiac sense. – (Thank you, The wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.)
  • Bruit: to report; rumour. Etymology:  C15: via French from Medieval Latin brūgītus, probably from Vulgar Latin bragere (unattested) to yell + Latin rugīre to roar. – (Thank you, The Collins Dictionary, Pioneers in Language Reference for 200 years. Popular and trusted online dictionary with over 1 million words. Find definitions, meanings, synonyms and more.)
  • Bruit: A bruit is an audible vascular sound associated with turbulent blood flow. Although usually heard with the stethoscope, such sounds may occasionally also be palpated as a thrill.  – (Thank you, NCBI, National Center for Biotechnology Information.)
  • Bruit: to voice abroad; rumor (used chiefly in the passive and often followed by about).  Etymology: 1400–50; late Middle English (noun) < Anglo-French, Old French, noun use of past participle of bruire to roar < Vulgar Latin *brūgere, a conflation of Latin rūgīre to bellow and Vulgar Latin *bragere. (Thank you, The is the world’s leading online source for English definitions, synonyms, word origins and etymologies, audio pronunciations, example sentences and more.)
  • Bruit: to spread news of; repeat. Etymology: Middle English from OFr, noise, uproar, rumor from bruire, to rumble, probably from Classical Latin rugire, to roar; uncertain or unknown; perhaps influenced, influence by Vulgar Latin an unverified form bragire, to bray to spread a report of; rumor: often with about. – (Thank you, The, the easy to understand dictionary with example sentences, famous quotes and audio pronunciations. Includes: thesaurus, computer dictionary, investment etc.)
  • Bruit: to tell or spread rumors  – (Thank you, helps you learn new words, play games that improve your vocabulary, and explore language.)
  • Bruit: to tell everyone a piece of news. Etymology:  C19 (coined by Lewis Carroll): probably a blend of gallop + triumph. – (Thank you, Cambridge Dictionary the most popular dictionary and thesaurus for learners of English. Meanings and definitions of words with pronunciations and translations.)



BRUIT Meaning BRUIT Etymology BRUIT Synonyms and Antonyms How to use bruit in a sentence?



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Bruit – Grammar and Sentence Examples


  • The news was bruited through the town.
  • It’s been bruited abroad that she’s going to get married.
  • It’s been bruited abroad/around that he’s going to leave the company.
  • The news of his marriage was bruited about.
  • It’s been bruited abroad that she’s going to leave the school.
  • Those inchoate bruit may by later correct replace, but dis accord reader greets sb, be being expunged directly is ill-considered .
  • A bruit is usually detected with a stethoscope and is an indicator of arterial blockage.
  • The representative’s job is to bruit the company’s products abroad.
  • Behold, the noise of the bruit is come, and a great commotion out of the north country, to make the cities of Judah desolate, and a den of dragons.
  • A carotid bruit is a sound that blood makes when it passes over an obstruction in the carotid artery, the main passageway for supplying blood to the head and neck.
  • Abdominal bruit was heard in the right epigastric area.
  • People who have a carotid bruit are at a significantly greater risk of cardiovascular death and heart attack, according to an article published in The Lancet.
  • Additionally,patients with a carotid bruit were 2.5 times as likely to die because of a cardiovascular-related event.
  • Much bruit, little fruit.
  • They became scapegoats for crimes committed and were widely bruited as potential subversives.
  • The thyroid region was full and prominent, soft without nodules, Bruit presented and had thrill on palpation.
  • A 41 year-old female suffered from right eye proptosis (protrusion of the eyeball from the socket) with spontaneous bruit noise after car accident.
  • The thyroid region was full and prominent, soft without nodules, Bruit presented and had thrill on palpation. The heart rate was 120/min.
  • Checking pulses in your leg arteries for an abnormal whooshing sound called a bruit (broo-E).
  • Don’t make any stunt or purposely express seditious or sensational words; don’t bruit rumors about contestants.
Thank you,  Sentence dictionary online – Good sentence examples for every word!


I hope you are enjoying this English class and found my ” Wordipedia – Learn BRUIT Meaning, Etymology, Synonyms and Usage” is useful. Have fun as you learn with these weird and wonderful English words! Please add BRUIT and other weird and wonderful words to your vocabulary now.

Thank you,

Suparno Bhattachayrra

Wordipedia Learn Bruit Meaning Definition Etymology Synonyms



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BRUIT Meaning BRUIT Etymology BRUIT Synonyms and Antonyms